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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Sent this to the SFA, SPL and SFL after a few cans last night. Hopefully they have been inundated to get the strength of feeling out there

The attempts to shoehorn a brand new club into division 1 is a disgrace. You have grossly underestimated the impact of your actions for the majority of fans. You may well find that football is no longer the national sport in a short period of time. Have your newco vs Celtic games 36 times a year for your pieces of gold

Corrupt to the core and self serving. I hope you are proud. Hang your heads in shame, you truly are Scotland's disgrace

P.s. I wonder how uefa and FIFA will take to blackmailing and a restructure in this manner. Reading their statutes, I would be concerned if I were you

Edited by hutton34
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If there's a train of thought which suggests SPL chairmen (when voting No to newco in the SPL) did so knowing that a cunning plan was happening to see newco greased into Div 1 - that makes Johnston's abstension extremely puzzling. If the SPL clubs knew what was going on, why wouldn't Johnston just vote 'no' too? He would have seen Killie fans renew more STs, and he wouldn't have alienated away fans either.

I'm as cynical as the next guy in regard to this - but I think Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir are doing a lot of stuff over the heads, and behind the backs of the clubs. Desperate men knowing their coats are on the shoogliest of shoogly pegs?

Think you're being naive. The SPL chairmen have had plenty of opportunity to reign In Doncaster had they wanted to, the fact that they haven't done so makes me think something stinks. However I wouldn't be surprised if they make him the sacrificial lamb (Cockwomble?) when this whole thing is over.

I think it's a bit of both. I think Doncaster has been doing a lot of this stuff of their own volition, because their interests lie in ensuring commercial success for the leagues. The clubs have slightly different interest, but the SPL clubs won't exactly be devastated if the SFL go with the SFL1 route. That means that there's no reason for them to publicly criticise Doncaster unless he oversteps the mark at some point like he did with the 10 team SPL fiasco and again with the attempt to shoehorn the newco into the SPL. Doncaster tried to legislate for the newco punishments, which would have been a tacit acceptance of the newco process. The clubs voted that down. Again, he tried his best to engineer a delay in the newco vote last week, but again the clubs went against that. I think he will be gone by the end of next season no matter what happens.

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The RST (yeah, I thought they would have disbanded when Rangers died too) have issued a statement tonight in reply to the Hibs SA one. It's soaked in salty tears, as you can imagine.


Look at the picture accompanying this statement :rolleyes:

It is with little surprise but some dismay that we note the statement made today by the Hibernian Supporters Club. Give the propensity for these statements to appear in groups we feel it is worth correcting some of the inaccuracies contained within it before others make the same mistakes. After all, given the now shattered falsehood that ‘sporting integrity’ was the overriding aim of clubs in the SPL, we should do all we can to avoid another myth being perpetuated by those clubs and their fan groups.

It is probably worth noting that we fully agree with the Hibs Club’s opposition to the SFA/SPL aim of placing Rangers into Division 1 of the SFL. However, their assertion that this is being done to assist Rangers is absurd. The Rangers fans have made it very clear that we wish the club to resume playing in Division 3. This has been communicated to both the board and the manager of our club and they are entirely supportive. This is the correct solution and one which means the club will forever be beyond reproach. The tactics being employed by the SPL and SFA in order to deny Rangers the opportunity to do so are outrageous.

However, let us be very clear. This ‘solution’ is being cobbled together for the benefit of clubs in the SPL, like Hibernian, who have based their business models around having Rangers in the league. It is being done so that Rangers can be used as a cash cow to sustain these clubs whilst inflicting maximum damage on our club’s ability to compete. If our club are forced into this it will be purely to protect the financial interests of the current SPL clubs.

Whilst we have little interest in whether the financial projections for the SPL clubs are accurate, the SPL chairmen clearly feel that they can sustain their clubs with reduced, or no, TV revenue and sponsorship and without the patronage of our away support. We wish them the best of luck.

The SFL clubs are blameless in this scenario. They are being blackmailed by the spectre of formation of SPL 2 and should not have been put in this position by the SPL clubs and the SFA. The SFA are also attempting to blackmail Rangers into accepting these proposals using a licence document concocted specifically to threaten our club.

That the Hibs Club should use Rangers’ successful court challenge of an unlawful SFA sanction as an excuse to attack our manager says everything about the motives behind their statement.

If the Hibernian fans, or fans of any other SPL club, are unhappy with the plan to place our club, against its will, in Division 1, then perhaps they should address their concerns to the boards of the Scottish football authorities, rather than taking it as a further opportunity to attack our club. Indeed, the Hibernian Supporters Club are in an excellent position to do so, given that their Chairman, Rod Petrie, is one of the main architects of this proposal along with Stewart Regan, Neil Doncaster and the club chairmen who are lucky enough to hold privileged positions on the boards of the SPL and SFA.

Rangers Football Club has existed and prospered for 140 years. We are in the middle of a very difficult period in our history but are resolute in the knowledge that our club will be here for another 140 years, and beyond. We look forward to being given the opportunity to make new friends in our journey through the Scottish leagues, starting in Division 3. We are sure this journey will benefit the clubs in those leagues and look forward to returning to a prosperous SPL with bountiful ‘sporting integrity’. If we are denied this opportunity then rival clubs should look no further than their own chairman for someone to blame

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What confuses me about the vote next week is the order of the proposals. As it stands the SFL have a full complement of 30 clubs but the SPL are 1 club short.

Surely the first proposal should be to determine/vote on either Dundee or Dunfermline to be admitted to SPL then the vote to decide if Newco are allowed to enter at SFL1 or SFL3.

For whatever reason they seem to have prioritised the position regarding Newco giving me the impression that should SFL reject Newco altogether then SFA will step in and place Newco in SPL with a penalty of 1 year expulsion. This would leave Newco out in the cold next season but could in fact play a friendly every week at Ibrox against the odd team out in SPL.

Too far fetched? Not when halfwits are in charge of SPL/SFA.

At least three members of the SFL Board have already decided to have Newco in Div 1.

The reps from Dumbarton,Airdrie and Regan himself.

If proposal (ii) gets the go ahead they only have to convert two more members of the board and Newco are Div 1 bound.

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Sent this to the SFA, SPL and SFL after a few cans last night. Hopefully they have been inundated to get the strength of feeling out there

The attempts to shoehorn a brand new club into division 1 is a disgrace. You have grossly underestimated the impact of your actions for the majority of fans. You may well find that football is no longer the national sport in a short period of time. Have your newco vs Celtic games 36 times a year for your pieces of gold

Corrupt to the core and self serving. I hope you are proud. Hang your heads in shame, you truly are Scotland's disgrace

P.s. I wonder how uefa and FIFA will take to blackmailing and a restructure in this manner. Reading their statutes, I would be concerned if I were you

Try this http://www.writetothem.com/ - send the same e mail to MEPs, MPs, MSPs.

Changing the rules of the governing bodies to accommodate Sevco will break the European anti competition laws. http://www.out-law.com/page-5811

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What confuses me about the vote next week is the order of the proposals. As it stands the SFL have a full complement of 30 clubs but the SPL are 1 club short.

Surely the first proposal should be to determine/vote on either Dundee or Dunfermline to be admitted to SPL then the vote to decide if Newco are allowed to enter at SFL1 or SFL3.

Inviting a club up into the SPL means that the SFL could do a quick "bump" and promote Airdrie & Stranraer. This would mean that the only vacant spot wouild be in SFL3 and scupper the plans of the corruption committee.

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How is Rangers shareholder Ballantyne allowed to vote in this? I mean, come on, how blatant can the corruption get?

Thats what im confused at, didnt he say before Airdrie would abstain from a vote on Rangers Newco. so you could have to assume he would do the same for any SFL board vote.

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At least three members of the SFL Board have already decided to have Newco in Div 1.

The reps from Dumbarton,Airdrie and Regan himself.

If proposal (ii) gets the go ahead they only have to convert two more members of the board and Newco are Div 1 bound.

I know Division 1 is being bribed to accept Sevco straight in.

If I was keen to get them in I think I would offer additional bribes individual clubs with money or some other benefits to vote Yes.

But it is only corrupt third world countries where such things happen. ohmy.gif

That sort of thing could just not happen here. biggrin.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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A small point came to mind regarding the SPL schedule...........I seem to recall that both Dundee Utd and Club 12 were due to be at home on 3 or 4 occasions.

If Dundee are indeed invited to the League of Corruption, how will this be sorted out in the timescale left????

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Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to advise that as paying supporters of Dundee f.c. for many years, my father and I will not be renewing our season tickets if a certain newco receives preferential treatment in any form (particularly by getting undeserved entrance to the league and a double promotion), regardless of the bribes on offer. I will also advise others to stay away from the game as it is clearly corrupt. Dundee f.c. have had to deal with punishments in the past, quite rightly, and this should be the case with any side that doesn't adhere to the rules of the game. This may be a difficult choice to make but if you do the right thing, even at a short term cost, you will reap the benifits in due course.

Kind Regards,


So just to be clear - you will be boycotting if they go into division 1 or division 3? Both would be a result of some degree of preferential treatment.

The RST statement is actually fairly well handled, which is quite surprising.

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Could someone give the RST the heads up that their old club died an undignified death. And that Their NEW club might not even make 140 days let alone years.



h) Was There Still a Potential for League Titles/Other Honours to be Removed?

Sandy Jardine confirmed that as far as he was concerned, it didn’t matter what transpired, as far as the Club is concerned, all the trophies were won on the field and the league flags would continue to adorn the walls of the trophy room - as would the Honours Boards remain proudly displayed.


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A small point came to mind regarding the SPL schedule...........I seem to recall that both Dundee Utd and Club 12 were due to be at home on 3 or 4 occasions.

If Dundee are indeed invited to the League of Corruption, how will this be sorted out in the timescale left????

Easy enough to shift those games to a Sunday surely.

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Somebody get Alex Thommo to take a look at the conflicts of interest between Ogilvie/Ballantyne/Sevco. This must be outted before the vote can proceed. It would be an utter disgrace if they can influence any part of this process! Especially that smug f**ker Ballantyne - see his fat chubby mug.

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