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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It will surprise absolutely no-one that Peter Lawwell is involved in the carve up to put newco in Division one along with the 4 who drew up the proposals and Geoff(not Steve) Brown.

Absolute nonsense :lol:

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Oh i will have plenty to do pacific shelf 595 limited fan.

I will be suporting the most succesful club in Scotland be it div 1 or 3, you enjoy getting shafted by the spl when they take half your mobs season ticket money, and 20% of all the money Celtic fans pay goes right to Hibs, Aberdeen etc...:lol:

Maybe Liewell can fiddle the books at Pacific shelf fc in the years ahead to make things look better, probably a lot safer than what they are used to fidding at Celtoc park.:ph34r:

Fdb is Bomber :lol: I'd rather be on the Pacific shelf than miles below it. Didn't you know that company has a footbal club associated with it? You know, with players, a ground, a league to play in, a history etc etc etc, thats a football club. Sevco5088 has jack sheet.

Now run along, go play in the road, this thread has an important death on Friday to be discussed.

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Oh i will have plenty to do pacific shelf 595 limited fan.

I will be suporting the most succesful club in Scotland be it div 1 or 3, you enjoy getting shafted by the spl when they take half your mobs season ticket money, and 20% of all the money Celtic fans pay goes right to Hibs, Aberdeen etc...:lol:

Maybe Liewell can fiddle the books at Pacific shelf fc in the years ahead to make things look better, probably a lot safer than what they are used to fidding at Celtoc park.:ph34r:

The SFL will say no to Sevco on Friday. They cannot become members of the SFL, it is impossible.

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I have more clue than you do.

You live in the land of milk and honey where Kilmarnock have not been placed on amber alert by Lloyds banking group.{They have}

You live in the land where Killmarnock's debt is not £9m and rising, and the club have not put a ban on ANY new signings or new contracts.

Franky it's geniuses like yourself that will be sitting around in a few months time scracthing your napper wondering how Kilmarnock went bust.

You obviously live in a land of make believe, lets get things clear.

Your club is dead, pan bread, extinct like dinosaurs, so dead in fact Attenborough will probably do a documentry on you's in a few years.

The scaremongering and threats no longer cut it, you may have been a big fish in a small pond but hector the fisherman caught you's and is serving you's up as we speak.

All clubs will have to cut back to varying degrees, look to home grown talent and bringing through youngsters.... in the long term good for Scotland

Newco will struggle to pay the upkeep of Ibrox (If Whyte gives you the keys 8) ) cause for a team who's supporters clubs call themselves xyz local etc you's have the most un loyal and gloryhunting support in the country, I remember the pre souness era when Ibrox was half ful, and further back in early 80's when there was 2500 at ibrox to see you play against Thistle, and there was more if us than you and we had been relegated, 18,000 this season against DUFC in the cup when you are top tear with big name players, how many will turn up to see you play Forfar on a cold wednesday in January when you have bog standard part time journeyman playing or a bunch of kids no one recognises.

Enjoy the 3rd if you are even allowed in, or allowed to trade as a newco in a few weeks..... oops wasnt meant to say that last bit :whistle

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I have more clue than you do.

Franky it's geniuses like yourself that will be sitting around in a few months time scracthing your napper wondering how Kilmarnock went bust.

As you have first hand knowledge of this happening to your club could you please tell us of your experiences so we know what to expect sad.gif

Edited by Umbungo1874
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21.1 Except with the prior written consent of the Board, no Member, Associate Member or Official, may at one time either directly or indirectly:-

21.1.1 hold or seek to acquire beneficial ownership of or deal in the shares or securities of another club; or

21.1.2 be a member or shareholder of, or lender in any capacity to, more than one club; or

21.2 Except with the prior written consent of the Board, no person, whether absolutely or as a trustee or nominee for another person and whether alone or with one or more associates may at one time either directly or indirectly:

21.2.1 hold, seek to acquire or deal in the shares or securities of another club; or

21.2.2 be a member or shareholder of, or lender in any capacity to, more than one club; or

21.3 For the purposes of this Rule 21 (Dual Interests in Clubs):-

"person" includes, without limitation, an individual, partnership, consortium, unincorporated body or association, and any other organisation having legal capacity.

"club" means a football club in membership or associate membership of the League and any football club in membership of the F.A. Premier League, The Football League, The Scottish Premier League or the Irish Premier League.

"associate" means:

21.3.1 if the person is an individual:- a close relative of that individual, including his spouse, civil partner, parents, step or adoptive parents, child, step or adopted children, uncle, aunt,

nephew or niece, or a child, step or adopted child of such parent, spouse or civil partner or anyone else of close relationship to the individual who, in

the opinion of the Board, is or is likely to be acting in conjunction with the individual or influenced by him;

From this, 3 questions.

1. Does the Airdrie guy get hauled over the coals for holding Rangers shares? (even if they are now worthless and consigned to being used for wallpaper or a 'buy now' entry on ebay)

2. Does the Berwick guy get the same?

3. It says here that an "individual" can be a consortium.ohmy.gif Does this mean that Charles Green can talk about his consortium when it is really just him on his own?

Edited by thelegendthatis
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How wrong is this guy?

I mean the canceling of the spl sky/espn deal worth £16,000,000 per season is not really a devastating blow is it?

Spl sponsers pulling out of contracts and taking millions out of the game is not a devasting blow either.

Oh wait..... it is actually.

You might want to note that pishy wee clubs like East fife survive because of the filtering down of the spl T.V. income.

But why let reality get in the way....


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I've absolutely no reason to question the information I've been passed.

If it's wrong I'll hold my hands up but there's a lot more to unravel yet.

Love gullible people like you.biggrin.gif

Got a nice Rolex here mate. Wan o them Oyster thingeys. Looks the business. Yours for £100 - cash. smile.gif

We got a deal? wink.gif

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This is from the Clyde minutes of Doncaster's presentation last week 4th July :-

The consequential impact on the SFL from the presentation was that the SFL would lose its entitlement to circa £2m per annum from the Settlement Agreement put together to compensate the SFL for the SPL breakaway, this was made very clear by Neil Doncaster. He told the clubs that if the SPL didn't have the money then they could not pay the SFL. The reality however, which was clear from the detailed figures, is that the SPL, whilst losing an enormous amount of funding, would have the cash to make payment; it is just that the SPL would not meet the legal obligation to the SFL as the cash would be used to finance the SPL teams.

And this is from the Clyde statement today 10th July :-

We first concluded that there was limited risk to the SFL from the 'Armageddon' theory, as depicted in the detailed presentation by Neil Doncaster and supported by Stewart Regan, which had prompted fears of cash flow loss to the SFL next season. We have obtained a copy of the Settlement Agreement signed up to by the SPL and the SFL in April 1998 - it is clear that the agreement is not ambiguous in this regard and there is no scope for the SPL to fail to meet the obligations to the SFL except by deliberately breaching the agreement. Neil Doncaster was unequivocal when he said that there would be no payment under the agreement and stressed that it was not the board of the SPL that made big decisions, it was the clubs themselves. We have concluded that it defies credibility that the SPL clubs would instruct the SPL to deliberately breach a legal agreement.

How the hell Doncaster and Regan can remain in-situ is beyond me. They deliberately lied and dissembled to the SFL clubs last week to try and scare the bejeesus out of them in order to further the Spivco case.

"Without fear or favour" ? I don't think so.

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Love gullible people like you.biggrin.gif

Got a nice Rolex here mate. Wan o them Oyster thingeys. Looks the business. Yours for £100 - cash. smile.gif

We got a deal? wink.gif

This stuff here is just the tip of the iceberg, it's not "some random" who's telling me this.

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Fuxake, stop acting like a wee schoolgirl.

99.9% of the folk on this thread all want the same result out of this mess, namely the betterment of Scottish football. That is the macro-picture and that is where, IMHO, we should be focusing our attention. If we end up with league reconstruction / pyramid, then fine, we'll move on from there and hopefully get a more equitable distribution of dosh as well.

You, Mr.Superhero, are trying to trivialise matters by only focussing on your own club, and more hilariously, yourself. No-one is interested in your daft wee stamp-my-feet-or-I'll-scthweam-and-scthweam-until-I'm-thick rants about your e-mails and your meetings. Where were you 5 - 6 months ago ? Your Shirley Temple act is wearing very thin.

.....and breathe................................................................. :guinness

The things that we all want (are stated in your first paragraph) are being offered for placing newco in the 1st, then removed if placing them in the third.

Are you positive that this won't happen. The only way to remove the gamble is to remove the proposal.

If left to our own the SFL will make them apply for the 3rd. The reforms should result as a consequence of the oldco fiasco,not as a means of retaining the status quo.

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How wrong is this guy?

I mean the canceling of the spl sky/espn deal worth £16,000,000 per season is not really a devastating blow is it?

Spl sponsers pulling out of contracts and taking millions out of the game is not a devasting blow either.

Oh wait..... it is actually.

You might want to note that pishy wee clubs like East fife survive because of the filtering down of the spl T.V. income.

But why let reality get in the way....

You mean like the reality of having to pay your taxes? :blink: Seemed to work for your lot......

Till they died :lol:

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Time to set up a new top tier in the SFL - maybe call it the Scottish Premier Division (to set it aside from the chunts above it - they could rename themselves the Scottish Triumph Division or something ).

Invites so far - Raith, Morton, Clyde, Stranraer. ;)

Have I missed anyone?

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I've absolutely no reason to question the information I've been passed.

If it's wrong I'll hold my hands up but there's a lot more to unravel yet.

I'm 99.9% certain one part of what you've been told is incorrect.

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