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I posted an extract from the rulebook that paul McConville had on his site. An amendment can be submitted to any resolution so long as it is in writing and received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

and deemed permissible by Ballatyne.

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I posted an extract from the rulebook that paul McConville had on his site. An amendment can be submitted to any resolution so long as it is in writing and received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.

A wee question to the more knowledgeable on here, why the fcuk do rules need to be written in such a manner that it causes confusion.

My brain computes in gobbledygook and I need to read things things like that a few times to understand what they are actually saying.

I don't really understand how you can vote on part (iii) before part (i) for example, certainly never spotted anywhere in their rules that stated, "we will put forward proposals in any old order and shuffle them about when we feel like it."

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According to the stenhousemuir statement, some clubs which had said no to newco in.div 1 had intimated they would accept invite to SPL2. On phone so can't link or would do so

Of course they could just be propogating a myth to cover their own backs. I assume anyone who believes in 'SPL2 in time for next season' also believes in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. They also probably believe your user name is ironic rather than descriptive.

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Can we please scrap all talk of SPL 2 for season 2012-2013.

The vote is on Friday 13th and the league KO is August 4 (SPL) and August 11 (SFL).

It's took the powers over 21 weeks to get somewhere near solving who plays where next season.

Does anyone honestly believe these Muppets could draft up a whole new league in 4 weeks?

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going to throw this out as a better conspiracy...

Meet one former owner of rangers. .. Mr murray, 2 years ago he hedges a plot to sell up as he knows £££ tax bill is incoming.

Mr murray then goes and gets a few patsy's to sell the club to...

enter mr whyte is the fall guy, hes there to make him look bad, but hes in cohouts with mr green and mr murray...

enter mr green.. now has control, yet the one controlling everything is mr murray.

Now why you ask? well unfortunatley Mr Hector the Taxman is not dumb. and now has started serious fraud investigations.. hence mr murray and mr whyte running off.

mr green is mr patsy number 2... this is all to stop paying the TAX bill and saving this horrible club going to the wall.. now mr murray has his wish, they will survive and come back later to haunt us all..

CAAAA CHING saved paying £120million worth of debt !!


And would it be too much to suggest the messrs regan & cockwomble knew about it from the start ?...Ogilvie being the big link here.

Or is that too far fetched ?

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I don't think there's such a thing as "for certain". Nobody knows the current plan, and whatever it is the clubs could change it at the meeting.

True. But all we're talking about here is the voting mechanism for a general meeting

are you being deliberately obtuse?

It was made clear when this plan was first hatched that SFL clubs voting NO would not be invited to SPL2 (assuming it goes ahead) and the drawbridge would go up. This plus the £16 million figure pulled out of Doncaster's black hole were the two pillars of the blackmail of the SFL clubs.

No, Im not, I genuinely didnt see any mention of that particular threat.

and deemed permissible by Ballatyne.

Do you know the answer to the voting question, HJ?

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the invite would be forthcoming if it was a choice between berwick rangers, for example, and a club like dunfermline/partick thistle/ morton. the hope has to be that enough clubs reject the idea of accepting invites to SPL2, as all will know that in the eyes of fans this is tantamount to voting them into SFL1. Regan and Doncaster are desparate, SPL2 is a negotiating tactic, scaremongering, as are most figures. highly unlikely SPL2 is achievable.

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the invite would be forthcoming if it was a choice between berwick rangers, for example, and a club like dunfermline/partick thistle/ morton. the hope has to be that enough clubs reject the idea of accepting invites to SPL2, as all will know that in the eyes of fans this is tantamount to voting them into SFL1. Regan and Doncaster are desparate, SPL2 is a negotiating tactic, scaremongering, as are most figures. highly unlikely SPL2 is achievable.

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and deemed permissible by Ballatyne.

Yes there is that caveat. We then get down to opinion and likely outcomes rather than 'facts'. If an amendment is put forward that the majority of representatives are in favour of and not accepted by the chairman it could lead to an 'interesting' debate, it could also lead to outright rejection of the proposal. All speculation but I think to reject an amendment that most clubs were in favour of would be something Ballantyne would be reluctant to do.

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Aye, and which SFL club is going to take the SFL to court for an interdict if they break their own rules? Please form an orderly queue.

There's 2 problems with this as well. Firstly are they actually breaking any rules? And secondly isn't SFL an unincorporated association? If so you can get an interdict but what happens if they refuse to observe it (noting afterall background of courts interfering with football)... are you seeking punitive action against yourself and fellow clubs?

Keeping tabs from abroad now- have any of the press/tv folk queried Doncaster about spl setting up a contract with Sky which officially removed the non competitive aspect from the spl?

Surely Rangers oldco going into liquidation has been a prospect for several years, pre-dating the signing of that contract (the details of which were kept secret from us)? Folk at the top of the spl have clearly been negligent.

It's not in itself negligent to sign a contract which includes clauses allowing renegotiation or termination, it must happen hundreds of times a week, plus it's the clubs who approve the TV contracts not just Doncaster etc.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Just for the sake of anyone who wasn't aware, the SFL vote on Friday may have three clauses, but it's only one vote. Clubs will not be asked to consider each part in isolation. So they either vote to let Sevco in, let Leishman, Regan and Co install them in SFL1, and allow Dun* to join the SPL, or they do none of these things. This is why the vote is fixed, and why the only moral option is to vote no and call the SFA's bluff.

That is not what the circular calling the meeting says. Its says:


Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting of The Scottish Football League will be held within the Bell/Baird Suite on the fifth floor of Hampden Park, Glasgow on Friday, 13th July, 2012 at 11.00 a.m. for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving the following proposals:-

Then lists the three proposals.

By any interpretation that's three separate votes.

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Guest Flash

Think we need HJ, he did say that the questions can be asked in any order, so I'd assume you vote on each part separately.

The resolution doesn't look like a question or questions, it looks like a statement which is slightly confusing because it has been made in the wrong order.

What it really says is that if the SFL Management Committee agree with the SPL and SFA that Newco will play in the First Division, then there will be no vote. However, if the SFL don't enter into such an agreement with the SPL and SFA then there will be a vote to determine whether Newco will enter the Third division.

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...because of Ragers lose this it has been made clear that only those clubs voting YES will be invited to join SPL2, whilst the others voting NO will be cut adrift.

self-evidently you can't have an SPL2 consisting of Sevco, Dumbarton and Stenhousemuir.

In Neil Doncaster's eyes you can have a SPL Platinum consisting on Sevco and Celtic.

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Of course they could just be propogating a myth to cover their own backs. I assume anyone who believes in 'SPL2 in time for next season' also believes in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. They also probably believe your user name is ironic rather than descriptive.

More personal attacks GD. Thought you were past that?

So if something in a statement tallies with what we like and want it's genius and just and a bastion of truth, if it's something we don't like or want it's scaremongering, propaganda qnd a myth?

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I just hope the SFL amendment goes the same way as their other attempts to bully their way back into the SPL and backfires spectacularly.

If anyone at Sevco or even Rangers had an ounce of intelligence, they would have distanced themselves at the start, from all the sycophants and thrown themselves on the mercy of the leagues.

Instead with their fanzines like the DR running scare stories every day and people like Brown and Jardine spouting the usual rhetoric, they are only alienating themselves further.

I can see the SFL clubs issuing them a clear GIRFUY on Friday :D

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In a good conspiracy theory anything goes.

I think this is all just part of Murrays' cunning 25 year plan to own his beloved Ayr United.

Do I win?

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