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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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My money is on the SFL rejecting Rangers in the First Division and the SPL then going with 11 teams next season

And how on Earth is that going to work with the split? Ssides in the top part will play a different number of games to those in the bottom section. Can they abandon the split in the space of a few weeks? Hopefully not as it's one of the few things that prevents a mid-table borefest towards the end of the season imo.

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So today's decision will determine to future of Scottish football:

Vote NO = a vote for sporting integrity and a start at readdressing the issues that have hindered Scottish football for many years.


Vote YES = Scottish football consists of Celtic & Rangers (Servco 2012 FC) only and a National team largely ignored by the vast majority of the Scottish population.

or am I being too melodramatic ?

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You do know that it will be the seven man SFL board who decide if they play in SFL1 or SFL3, right? It does`nt matter how many clubs would like to say NO as the matter has been taken out of their hands.

Which is why the clubs have to vote no to resolution 2. Because they don't have enough information to vote for it

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Well, how about we start with information regarding the various legal issues to be resolved, and whether Sevco Scotland validly hold the 'Rangers FC' SPL share? There is also little information, never mind legal commitments with the ongoing financing of Sevco Scotland.

Let's not pretend it's all straightforward. That said, a practical approach is required, and that might mean taking a decision on limited information. It's all going to be another balls-up if Sevco are admitted to the SFL, and then HMRC decides that all the tax debts transfer too (which is a possibility, the likelihood of which I can't say without more information).

What's that coming over the hill, is it a taxman?8)

fkn hope so

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My money is on the SFL rejecting Rangers in the First Division and the SPL then going with 11 teams next season thus allowing the SPL to bring Rangers back next season in an enlarged SPL.

This will also allow the SPL to retain their sponsors, TV money, etc for the following season on the basis that Rangers will only be missing for a season

Aye right - and the SPL clubs will be have multiple orgasms over the thought of match free Saturdays.

They voted to a man (apart from Killie's chairman, who has shares in Rangers) to kick Rangers out, why the hell would they stay 11 clubs for a season in the hope that Sevco5088 gets its s**t together in time for season 2013/14 and hasn't in the meantime gone to the wall and its assets sold by Green? Pretty massive gamble to take.

No, they booted out Rangers because they realised they were more trouble than they were worth, and all the financial predictions of doom didn't cut it, least of all from a Cockwomble with a history of exaggeration and hyperbolic "armageddon for all clubs" scenarios from his time at Norwich City when the subject of TV packages and football were concerned.

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You are talking shite. I pity people like you that believe all the bullshit you read in the tabloids and don't have the common sense to follow the wider debate that is taking place.

No he's not. If the clubs vote yes to resolution 2 then it will be up to the sfl board.

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Charles Green says it is time for 'vilification and persecution' to end: http://sport.stv.tv/..._medium=twitter

Charles Green has called for clarity over where Rangers newco will play this season.

vilification: smear: slanderous defamation.

persecution: the act or practice of persecuting on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs that differ from those of the persecutor.

Charles Green is accusing people of vilifying and persecuting "Rangers"? a club who along with many members of its supporters vilified and persecuted everyone who is not and was not one of them for most of its history!

dry.gif Accusing everyone else of doing what "Rangers" do ... this man is as funny as Craig Whyte and David Murray were! laugh.gif

Edited by Itwiznaeme
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So today's decision will determine to future of Scottish football:

Vote NO = a vote for sporting integrity and a start at readdressing the issues that have hindered Scottish football for many years.


Vote YES = Scottish football consists of Celtic & Rangers (Servco 2012 FC) only and a National team largely ignored by the vast majority of the Scottish population.

or am I being too melodramatic ?

I don't see it quite like that. I see today as another milestone but there's a long way to go and several other battles ahead if things are truly going to change for the better. A NO vote will help but it's what happens after that that counts.

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Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir have changed the face of Scottish football forever. But not in the way they wanted.

Whatever happens today, things will never be the same again. The fans have stood shoulder to shoulder, most of the clubs have stood shoulder to shoulder, and Alex Thomson has done a fantastic job representing us all in the media.

I now have real pride in our game for the first time in decades. I'm proud of the fans, proud of Turnbull Hutton, proud of clubs like Ayr and Annan and I'm especially proud of Diddy power.

We've hit a milestone in Scottish football. We have proved that the diddy clubs DO matter and the decades of bullying and being treated like shit are over. We're not prepared to be dictated to anymore and there's no turning back.

There is a momentum going now and I don't think it (or us) can be stopped. Diddy power is back on the agenda and it's not going away.

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HENRY McLEISH ON NEWCO RANGERS "In the last season, 28% of all the people going through the turnstiles in Scotland were because of Rangers

Yippee ....AND? What's the point of that?.

Last season the Scottish Leagues saw around 3,613,294 though turnstiles.

(going on 3,190,414 figure for SPL 2011-12 and 452,880 for SFL 2010-11 figure)

Rangers were 28% of this = 1,011,722

If 'loyal' ex Rangers support choose to back the NewCo team then how does this change anything except some of our smaller clubs get a boost ( 1 year for most ) at the expense of the SPL clubs, who frankly have being paying silly wages to many very average players?

45,000 x 18 NewCo home games = 810,000 (very likely another 100,000 if they got 2 or 3 home cup ties in the 3 cups they'd be in)

Even if no old Rangers fans went to any NewCo away games that 810,000 is a drop in attendance figures of just over 5%

Proves they were a big club and that's hardly news. 

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Word on the street is that the sandwich selection today is:

Tuna Mayo


Chicken Tikka

Cheese and Pickle

Anyone got any news on chicken drumsticks or sausage rolls? Could be a big factor in todays procedings

No jelly and ice cream :(

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