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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I already stated it, SPL fans have sat back and allowed their chaimen to instruct Doncaster to issue threats and blackmail to SFL teams. Not one SPLChairman has come out and said this is wrong and not one Spl supporters group have come out and said it is wrong. Therefore you must condone it.

Hibs fans have quite categorically denounced any attempted bullying of the SFL clubs into pressurising them into letting Sevco2012 into SFL1.

And well done to them, spot on and I'm sure the majority of the other SPL clubs supporter trusts feel the same, only have not made any specific statement.

However, I would encourage them all to do so, and if the old Rangers supporters have an ounce of decency, which I'm sure they do, they would also issue a statement further backing up there stance on SFL3 being the only respectful entry point. That of course assumes a fair and democratic assessment and vote on any other league applications.

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Join the other supporters from your club who have said they will boycott us for not voting the way they want (which hasn't actually happened yet) new order in scottish football my arse just the same different bullies.

I said a Dumbarton fan was getting on my tits. I didn't say it was you.

I hope Sevco kick your arse in 2014/15. Mon' the Sevco Works XI.

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If the SPL cut off the payment to the SFL if Rangers are in Division 3, surely there would be a TV deal of some sort for SFL coverage which would be worth at least £60k to each club?

That's the thing. The SFL should just say "stick yer annual settlement up yer arse ya bunch of bawbags" and proceed to sign a three year TV deal worth > £2million per year.

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If the SPL cut off the payment to the SFL if Rangers are in Division 3, surely there would be a TV deal of some sort for SFL coverage which would be worth at least £60k to each club?

No. If the SFL clubs decline to put Rangers in SFL1, then the SFA is going to create a new "SPL2" (containing Sevco, Stenny, Dumbarton and whatever other dregs are left), install this below the SPL, cut off promotion between SPL and SFL, and tear up the settlement deal. Any alteration of the TV deal would be to stretch it over "SPL2".

Hilariously, at least two BoDs in the league actually think this is likely to happen.

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That's the thing. The SFL should just say "stick yer annual settlement up yer arse ya bunch of bawbags" and proceed to sign a three year TV deal worth > £2million per year.

No, they should take as much of the annual settlement as they're entitled to AND sign a 3 year TV deal for what it's worth.

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Did you bother reading what the Hibs Supporters Association said? Better directing your anger at things at your own fans and Board I'd have thought............or else get your travel plans together for your pre-season game away at the other sheister Club Stenhousemuir.

Have they threatened to boycott their club and return their Season Tickets or will they boycott clubs that have succumbed to the blackmail and bullying.

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Does anyone find it strange that 99% of the people who are scaremongering in regards to 'money' are the media pundits who make their living from Rangers or/& Live TV!?, most of them retired players, poor excuses for journalists or ex-Rangers men!?

How did they survive a few years ago when there was no income from SPL via TV income!?, If they managed back then they could do it again...easily, if they had to do it.

When was this?

Not that long ago. Less than 20 years ago no league matches in Scotland were televised LIVE at all...ever! Highlights were shown on a Saturday night or Sunday afternoon/evening. Not even last day league deciders were shown LIVE when they occurred (which was often). Only Scottish Cup Finals were televised LIVE. Clubs didn't face administration or liquidation and the Scottish International team rarely ever failed to qualify for World Cup Finals. This proves that Scottish football back then without TV income was of a much higher quality than it is today. dry.gif It is only since the advent of LIVE television and signing too many foreign players that Scottish clubs have found themselves debt-laden and in financial trouble! The rot began very soon after David Murray took over Rangers.

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Have they threatened to boycott their club and return their Season Tickets or will they boycott clubs that have succumbed to the blackmail and bullying.

If you're what passes for a super hero in Dumbarton I'll have to move there. I would be treated as a god. Have to overcome my aversion to ugly people first. And people that talk shite. And spineless football club chairmen.

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Please direct me to the numerous press statements from the Dumbarton board regarding EBT payments, dual contracts, tax evasion, match fixing, invading Iraq, cutting down the rain forests, etc.

If you haven't come out and said it's wrong, you must condone it.

It's your club chairman that is doing it, along with the SPL Clubs.

Last time I checked EBT payments, dual contracts, tax evasion, match fixing, invading Iraq, cutting down the rain forests had nothing to do with Dumbarton FC.

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I think we're all seriously overlooking the massive Elephant in the room which is Giovanni Di Stefano and his bid to transfer the Rangers corpse to England.


The Rangers Football (PLC) can play and is eligible to play in England subject to the admission by either the Premier League or the Football League

By OnlinePubCo | Posted 9 minutes ago | UK

Yet another twist in the Rangers never ending story.

“The Rangers Football (PLC) can play and is eligible to play in England subject to the admission by either the Premier League or the Football League,” said the Devil’s Advocate Giovanni Di Stefano after a telephone conversation with the English Football association.

Di Stefano has contended that since 1885 The Rangers Football Club then an un-incorporated was admitted into membership of the English Football Association. In order to ascertain exactly the current position Di Stefano took the unusual step of writing to David Bernstein the FA Chairman.

But in a telephone conversation to the Football association today Di Stefano obtained the answer he was expecting.

Di Stefano contends that The Rangers Football Club PLC is still a company “capable of being acquired and still retains the inherent rights of admission either to the SPL/the SFL or even better probably the English Football Association league structure.”

Di Stefano contends that since the assets of The Rangers Football Club PLC were acquired by millionaire businessman Charles Green and his company Sevco 5088 Ltd that left The Rangers Football Club PLC a “a simple corporate shell.”

At a meeting of creditors (CVA) the main creditor HMRC rejected any deal on accepting a lesser amount for the £80 million plus the tax authorities’ claim is owed. Di Stefano however, contends that the liabilities of The Rangers Football Club PLC are either “contingent” or “possible annulled because HMRC rejected the CVA,” he said.

“Whichever, looking at this objectively you have a corporate shell that may, just may, be deemed solvent because it has no assets but also only contingent liabilities at worst or no liabilities at best,” he said.

The question of admission to the English League is now a matter that rests upon decisions taken by the Premier League or the Football League.

“My aim has always been to give Rangers an alternative. I have offered to acquire The Rangers Football Club PLC in order to turn the company over to its supporters if they form some kind of legal vehicle. I cannot stand idle by and watch the history of football wither away and be erased because a few silly people made steps longer than their legs. The Rangers Football Club PLC is only in administration and a unique situation has now occurred. I have no problems buying the shell company it is actually worth on paper zero but with the new option of playing in the English Premier League or the Football League may well be something the supporters approve,” said Di Stefano.

Di Stefano has made clear he would neither accept or seek any kind of role in the day to day activities of The Rangers Football Club PLC if it were permitted Premier League, Football League or SPL/SFA because “I am a Dundee man and in any case I do not even know the offside rule and thus cannot consider myself remotely eligible for the day to day adventures of football. After my illness in 2010 I doubt I could give physically my all to this kind of venture but that does not mean I cannot identify a fantastic deal and take it to its conclusion,” he said.

The option is now threefold. The Receivers can apply to the Premier League or the Football League in England; Sevco 5088 Ltd can possible apply but that options seems unlikely since the company that has the right to apply to the Premier League and Football League is only The Rangers Football Club PLC or anyone that acquired the shell company can apply.

The magical mystery tour of options seems never ending and with only days remaining prior to the SFL voting on Sevco 5088 Ltd being granted Div.1 status without sanctions time is now of the essence.


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Not that long ago. Less than 20 years ago no league matches in Scotland were televised LIVE at all...ever! Highlights were shown on a Saturday night or Sunday afternoon/evening. Not even last day league deciders were shown LIVE when they occurred (which was often). Only Scottish Cup Finals were televised LIVE. Clubs didn't face administration or liquidation and the Scottish International team rarely ever failed to qualify for World Cup Finals. This proves that Scottish football back then without TV income was of a much higher quality than it is today. dry.gif It is only since the advent of LIVE television and signing too many foreign players that Scottish clubs have found themselves debt-laden and in financial trouble!The rot began when David Murray took over Rangers.

Correctamundo. Back in the good old days of Jim Farry and Ernie Walker, if Lumphinan Violet were playing Young Boys of Cardenden in the Deepest Darkest Fife League Div.3 on a Wednesday night, it meant we couldn't get to see Dundee Yinitit / Aberdeen v. Some Euro Crap on TV.

Them were the days.

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Have they threatened to boycott their club and return their Season Tickets or will they boycott clubs that have succumbed to the blackmail and bullying.

Seems to me that matters have yet to run their course so that seems premature to expect of an SPL Club's Association - seems to me Friday looks far from a defeat for the diddys as yet, with most people seeing through the empty threats and only two sheister Clubs and their fans running in fear of SPL2 which has no chance of happening.

I can't get over your tirade against others in here. If I was a Dumbarton or Stenhousemuir fan this week I'd be hiding my head in shame of my Club's position.

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