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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The SPL dealt with it within their powers, the SPL firstly stated that a newco should not be granted automatic entry into an SPL slot vacated by the team who once owned the assets of the newco, they then said that the board of directors of the SPL should not have the power to allow entry to a newco club and that power should lie with the individual clubs in a democratic way, the clubs of the SPL then refused to allow Sevco entry to the SPL. What more could they do? Hang, draw and quarter Hughie Green so that he could not make an application to the SFL? I do not think they have the legal power to enforce that.

What is happening now is that a new club have made an application to the SFL, the SFL clubs can say yea or nay if they don't want the SPL shyte tell them to go f*ck themselves. Easy, it's not an SPL problem anymore.

Have they?

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That proposal is so full of loopholes as to ensure that nothing actually changes at all.

Even the final line clinches it for me -

"These heads of terms are not intended to be a contractual agreement which is legally binding between the parties."

It's shocking that a proposal is even being offered - a club wishes to enter the league, let's do this the way we've always done it.

SPL are totally in on this.

Edited by AyrshireTon
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Have they?

If they have not then why is there a discussion? Someone has applied to the SFL on Sevco's behalf, whether it be Hughie Green, Cockwomble, Longmuir or Regan an application has been made and proposals have been attached to that application.

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Proposal made to SFL. Eh??? This it??? Really???


Scottish Football League clubs received proposals from the league board on Wednesday, following negotiations between their chief executive, David Longmuir, and his counterparts at the Scottish FA and Scottish Premier League.

SFL chairmen have been asked to consider the plans and, if in favour, give their vote on Friday to approve them and, in turn, allow Rangers to participate in the First Division in season 2012/13.

The following text is taken verbatim from the proposals as sent to clubs.


Hold on a minute.

So all that's actually being offerred is:

[1] a united league where Tier 1 has 3 directors and Tiers 2-4 have 2 directors

[2] a resolution at a general meeting about play-offs... no actual guarantee

[3] the formation of a reconstruction committee as announced yesterday

[4] a payment of £1M

That's it?

And best of all:

These heads of terms are not intended to be a contractual agreement which is legally binding between the parties.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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Why are we cheering clubs who support newco's entry into the Third Division?

I will be gutted if they are playing in any league next season.

Get them to f**k.

It's accepting that clubs have to show some form of public diplomacy on this matter, and cannot publicly say they want rid of what will be a whole crowd of fans likely to be looking for a new club come their punting into Division 3/East Of Scotland League/Oblivion.

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The SPL dealt with it within their powers, the SPL firstly stated that a newco should not be granted automatic entry into an SPL slot vacated by the team who once owned the assets of the newco, they then said that the board of directors of the SPL should not have the power to allow entry to a newco club and that power should lie with the individual clubs in a democratic way, the clubs of the SPL then refused to allow Sevco entry to the SPL. What more could they do? Hang, draw and quarter Hughie Green so that he could not make an application to the SFL? I do not think they have the legal power to enforce that.

What is happening now is that a new club have made an application to the SFL, the SFL clubs can say yea or nay if they don't want the SPL shyte tell them to go f*ck themselves. Easy, it's not an SPL problem anymore.

Its an SPL problem alright. They are doing their damndest to get Newco back into SPL in a year, Get them into SFL 1 , increase SFL 1, 3 up, 1 down,AND you think this is ALL been done without their approval??

No chance!!

They calculated that SFL would just lie down, roll over and take SPL/Newcos hot boaby up the poop shoot!.

At the moment, it looks like SFL clubs will say NO, so it now becomes SPL problem, that their cash cow may be at least 3 years away or dead altogether.

OR that SFA put Newco into SFL 1 , anyway, and the SPL silence is proof of complicity.

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Yup - I should have said most grounds.

It's a point I've made myself several times too - there will be a financial hit (to most!) SPL clubs with the loss of visiting Rangers fans, but offset against that is the numbers that 'Club 12' will in fact bring, and also how many home fans who don't go to home games v OF sides will come to the 'Club 12' games.

We aren't too bad - we give the OF approximately 2,500 tickets. If we had 500 - 700 Dundee fans and let's say even 100-150 extra home fans... it's a hit, but not a fatal one.

Killie with their 16,000 capacity ground and a liking for turning over three-quarters of it to the OF? Problem.

Our crowds usually 8-11,000 vs old firm. Rarely over half full versus them unless either can win league.

Our stadium holds 18,128.

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Scottish Football League clubs received proposals from the league board on Wednesday, following negotiations between their chief executive, David Longmuir, and his counterparts at the Scottish FA and Scottish Premier League.

SFL chairmen have been asked to consider the plans and, if in favour, give their vote on Friday to approve them and, in turn, allow Rangers to participate in the First Division in season 2012/13.

The following text is taken verbatim from the proposals as sent to clubs.

Draft Heads of Terms

A) In the event that Sevco Scotland Limited is admitted as Associate Member of Scottish Football League and that Rangers FC shall be directed to play in the First Division of the SFL during season 2012/13 by resolutions approved by general meeting by SFL on Friday 13th July, then the following are to be implemented.

So it is a bribe, not for the good of the game but for the good of Sevco.

Subject to The Rangers FC plc (in administration) signing a stock transfer in favour of Dundee or Dunfermline FC, a resolution will be tabled to a general meeting of the SPL to approve the registration of the transfer of that share.

A payment of a minimum of £1 million + VAT will be made by the SPL to SFL to purchase the broadcasting and other rights in respect of SFL Division One next season.

In admitting Newco to SFL one, SFL would own the rights to Newco matches and could attempt to negotiate a better deal. If the "Old Firm" were responsible for Sky wanting to pay £16.5m per season, then perhaps we could have got £3m just for Newco and the "Novelty value"

A resolution will be tabled to a general meeting to allow for play-offs at end of season 2012/13.

A working party will be formed, including three representatives from both the SPL and SFL, to devise a new structure for the senior professional game in Scotland.

a) The introduction of an enlarged top tier for Scottish Senior Professional Football.

b) A new detailed model for senior professional football in Scotland including number of divisions; number of clubs per division; number of matches per season per division; number of promotion and relegation places per division and the introduction and operation of play-offs.


I) A combined rule book

II) Governance recognising that one league body should have a chairman and two non-executive directors (to be appointed by the board and nominated by a panel with equal representation between i. the top division and ii. the other divisions). Three directors elected by clubs in top division and two directors elected by clubs in remaining divisions.

Equal or porportional???? And just how does 3 by the top division and 2 by the remaining division become equal?

III) In the event that any change to the rules has any bearing on position rights, divisional structure including promotion and relegation, then any change would require the support of 75% outside of top tier of football clubs.

IV) An all through distribution model, providing certainty for all clubs as to the percentage of distributable income that would be received.

NFL Style with equal distribution would be better.

e) The value and number of parachute payments to be made across the new structure.

Not required if distributions are equal

These heads of terms are not intended to be a contractual agreement which is legally binding between the parties.

In other words fucking meaningless

Overall Pish, Pish and more Pish.

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Its an SPL problem alright. They are doing their damndest to get Newco back into SPL in a year, Get them into SFL 1 , increase SFL 1, 3 up, 1 down,AND you think this is ALL been done without their approval??

No chance!!

They calculated that SFL would just lie down, roll over and take SPL/Newcos hot boaby up the poop shoot!.

At the moment, it looks like SFL clubs will say NO, so it now becomes SPL problem, that their cash cow may be at least 3 years away or dead altogether.

OR that SFA put Newco into SFL 1 , anyway, and the SPL silence is proof of complicity.

I think you may be right. But if it happens, I can see trouble ahead for the SPL.

I can't imagine Vlad, Milne etc bending over

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Our crowds usually 8-11,000 vs old firm. Rarely over half full versus them unless either can win league.

Our stadium holds 18,128.

OK, OK... It's more of a problem for any SPL club with a bigger ground, who generally sell more tickets to visiting OF fans than my own club does.

Pals again? Diddy love-in? Come on, gie's a hug. :P

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Fair enough. I just think Doncaster would have been reigned in long ago if a majority of the SPL clubs did not back him in what he is up to. Also I can't for the life of me come up with a reason why the Dundeue / Dunfermline decision will not be made until after the SFL one, surely it could have been done at the SPL meeting or since, can't be a coincidence that it's due the Monday after the Friday SFL vote, surely?

One could read it that he was reined in last week when he went on every possible media outlet saying the vote would be delayed...and they promptly voted against newco. That was a slap in the face to doncaster a very public one. People moaning about position the sfl are in need to think about what alternatives spl chairmen had...they could only vote on newco into spl...and they didn't. They had no further option or right to say no to newco in sfl. Yes its unpleasant for sfl clubs but can anyone say how the spl chairmen were to prevent newco applying to sfl?? Fact is this is a multistage process and we have to go through each stage in sequence. Re panic over spl fwiw having voted no to newco due to fan power the spl chairmen are unlikely to alienate their fans now. Let's all calm down a bit so far we have thwarted the machinations of the suits...nothing has yet stopped fan power...kept the faith

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Its an SPL problem alright. They are doing their damndest to get Newco back into SPL in a year, Get them into SFL 1 , increase SFL 1, 3 up, 1 down,AND you think this is ALL been done without their approval??

No chance!!

They calculated that SFL would just lie down, roll over and take SPL/Newcos hot boaby up the poop shoot!.

At the moment, it looks like SFL clubs will say NO, so it now becomes SPL problem, that their cash cow may be at least 3 years away or dead altogether.

OR that SFA put Newco into SFL 1 , anyway, and the SPL silence is proof of complicity.

Is that anything like a Fruit Shoot? Think I saw two women on the internet sharing one...

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