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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Time to set up a new top tier in the SFL - maybe call it the Scottish Premier Division (to set it aside from the chunts above it - they could rename themselves the Scottish Triumph Division or something ).

Invites so far - Raith, Morton, Clyde, Stranraer. ;)

Have I missed anyone?

I'd argue East FIfe. Their statement was rather strong, and possibly Berwick too. Their statement is pretty strong, whilst not particularly in depth.

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Sevco fans' optimism is hilarious,

Rangers will go into administration- Not going to read it, it'll never happen.

Rangers will get found guilty of bringing the game into disrepute- Not going to read it, it'll never happen.

Appeal against transfer embargo will be upheld- Not going to read it, it'll never happen.

CVA will be rejected- Not going to read it, it'll never happen.

Sevco application to SPL will be rejected- Not going to read it, it'll never happen.

Parachute to division 1 will be rejected- Not going to read it, it'll never happen.

Spartans will take the empty slot in the senior game-

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How wrong is this guy?

I mean the canceling of the spl sky/espn deal worth £16,000,000 per season is not really a devastating blow is it?

Spl sponsers pulling out of contracts and taking millions out of the game is not a devasting blow either.

Oh wait..... it is actually.

You might want to note that pishy wee clubs like East fife survive because of the filtering down of the spl T.V. income.

But why let reality get in the way....

See the Dumbarton guy that said his club losing 300 fans is no big deal in the grander picture, HE IS WRONG, 300*18*£10 =£54,000 away every season, the TV deal will only disappear for a wee while.

Fuckers like you don't give a flying about any of the diddies, you're in your own wee world where only 2 teams are in the clique and only 2 teams should ever be in the clique. Apologies to the decent fans of the Rangers incarnation but this arsehole is exactly the type that has football fans like myself hating the arse cheeks.

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Once the SFL tidies up all the SPL/Sevco sh*t and sticks them in SFL3 or preferably nukes them from existence altogether; Regan and Donkeymaster should watch their backs. Their jobs are completely untenable and we should hunt them down and hound them out - Wickerman stylee.


Edited by GunnerBairn
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Noboby will miss kilmarnock when they die in few weeks either.:D

Have your wee five minute of fame cause when Lloyds call in the £9,000,000 debt killie have you won't be laughing then. Even the Killie forums believe they are going to be liquidated soon and it's thanks to fools like yourself that are more interested in snide wee digs at other clubs than following your own team that caused it.

So desperate are Killie right now they are begging and i mean begging Celtic fans not to boycott them, what does that tell you?



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not gonna fall out with anyone over this, and I know that the Sons Trust work wonders for the club.

we obviously have a different opinion, and as I've said earleir, it isn't too late to urge your board to do the right thing.

It seems the vote was taken on a threats/money issue rather than sporting integrityy.

Your Board must now realise the serious financial implications should a boycott occur at The Rock from fans of other clubs

Over to them

I hope that come friday there is a change of heart and agree their decision is based only on finance. My only concern is that you will boycott us but not the SPL Clubs instigatingthe proposal through scapegoat Doncaster. But what will be will be never mind.

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My anger in relation to this is directed squarely at the SPL Chairmen and their saintly attitude that they have done the right thing while instructing their henchman to influence the SFL Vote. My anger and dismay at my board is being vented through email and trust forum. I donot agree with their stance in the vote, but i'm not going to punch them for succumbing to bullying.

I have only saw about 2 posters honestly saying it's over to the SFL, and one of them is wanking himself rotten as he tours whichever country he happens to be in.

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Firstly -----you might want to take note that it's clubs like Killie that are pushing for Rangers to be in Div 1 not Rangers. We don't want your pishy Div1 we want clubs to die and fast, we'll take div3 anyday of the week.

Secondly---- Killie wont goto into Administartion it will be Liquidation off the bat, assets will be sold to the highest bidder and it's likely rugby park will be a tesco or asda in 12 months. Lloyds won't take any hits for the spl clubs as they are owed huge amounts.

MJ knows the crap is about to hit the fan, this was his reply to one of your fellow fans in an E-mail, take note of the first line....

Thirdly ---- There is no "Rangers" and there will be no football played an Ibrox stadium next season.

They cheated, then they died. Tragic tale. There should be a book soon, maybe you can ask your Mum to get you it for Christmas.

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