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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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all this with news about moving them straight to 1st division. but don't they have to accept the old co debts.

this could be good as they won't last long when hmrc come along with the btc bill.

every1 should calm down.

these munters will die soon.

They only have to take on the oldco's "footballing debts" ie what they owe other clubs. Another shocking and outrageous cop out !

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And where do Celtic come into this? Pish. On one hand you are through if the currants live, on the other its the OF. Make your scrotey mind up.

Where do Celtic come into this?

Are you really that stupid?

Celtic are behind this whole plan. They are absolutely desperate to keep the Old Firm alive. Without Rangers there is no sectarian rivalry. There is no Old Firm.

The death of Rangers will see the rapid decline of Celtic. It will be the end of the Old Firm.

Your directors know this. They are exploiting dumb bigots like you.

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I mentioned earlier that the squeeze the SPL are putting on the SFL to vote the way they want is surely a case for UEFA...maybe even CAS. But, is there anything legally that can be done to block it? Oldco took a footballing matter to court and won. Is there any legal wrangling that can prevent what is essentially blackmail?

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Oh aye, and I'm not having a dig at anyone in particular here and this is nothing personal, but this is the exact reason why fans shouldn't have gone out the day and bought their season tickets their club said "Oh, don't worry, we won't vote in a NewCo to the SPL". Stewart Milne is the only one who I've got respect for from this.

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A Limerick.

"There once was a club called The Rangers

Whose existence was fraught with great dangers

Cos Murray got duped

And the players weren't TUPEd

And now their first team's full of ????????"



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St. Mirren are an SPL club, so you infer St. Mirren are responsible? Shame on you.

St. Mirren are responsible yes.

St. Mirren are bending over and taking it right up the arse here from the Old Firm. They are right behind Celtic in this plan to keep the sectarian Old Firm alive and kicking.

No shame on me - as I said. If the Old Firm survives this summer then I won't ever be back to another game in my life.

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One of my favourite films is the original 12 Angry Men. There's a scene in it where one of the jurors simply decides to change his vote from 'guilty' to 'not guilty' so that he can still make it to a baseball game he has tickets for. Some of the other jurors round on him, tell him to man up and if he thinks the kid is now 'not guilty' then he has to genuinely believe it, and not just say it because he has two tickets for a ballgame burning a hole in his pocket.

Here we have the men in charge of Scottish football suddenly deciding that from a position of 'status quo' in regard to our league structure, they want to completely change their minds and have big re-construction.... but not because it's right, or they believe in it.... but....

well, you get the idea.

Spineless cnuts, that's the term I'm searching for.

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So despite all the pious harping of SPL clubs in the last week that they could not possibly accept Sevco into their league on the grounds of sporting integrity, it's perfectly OK for us 1st division clubs to have them and incubate them for a year so their clubs balance sheets aren't bereft of the Ibrox pound for too long?

Fucking shocking state of affairs this is.


The game truly is a bogey.

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Oh aye, and I'm not having a dig at anyone in particular here and this is nothing personal, but this is the exact reason why fans shouldn't have gone out the day and bought their season tickets their club said "Oh, don't worry, we won't vote in a NewCo to the SPL". Stewart Milne is the only one who I've got respect for from this.

Indeed. I hung back (for financial reasons - I was going to buy my ST tomorrow!) and I am glad I did. No season ticket is getting bought until I know the outcome of this.

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I don't know what to say. I knew it was being talked about but I expected all clubs to have a fair vote and for the vote to be no. The blackmail included in the proposal is absolutely disgusting. If this goes through then I am finished with Scottish football. It's as easy for me to go down to Carlisle/Newcastle/Sunderland as it is to see my own team. I'm not sure about supporting the Engerland football team but I won't be supporting Scotland either.

This is a move that will truly kill the game in Scotland.

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Absolutely disgusting and even if their plan fails we have to rid ourselves of those who are party to this move. Any chairman with any integrity must out these individuals who have been working behind the wishes of supporters to thrash out this travesty.

I am sure Sandy Jardine and Ally McCoist will be demanding transparency into the decision by every member club.

I keep saying clubs have got into this mess by falling for the Murray era , we now know it was a lie, a cheat, a deceit that is/was detrimental to the game

so why would we want to follow in those steps.

We need a change, a new vision lead by everyone not for the few but for everyone. The old firm have demeaned our competitions at every turn, a cancer.

They do not want to live within the structure they just feed from it in the hope a better host comes along.

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And where do Celtic come into this? Pish. On one hand you are through if the currants live, on the other its the OF. Make your scrotey mind up.

You actually take anything he says serious? :lol:

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Where do Celtic come into this?

Are you really that stupid?

Celtic are behind this whole plan. They are absolutely desperate to keep the Old Firm alive. Without Rangers there is no sectarian rivalry. There is no Old Firm.

The death of Rangers will see the rapid decline of Celtic. It will be the end of the Old Firm.

Your directors know this. They are exploiting dumb bigots like you.

Apart from the last line Captain as referring to users that way is kinda CevcoMedia post - rock-on. LIEWELL has orchestrated this well

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That "document" produced and distributed to members of the SFL is laughable in the extreme. The figures have ABSOLUTELY NO SUBSSTANCE and seems to be based on wild assumptions. To expect members to make very important decisions based on that information is very dangerous, one might even argue it is a failure of governance. As for the excel graph included within the document, a primary 7 could do a better job at formatting a professional graphic, is that the level of ability within SFL towers?

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