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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Again, great to have clarity from the board. To me, this part is key...

We hope and trust that this unacceptable situation will be resolved swiftly and will allow Clyde Football Club to support Resolution 1 from an informed position and will see Rangers Football Club playing in SFL3. We see Resolution 2 as a matter of trust and it would take a change of personnel and attitude for us to be confident that David Longmuir would be entering discussions with a group of people committed to a collaborative process in a spirit of genuine partnership.

Hardly a vote of confidence in the powers that be!

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I haven't posted for a few days but have kept tabs on the forum.

Something someone posted earlier has got me thinking ?.

The newco has and was voted against joining the SPL ! The newco is now awaiting the result of a vote into the SFL ! In the event that the SPL has pissed off so many SFL clubs with bullying tactics or other sneaky maneuver,they vote against a newco in the SFL in any of their 3 leagues because all the available 30 positions have been filled !.

So what happens to the newco then ?.Why has the empty SPL place not been taken up by an SFL candidate already ?.

Does the above events trigger some other nasty surprise devised by cockwomble an co we do not know or even have thought about ? I mean looking at the above if it actually happens could have a really nasty last minute sprung surprise just before the start of the new season as all it's been so far up to now is every stall tactic available has been implemented in favour of the newco being fast tracked.

I know this may appear far fetched and completely ludicrous !!! but no place in the SFL for the newco and an empty spot in the SPL !!! will the SFA veto an SPL entry for Charles Greens B*stard abomination of a club with heavily imposed sanctions as some sort of punitive measure to try and quell all the diddy fans and Celtic supporters ?.

I mean we may get our wish of the newco not getting an SFL place meaning they will have no league to play in ! but an empty slot in the SPL !.

If the above happens in the SFL vote and the newco can't play in the SFL ! has this been all pre-rigged to ensure a corrupt zombie carcase is thrown back into the SPL just for the sake of money and nothing else but we will be fed it is the only possible outlet they could do under the circumstances ?.And there's just about feck all we could do if this happens except complain/threaten boycotts etc after SPL fans thought the newco was gone and went ahead and bought their season tickets and so on ?.

This might be me letting my bottom lip flap around a lot here with much ado about nothing,but I sorta smell shite ahead !.

I suggested this scenario other day when questioning why Newco position being voted on first. Another problem I see with resolutions on Friday is the Dundee or Dunfermline question - I thought entry to SPL was by invitation (County have been accepted as champions of SFL1) but with a spare place now surely it should be SPL to make decision before either Dundee or Dunfermline's resignation is voted on by SFL. In any case it stinks and Regan and Doncaster must go.

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Going back to this afternoon's mini-debate re. Chairmen / Board Members of SFL clubs having a shareholding in RFC(IA), this is from elsewhere and puts the whole thing quite eloquently :-

"Ah but it does. The shares on RFCplc(IA) still exist unitl the liquidators come in. The SFA have just said that RFC(IA) are still SFA members. Transfer of SFA membership is reliant upon having a league to play in.

Holding shares in a company(RFCplc) that is looking to transfer it's SFA membership to another company(Sevco), and at the same time, being a board member of yet another company(SFL Club) and having a vote on whether company(Sevco) should be admitted to a league that allows it to meet one of the requirements of that transfer of membership, is a clear-cut conflict of interests."

Edit :- Just read through the Clyde statement re. their proposed amendment again and it really is well put together. The main point though is this ; just take a minute to think about it, the fact that a football club feels it is necessary to make public not only it's voting intention but the very document upon which that intention is based. That is truly quite revolutionary. It wouldn't have happened, say, 3 years ago.

Back then it would have been meetings in smokey rooms behind closed doors and only the Succulents would have been allowed 'inside the tent' from which they could then spin their sycophantic guff to the masses.


Viva La Diddy Collective !

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Again, great to have clarity from the board. To me, this part is key...

Hardly a vote of confidence in the powers that be!

:lol: It's absoloutely scathing and must be bordering on being defamatory. I wonder if any of the board will have the brass neck to challenge this statement.:lol:

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That Clyde statement is just perfect. Well done to them. Just hope to f**k and back enough SFL boards see things the same way

Perfect is the right word. Another very impressive statement from Clyde FC. Clear, articulate, well reasoned, and asking for heads to roll.

I'd now like to see every other SFL club come out and say "ditto".

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He's not getting a hard time. He's basically being asked to expand on the statements he's making because he's too busy trying to make his posts combative and edgy to see that a lot of them come out looking like troll shite.

How more clearly can I put this, SPL executive (Doncaster) represents the SPL Board and SPL Clubs. Along with Reagan he presented a proposal (threats and blackmail) to SFL Chairmen. Not one SPL Chairman has stopped this or demanded Doncaster remove the proposal. Do you think they really are not supporting this.

I am annoyed at this because when a club succumbs to this bullying they and their fans are boycotted, ridiculed and berrated by the fans of these SPL Clubs. This is sheer hypocrisy. Save your venom for your own Chairman for using this dispicable tactic to influence the SFL vote, even though their telling you they won't.

You all know who is on the SPL Board put pressure on them to keep their noses out.

Florentine how can I expand on this anymore. What do you want pictures and illegal phone taps.

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I've only ever been to Dumbarton once. Don't remember much about the game but theDumbarton supporters were the ugliest bunch of fans I have ever seen. I also read that Dumbarton has the highest incidence of male impotence in the world. Maybe that's why you're such a cretinous little man.

By the way this is trolling!!!!

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How more clearly can I put this, SPL executive (Doncaster) represents the SPL Board and SPL Clubs. Along with Reagan he presented a proposal (threats and blackmail) to SFL Chairmen. Not one SPL Chairman has stopped this or demanded Doncaster remove the proposal. Do you think they really are not supporting this.

I am annoyed at this because when a club succumbs to this bullying they and their fans are boycotted, ridiculed and berrated by the fans of these SPL Clubs. This is sheer hypocrisy. Save your venom for your own Chairman for using this dispicable tactic to influence the SFL vote, even though their telling you they won't.

You all know who is on the SPL Board put pressure on them to keep their noses out.

Florentine how can I expand on this anymore. What do you want pictures and illegal phone taps.

Exactly. Any SPL fan who thinks the SPL clubs are not party to the goings on is clearly in denial and is refusing to face the facts.

The sole reason that the SPL have not invited another club up to the SPL is so they can use it to bully the SFL. I think a lot of SPL fans will be surprised at how quiet their chairmen become when the proposal of Rangers 2.0 being admitted to the SPL is touted if the SFL clubs decide to stand up to the bullying and refuse them altogether. In addition to this it prevents the SFL clubs from automatically promoting clubs up a division to fill the gap on SFL 1.

It is simply illogical that the SFL clubs are having a vote to admit a new club when there are no vacancies.

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I can see us being in line for special treatment by the corrupt c***s for simply ousting them as what they are; greedy, lying, corrupt c***s. I'm just pleased our board have the balls to do it.

Well done Mr Alexander and all on the board. Hopefully the statements lead to the right thing.

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Exactly. Any SPL fan who thinks the SPL clubs are not party to the goings on is clearly in denial and is refusing to face the facts.

The sole reason that the SPL have not invited another club up to the SPL is so they can use it to bully the SFL. I think a lot of SPL fans will be surprised at how quiet their chairmen become when the proposal of Rangers 2.0 being admitted to the SPL is touted if the SFL clubs decide to stand up to the bullying and refuse them altogether. In addition to this it prevents the SFL clubs from automatically promoting clubs up a division to fill the gap on SFL 1.

It is simply illogical that the SFL clubs are having a vote to admit a new club when there are no vacancies.

There is no room in the SPL for another team until oldco Rangers die. They have to give up their membership so there is room for another team.

Oldco Rangers will not give up their membership in case Newco are not admitted into the SFL.

Edited by HeartsOfficialMoaner
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How more clearly can I put this, SPL executive (Doncaster) represents the SPL Board and SPL Clubs. Along with Reagan he presented a proposal (threats and blackmail) to SFL Chairmen. Not one SPL Chairman has stopped this or demanded Doncaster remove the proposal. Do you think they really are not supporting this.

I am annoyed at this because when a club succumbs to this bullying they and their fans are boycotted, ridiculed and berrated by the fans of these SPL Clubs. This is sheer hypocrisy. Save your venom for your own Chairman for using this dispicable tactic to influence the SFL vote, even though their telling you they won't.

You all know who is on the SPL Board put pressure on them to keep their noses out.

Florentine how can I expand on this anymore. What do you want pictures and illegal phone taps.

I have no truck whatsoever with that post. If you really want to know my position vis a vis Rod Petrie then feel free to scroll back through the last 1200 or so pages.

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It will surprise absolutely no-one that Peter Lawwell is involved in the carve up to put newco in Division one along with the 4 who drew up the proposals and Geoff(not Steve) Brown.

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My point exactly, thank you.

Well why didn't you just say so then, instead of acting like a fanny with fans of SPL clubs who have e-mailed, phoned, and met more than once with their club chairmen to ask 'What the F is going on in Scottish football, and why are we all being treated like mug punters?'

Edited by pozbaird
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OK, I'll bite.

Sauce ?

Brown thanks.

I am however not at liberty to divulge my source, he is in his own words "a bad man". and that is all I am prepared to say. Read the blog in my sig for more details.

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Well why didn't you just say so then, instead of acting like a fanny with fans of SPL clubs who have e-mailed, phoned, and met more than once with their club chairmen to ask 'What the F is going on in Scottish football, and why are we all being treated like mug punters?'

I think he's a wee bit needy on the attention front and likes a wee "Chase me, chase me !" scenario.

Doesn't make him / her a bad person - just fucking annoying.

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The reason the Dumbarton twat is getting such a hard time is that many SPL supporting posters on this thread, myself included, have denounced the pressure the SPL chairmen may be asserting behind the scenes. Some of us have even written to or e-mailed our club chairmen with our concerns.

If your agreeing that your chairmen are behind this and your denouncing it why are you stopping there. Again, my club is ridiculed for succumbing to this against my opinion I have continue to voice my opposition to this by emailing my chairman. Therefore sir if I am a twat you are right up there with me.

Granny Danger if it was the newco or celtic trying to influence the vote what would you be calling for, another boycott by chance or returning of ST.

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It will surprise absolutely no-one that Peter Lawwell is involved in the carve up to put newco in Division one along with the 4 who drew up the proposals and Geoff(not Steve) Brown.

If we take this as gospel, it begs the question- why is Geoff Brown involved?

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