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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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OK, I'll bite.

Sauce ?

Brown thanks.

I am however not at liberty to divulge my source, he is in his own words "a bad man". and that is all I am prepared to say. Read the blog in my sig for more details.

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Well why didn't you just say so then, instead of acting like a fanny with fans of SPL clubs who have e-mailed, phoned, and met more than once with their club chairmen to ask 'What the F is going on in Scottish football, and why are we all being treated like mug punters?'

I think he's a wee bit needy on the attention front and likes a wee "Chase me, chase me !" scenario.

Doesn't make him / her a bad person - just fucking annoying.

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The reason the Dumbarton twat is getting such a hard time is that many SPL supporting posters on this thread, myself included, have denounced the pressure the SPL chairmen may be asserting behind the scenes. Some of us have even written to or e-mailed our club chairmen with our concerns.

If your agreeing that your chairmen are behind this and your denouncing it why are you stopping there. Again, my club is ridiculed for succumbing to this against my opinion I have continue to voice my opposition to this by emailing my chairman. Therefore sir if I am a twat you are right up there with me.

Granny Danger if it was the newco or celtic trying to influence the vote what would you be calling for, another boycott by chance or returning of ST.

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It will surprise absolutely no-one that Peter Lawwell is involved in the carve up to put newco in Division one along with the 4 who drew up the proposals and Geoff(not Steve) Brown.

If we take this as gospel, it begs the question- why is Geoff Brown involved?

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Well why didn't you just say so then, instead of acting like a fanny with fans of SPL clubs who have e-mailed, phoned, and met more than once with their club chairmen to ask 'What the F is going on in Scottish football, and why are we all being treated like mug punters?'

POZ ! I've been trying to find if there is any sort off mandate/rule or regulation that requires that the SPL MUST be able to or fulfill all it's 288 league fixtures between all it's 12 members or become in breach or something like that with the SFA.

My assumption is that if in the event that the SFL vote a no on all accounts then the SPL will have no other option but to give entry into the SPL for the newco zombies,thus ensuring the SPL will be able to then fulfill all it's fixtures.

Don't know if there is something like that hidden below the rug so they can pull it from below us at the last minute and outflank us all ?.

The Donkeymasters first priority and we all know it is to get the newco into the SPL at all costs ASAP,and I'm sure the slippery kunt will use any measures available to him to do so.Then the shmuck will claim to have saved Scottish fitbaw an aw that.

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I write as a bit of an outsider: someone with no specific team allegiance but one who enjoys the spectacle of football and likes a good, clean sport where everybody has an equal chance and it's the skill of the team that determines success or failure. It means a lot to me that people are able to enjoy their football without the waters being dirtied and the validity of the whole shebang being corrupted. Stating the bleedin' obvious; if football is rigged then it's not football any longer. Those who have said that they'll no longer follow (senior) football have, therefore, my full understanding.

What I want to say is this, and it's not a popular thing to be saying, but here goes:

'Rangers' (who are original contaminant in all of this) are certainly going to be shoehorned back in: Guilty as Hell and unrepentant notwithstanding . My reasons for saying this are simply an extrapolation of everything that's gone before, courtesy of the SPL/SFA. It seems (to me at least) that the tactic is (1) to try and obtain the consent (coerced though it may be) of the member clubs and when this fails (2) to just go ahead and do it anyway and live with the consequences. I fully believe that this is what will happen. They are banking on fans grumbling a bit, but still trickling back. The boundaries are continually being pushed back and there are no bufferstops in sight. The rules that everyone thought kept things in check have systematically been sidestepped.

Brace yourselves for what is about to happen.

Finally, I love all the teams that provide this wonderful spectacle week in, week out. (Incidentally I do have a soft spot for Dumbarton and would like to give a little bit of support to those fans who have been having a rough time of late), but all of you for whom your football is an important part of your lives- I sincerely hope that - EVENTUALLY - something good will come out of all this. Meantime I fear that things are too far gone and it really is a matter of some kind of fresh start.

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Firstly, rangers fans have been through nowhere near enough. Call it karma or whatever but, after decades of triumphalist , arrogant and abusive behaviour it's all of a sudden gone a bit Pete Tong. You'd have to be seriously confused if you didn't understand why the rest of Scotland finds this absolutely hilarious. Funnily enough, down here in Yorkshire nobody really gives a stuff - not quite the reach you'd expect of a global brand. biggrin.gif

Secondly, the poor diddums just want to go into Div 3 and start again. Well, I want an Aston Martin - but I can't provide the proper criteria for said vehicle, i.e. loads of cash. Can Sevco/Zombierangers/Govan Redhands show that they have the required resources to fulfil their commitments? Not from what their squabbling and backbiting would suggest.

Also, were I to go for a desirable luxury car, I'd probably have to join a waitng list. Can you give me ONE good reason why a set of thieving, lying, cheating bigots should be allowed to elbow aside ANY of the clubs who have run within their means for years in the hope of being accepted to the SFL?

Get your head round it - rangers are dead. They were crooks. Nobody will miss them. Or their fans.

Michael Johnston willdry.gif

Great post btw

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If we take this as gospel, it begs the question- why is Geoff Brown involved?

What I've been told is that when the bodies merge into one single body, Longmuir has been promised the CEO position with Cockwomble being ditched and Brown in an overseeing role babysitting Longmuir.

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POZ ! I've been trying to find if there is any sort off mandate/rule or regulation that requires that the SPL MUST be able to or fulfill all it's 288 league fixtures between all it's 12 members or become in breach or something like that with the SFA.

My assumption is that if in the event that the SFL vote a no on all accounts then the SPL will have no other option but to give entry into the SPL for the newco zombies,thus ensuring the SPL will be able to then fulfill all it's fixtures.

Don't know if there is something like that hidden below the rug so they can pull it from below us at the last minute and outflank us all ?.

The Donkeymasters first priority and we all know it is to get the newco into the SPL at all costs ASAP,and I'm sure the slippery kunt will use any measures available to him to do so.Then the shmuck will claim to have saved Scottish fitbaw an aw that.

Nothing should surprise us I suppose, but I flatly refuse to believe that Sevco XI will somehow be an SPL club in four weeks time. Not after Vlad kick-started the public 'no' announcements, followed by the official 'no' vote, followed by the SFL meeting on Friday to vote on them taking the stray dog into their home somewhere. If, after all that, Doncaster (WITH OR WITHOUT THE SLEEKIT HELP OF TOTALLY CORRUPT AND TWO-FACED SPL CHAIRMEN) - added in big shouty text for the benefit of greetin' faced Dumbarton fans - still thinks that the SPL can sneak them back in, then really, the world has gone totally mad.

Edit to add; We are surely looking at them being in SFL 3, SFL 1, or nowhere. I see no way that they can possibly be in the SPL, or that an SPL 2 can be worked up on the back of a Woodbine packet to accomodate them.

Edited by pozbaird
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I posted this on Thursday but I think it got wiped out in the upgrade Armageddon :P

The solution to the whole sorry saga is so simple. To stop rapeepul feeling persecuted :blink: and to stop the rest of us thinking that they got off scot free 8) Sevco should be allowed into the SFL (1 or 3) with 2 conditions only:

They are not allowed to play in blue and

The cannot have the word R*ngers in their title.

Problem solved?

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If your agreeing that your chairmen are behind this and your denouncing it why are you stopping there. Again, my club is ridiculed for succumbing to this against my opinion I have continue to voice my opposition to this by emailing my chairman. Therefore sir if I am a twat you are right up there with me.

Granny Danger if it was the newco or celtic trying to influence the vote what would you be calling for, another boycott by chance or returning of ST.

Fuxake, stop acting like a wee schoolgirl.

99.9% of the folk on this thread all want the same result out of this mess, namely the betterment of Scottish football. That is the macro-picture and that is where, IMHO, we should be focusing our attention. If we end up with league reconstruction / pyramid, then fine, we'll move on from there and hopefully get a more equitable distribution of dosh as well.

You, Mr.Superhero, are trying to trivialise matters by only focussing on your own club, and more hilariously, yourself. No-one is interested in your daft wee stamp-my-feet-or-I'll-scthweam-and-scthweam-until-I'm-thick rants about your e-mails and your meetings. Where were you 5 - 6 months ago ? Your Shirley Temple act is wearing very thin.

.....and breathe................................................................. :guinness

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What I've been told is that when the bodies merge into one single body, Longmuir has been promised the CEO position with Cockwomble being ditched and Brown in an overseeing role babysitting Longmuir.


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Berwick now the Big Gers. My local side Cambuslang Rangers ( against whom SEVCO FC have arranged a friendly on July 28 at Somerville Park) are now the official Wee Gers.

As I've mentioned on my twitter (shameless plug, see signature below for inane ramblings), are Berwick Rangers no longer the Wee Gers, rather they are now the Big Gers, or only Gers!

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I posted this on Thursday but I think it got wiped out in the upgrade Armageddon :P

The solution to the whole sorry saga is so simple. To stop rapeepul feeling persecuted :blink: and to stop the rest of us thinking that they got off scot free 8) Sevco should be allowed into the SFL (1 or 3) with 2 conditions only:

They are not allowed to play in blue and

The cannot have the word R*ngers in their title.

Problem solved?

No problem. We'll play in Cerulean and call ourselves Rangers. We've never really used R*ngers anyway.

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Also, the majority of the SFL board with the exception of McDougall from Livingston and Jim Leishman are nothing more than spineless puppets.

I'd be suspicious of Leishman too. Rangers just happen to be suddenly playing a benefit game against Kelty Hearts at their Junior ground (how the mighty have fallen!) with 10% of the proceeds going to the Save The Orcs fund. Kelty Hearts were founded by a certain Jim Leishman...

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What I've been told is that when the bodies merge into one single body, Longmuir has been promised the CEO position with Cockwomble being ditched and Brown in an overseeing role babysitting Longmuir.

Was it perchance, either:

(a) a taxi driver who'd overheard things from a fare's mobile conversation, or

(b) a Sky installer

who fed you these nuggets?!

Seems to me each time we are told of things that will not be happening for months yet, then those two groups of 'insiders' tend to be the source.

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