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"Newco face uncertain future as SLF chiefs call in lawyers over vote rules"

This to me looks like - getting the lawers in to try to contrive some way within the constraints of the current rules, but regardless of current common sense, to promote Newco straight into SFL1 regardless of what the clubs vote...

Sunday Mail

We have till Tuesday to make the position ABSOLUTELY clear with our clubs!

Edited by Rusty 218
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Is it just me or does this daviec guy smell of Timothy? Obviously a heavy duty tarrier...

This crap has been doing the rounds for a few days on the orc forums and it really is quite funny because force majeur will be the new favourite phrase of toothless orcs everywhere and I can just picture them trying to pronounce it then explain it to each other....naw Wullie, it's this force majoor innit? It means wur awrite cos whyte didnae eh...well he was meant tae eh...what I mean is eh...ach I hink it's Latin so must mean he's a tarrier

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I have honestly had enough now of this whole farce called Scottish Football.

The levels that the SPL,/SFL/SFA appear prepared to go to to force through what they want as opposed to properly applying the rules and doing what is correct, are sickening.

It doesn't matter whether it's the Sevco-Ranger monster or any other team, NO-ONE should be ignoring the rules, messing about with the promotion/relegation places or basically disregarding the sport completely for the same of keeping a club somewhere that the rules say it should not be.

If the governing bodies simply took a firm stance, had sensible rules in place for events like this and stuck to them then everyone would know what was happening and could start to make the bet of life with whatever income they are going to have. I stead, poor leadership and too many conflicted parties mean we have a confused mess and going into the new season no one knows what is happening, what they have, don't have.

I honestly think that the blackmailing proposal has seriously damaged the game. Massive restructuring is needed but not like this, not to save one club that basically has committed suicide and doesn't even seem at time to want to be saved. All that proposal has done is show the depths that some people are prepared to go to, to get as much money for themselves as they can and f**k the game.

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I have honestly had enough now of this whole farce called Scottish Football.

The levels that the SPL,/SFL/SFA appear prepared to go to to force through what they want as opposed to properly applying the rules and doing what is correct, are sickening.

It doesn't matter whether it's the Sevco-Ranger monster or any other team, NO-ONE should be ignoring the rules, messing about with the promotion/relegation places or basically disregarding the sport completely for the same of keeping a club somewhere that the rules say it should not be.

If the governing bodies simply took a firm stance, had sensible rules in place for events like this and stuck to them then everyone would know what was happening and could start to make the bet of life with whatever income they are going to have. I stead, poor leadership and too many conflicted parties mean we have a confused mess and going into the new season no one knows what is happening, what they have, don't have.

I honestly think that the blackmailing proposal has seriously damaged the game. Massive restructuring is needed but not like this, not to save one club that basically has committed suicide and doesn't even seem at time to want to be saved. All that proposal has done is show the depths that some people are prepared to go to, to get as much money for themselves as they can and f**k the game.

Spot on!

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I remember the 1st time I seen all the Rangers memorabilia in the Peterhead social club I was quite shocked I thought I had walked into a Rangers pub by mistake :lol:

As you say really embarrassing that a club would deck out their bar with stuff from an other club I don't think there were any Peterhead stuff on the walls.

I was one of the Peterhead match attenders who deliberately gave the Social Club a miss....

issue covered on PFC message board


this is kind of off topic to Servco 5088, so i'd better say John McVeigh is a tit

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What do you mean by that!?

Quite simply, my good man - both Celtic and Rangers exploited and nurtured sectarian culture in the West of Scotland for commercial gain. That won't stop now because Rangers have passed on to the big football pitch in the sky. It's the same people with the same values.

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I really can't understand the mentality of the orcs (if they actually have one). We keep hearing about all the millions of fans they have around the world so why don't 2m of them donate 10 quid. With £20m on the table Green will sell them the club tomorrow and everybody will be happy. But no. Their great club is so important to them that they would rather let it die than do something. They are all waiting for a billionaire to come along and pour money into the club.

And why? Because they don't really give a fûck about the club. All they are interested in is multi-millions to spend on big-name players. Without them they will be a club just like any other. What difference would it have made to Wally's consortium to have offered £20m rather than £6m? They would have got back the money eventually. Or rather not because without a £20m investment in players every year the fans would leave in their droves.

It has been reported here many times that the orcs want to start in D3 to punish the others rather than to get their own club back on a healthy footing. Boycott = can't be ârsed to travel to see a substandard Gers team get turned over by diddies. They really are just glory-hunters. If it wasn't for all the stick they would get from their mates it would be easy to see a large number of them changing their allegiance to the green half of Glasgow.

It will be extremely interesting to visit RM and FF next season when they are suspended for a year just to see how many of the GH have abandonned them. :)

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I was following the exchange of views (I won't call it debate) on the subject of gate money sharing.

When organised football started a century and a half ago, no-one could have forseen TV, merchandising and advertising revenue.

Gate money was all you got. Supporters were all local by necessity and circumstance.

Most teams would have had more or less the same support so getting better players would not have been SO cash dependent.

The growth of 'big business' football has crept up on us unchallenged but SHOULD be challenged in order to keep football as a genuine sport.

So, is football a business or a sport?

Here is my PERONAL ALTERNATIVE to "sporting integrity"

I am switching my allegiance from PTFC to Apple Inc.

"MY" company is more successful than ALL of "your" diddy companies.

"My" company makes mor money than all of "your" diddy companies ever have, combined.

So nah nah nah-nah nah

Can you hear me Microsoft?

What do you mean Exxon? Tarriers!

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. They really are just glory-hunters. If it wasn't for all the stick they would get from their mates it would be easy to see a large number of them changing their allegiance to the green half of Glasgow.

It will be extremely interesting to visit RM and FF next season when they are suspended for a year just to see how many of the GH have abandonned them. :)


Ha ha, I see your point but I don't think so.

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I was following the exchange of views (I won't call it debate) on the subject of gate money sharing.

When organised football started a century and a half ago, no-one could have forseen TV, merchandising and advertising revenue.

Gate money was all you got. Supporters were all local by necessity and circumstance.

Most teams would have had more or less the same support so getting better players would not have been SO cash dependent.

The growth of 'big business' football has crept up on us unchallenged but SHOULD be challenged in order to keep football as a genuine sport.

So, is football a business or a sport?

Here is my PERONAL ALTERNATIVE to "sporting integrity"

I am switching my allegiance from PTFC to Apple Inc.

"MY" company is more successful than ALL of "your" diddy companies.

"My" company makes mor money than all of "your" diddy companies ever have, combined.

So nah nah nah-nah nah

Can you hear me Microsoft?

What do you mean Exxon? Tarriers!

Our balance sheet is better than yours, you fucking tarrier diddy.

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Billy Dodds gives his "insight" into the situation


It is fine to shout about sporting integrity but what will happen when the financial reality starts to bite and other clubs find themselves struggling because the revenues have been so badly hit?

After all this time, he STILL doesn't get it. :lol:

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And, if you're looking for a SPL club who have sucked up Newco's hole throughout this whole farrago, it certainly isn't Celtic, I think we all know which club has, though.

Aha, but given that Celtic have made no statement, issued no declaration of any sort, how can you be so sure ? Lawwell and Charlie Green might be indulging in a homosexual relationship but you wouldn't know about it, would you ?

Just saying, likesay...................... 8)

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These guys just never give up. Can you not get it through your thick skull Huge that stories and columns like this, show 100% what is wrong with Scottish football!!!

FFS...eggs benedict anyone???


I VIVIDLY remember the night true blue John Brown refused to eat his pudding because it was green and white.

We were at the St Andrews Sporting Club for a night of wine-and-dine boxing and dinner had reached the dessert course.

That's normally the point in the evening by which the red wine has kicked in and conviviality is at its height, but the menu got in the way on this occasion.

The jelly served up turned out to be lime in flavour and the ice cream was of the vanilla variety.

The colour co-ordination was indigestible for Bomber and he pushed his plate to one side with the kind of authority he used to exert over opposing attackers when he was wearing a Rangers jersey.

It was a sign, of sorts, of devotion to the cause I suppose.

It also displayed the kind of Rangers man of the people credentials that drew hundreds

to hear Brown speak at Ibrox on Wednesday at the start of his proposed takeover bid for the club.


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These guys just never give up. Can you not get it through your thick skull Huge that stories and columns like this, show 100% what is wrong with Scottish football!!!

FFS...eggs benedict anyone???


I VIVIDLY remember the night true blue John Brown refused to eat his pudding because it was green and white.

We were at the St Andrews Sporting Club for a night of wine-and-dine boxing and dinner had reached the dessert course.

That's normally the point in the evening by which the red wine has kicked in and conviviality is at its height, but the menu got in the way on this occasion.

The jelly served up turned out to be lime in flavour and the ice cream was of the vanilla variety.

The colour co-ordination was indigestible for Bomber and he pushed his plate to one side with the kind of authority he used to exert over opposing attackers when he was wearing a Rangers jersey.

It was a sign, of sorts, of devotion to the cause I suppose.

It also displayed the kind of Rangers man of the people credentials that drew hundreds

to hear Brown speak at Ibrox on Wednesday at the start of his proposed takeover bid for the club.


Jelly and Ice Cream for Brown...

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So Sir Shug of Keevins maintains that "Rangers" "relegation" to the first might be undesirable but is the fundamental building block of the game's future.

What is the actual position with Rangers' SPL membership, given they can no longer fulfill membership requirements? And is their SFA licence still valid at this point in time? And, if we "relegate" "Rangers", where does this leave Sevco?

Oh hang on, you mean they are actually suggesting putting Sevco straight into the SFL1 and dissolve or transfer Rangers SPL share to another club? Please. Don't be ridiculous.

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