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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Another curio from the Regan leaked email. Point "1. The Rangers FC will be relegated to the 1st Division of the SFL with immediate effect....and will be replaced in the SPL by Dundee FC." Odd since they cannot be relegated. And shows SFA have decided in advance of today's vote - Alex Thomson's Twitter.

This guy has the baws to oust the corrupt bastads within our game. All hail Tomo ;)

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alextomo12:59pm via Twitter for BlackBerry®Another curio from the Regan leaked email. Point "1. The Rangers FC will be relegated to the 1st Division of the SFL with immediate effect..

Way hey, pumped to the post, I mean pipped, but pumped seems ideal given that's what Regan is intending to do to us fans.

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Well, the last few weeks have been interesting. We have had The SPL vote in a sham of a meeting that due to “sporting integrity” they were going to evict Newco Rangers from the SPL. All the while, they knew fine well that voting to allow them to stay wasn’t going to be allowed to happen and have since passed the buck and laid their problem at the SFL’s door.

Since that point, they have applied considerable pressure threatening the loss of all of our income and emotional blackmail about football collapsing and it being all the SFL’s fault. To be honest, it’s not surprising based on past dealings with the SPL, but here we are and what do we do?

Today’s vote is monumental in the history of Scottish football and it’s not without a great deal of stress and debate amongst our board and input from shareholders, season ticket holders and supporters that we have come up with our votes for the three agenda items placed before our one representative at today’s meeting.

We will vote yes to allowing Newco Rangers into the SFL as an associate member and agree to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the league 2012/13. The logic behind this is that they have the facilities and fan base that the league is looking for. The fact that it could go against the rule book is a question for the SFL and not us.

We will vote no on the agenda item that allows Rangers into the 3rd division, but 1st division if the SFL board agree terms with the SPL and SFA on measures “improving” the game. Our representative has been instructed that if the agenda item is altered to allow Rangers into the 3rd division full stop, that we will vote yes, but not on any agenda item that allows Rangers into the 1st.

Finally, we will vote yes to allow either Dunfermline or Dundee to resign from the SFL and be admitted to the SPL for the upcoming season.

A lot has been said in the press etc. about what is right and wrong, but my personal opinion is that Rangers are/were one of 42 professional football clubs in Scotland and should be treated as any one of the 41 other clubs would be. I did not appreciate the bullying and threats that have come from above and part of the problem in our professional game is the unbalanced structure. By the way, I have started writing from my point of view because that is exactly what it is. It is not necessarily the view of Ayr United FC.

I don’t think anyone believes that if it were any other SPL Club besides Celtic that there would be anywhere near this level of pressure etc. and it is partly because of this that we have voted the way we have.

If Rangers do end up voted into the 3rd division, it is likely that an SPL2 will be attempted. So, just for the record (and I hope the sarcasm is clear) the body that is doing such a sterling job of running the top league in our country is going to further try to decimate the SFL by setting up another league and forcing the teams left behind to grovel for crumbs.

I hope that whatever decision is taken tomorrow will be allowed to stand without interference or lawsuits etc., and we will accept any decision either way by the democratic process set up by the SFL. We may not agree with the outcome, but if it is made by the SFL by a transparent vote, then I am satisfied.

I would like to say that I think David Longmuir and the SFL board have been stitched up here, but they have handled themselves well under the circumstances. I sat on that board for a few years and I know for a fact that David, and all of the others who make up the board from the various clubs in Scotland are supporters of the game and believe in the integrity of the game itself. He has been put under unbelievable public pressure and although some press have tried to bundle him in with the other two, he will do what is the right thing by going with the wishes of the 30 clubs that make up the SFL.

Finally, and this is important. If our wishes come true and Rangers do enter the SFL in the 3rd division, we will be under immediate financial pressure as we will automatically lose over 60k immediately. That 60k is already spent in this years playing budget.

Ayr United will not make it through the season if we don’t find a way to make up that loss. So, we have decided to vote based on what is right, but meanwhile are aware that it has the possibility of collapsing us as a club. That is where all of you who have written, called and emailed the club can help by purchasing season tickets, encouraging people to attend matches and sponsoring your club in all the various ways possible.

I have appreciated all of the correspondence that we have received from our supporters. (I could have done without the hundreds of emails from supporters of other clubs) and we have taken your views into account when making our decision. It’s a huge financial risk for us, but I personally think that if we are to make it through this season in tact that it is better standing for what is right than selling our souls and the integrity of the game to appease those at the top who have already done their best to dismantle the game since 1998. I’m a big Scotland supporter and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we haven’t been to a major finals since the SPL was formed.

Hopefully tomorrow’s vote is binding and there is no monkey business that further tarnishes all of us in the sport, and I like most that I have heard from hope it’s the right one.

Lachlan Cameron

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I thought this meeting was for SFL clubs ? Green and McMoist have no right being there, they don't have a team in the SFL. I agree with other posters and hope to hell that even if it's division 3 they are shoe-horned into, that other non-league clubs challenge them being allowed in without them being offered a chance as well. Sevco as it stands at the moment should have less input or opportunity than say Spartans, who at least have a team.

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Grant Russell@STVGrantTo clarify today's vote: 30 SFL votes, 16 majority required for each resolution. In event of tie, chairman (Ewan Cameron, Alloa) decides.

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Not that I'm expecting a tie anywhere, but the decision to let the Alloa chairman to have the overall say is very pleasing.

I'd prefer penalty kicks to be honest, Hamdens' attendance record would be in danger.

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Grant Russell@STVGrant To clarify today's vote: 30 SFL votes, 16 majority required for each resolution. In event of tie, chairman (Ewan Cameron, Alloa) decides.

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Not that I'm expecting a tie anywhere, but the decision to let the Alloa chairman to have the overall say is very pleasing.

Ah, but will he vote representing Alloa or representing the SFL ?

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Grant Russell@STVGrant To clarify today's vote: 30 SFL votes, 16 majority required for each resolution. In event of tie, chairman (Ewan Cameron, Alloa) decides.

So that is Rule 12 out of the window the. Also why does there need to be a casting vote. If it is 15-15 then the resolution would fail as a majority was not obtained (as per the current rules)

Edited by strichener
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Lachlan Campbell is a legend. He's taking a massive risk with his club, but it's what the fans want. And that's what is right. I'll admit, if I was in his position, I may have swayed so credit where credit is due, standing up for the little man. Same applies to every 'diddy' club I'd imagine.

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Not that I'm expecting a tie anywhere, but the decision to let the Alloa chairman to have the overall say is very pleasing.

I hope if it comes to that, the poor sod has the number of a good glazier handy....

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Just saw a wee clip on SSN showing SFL Chairemen taking their seats in the room at Hampden. Noticed Turnbull Hutton in front row - get in there bulldog.

Also noticed it was Gillian Donaldson from Morton next to him as Dougie Rae is on holiday. Wonder if all the 'No' voters sitting together at front and the renegades banished to back row in shame!

It is all boiling up nicely now and good to see nearly 600 fans looking at this thread in anticipation.

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Well, the last few weeks have been interesting. We have had The SPL vote in a sham of a meeting that due to "sporting integrity" they were going to evict Newco Rangers from the SPL. All the while, they knew fine well that voting to allow them to stay wasn't going to be allowed to happen and have since passed the buck and laid their problem at the SFL's door.

Since that point, they have applied considerable pressure threatening the loss of all of our income and emotional blackmail about football collapsing and it being all the SFL's fault. To be honest, it's not surprising based on past dealings with the SPL, but here we are and what do we do?

Today's vote is monumental in the history of Scottish football and it's not without a great deal of stress and debate amongst our board and input from shareholders, season ticket holders and supporters that we have come up with our votes for the three agenda items placed before our one representative at today's meeting.

We will vote yes to allowing Newco Rangers into the SFL as an associate member and agree to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the league 2012/13. The logic behind this is that they have the facilities and fan base that the league is looking for. The fact that it could go against the rule book is a question for the SFL and not us.

We will vote no on the agenda item that allows Rangers into the 3rd division, but 1st division if the SFL board agree terms with the SPL and SFA on measures "improving" the game. Our representative has been instructed that if the agenda item is altered to allow Rangers into the 3rd division full stop, that we will vote yes, but not on any agenda item that allows Rangers into the 1st.

Finally, we will vote yes to allow either Dunfermline or Dundee to resign from the SFL and be admitted to the SPL for the upcoming season.

A lot has been said in the press etc. about what is right and wrong, but my personal opinion is that Rangers are/were one of 42 professional football clubs in Scotland and should be treated as any one of the 41 other clubs would be. I did not appreciate the bullying and threats that have come from above and part of the problem in our professional game is the unbalanced structure. By the way, I have started writing from my point of view because that is exactly what it is. It is not necessarily the view of Ayr United FC.

I don't think anyone believes that if it were any other SPL Club besides Celtic that there would be anywhere near this level of pressure etc. and it is partly because of this that we have voted the way we have.

If Rangers do end up voted into the 3rd division, it is likely that an SPL2 will be attempted. So, just for the record (and I hope the sarcasm is clear) the body that is doing such a sterling job of running the top league in our country is going to further try to decimate the SFL by setting up another league and forcing the teams left behind to grovel for crumbs.

I hope that whatever decision is taken tomorrow will be allowed to stand without interference or lawsuits etc., and we will accept any decision either way by the democratic process set up by the SFL. We may not agree with the outcome, but if it is made by the SFL by a transparent vote, then I am satisfied.

I would like to say that I think David Longmuir and the SFL board have been stitched up here, but they have handled themselves well under the circumstances. I sat on that board for a few years and I know for a fact that David, and all of the others who make up the board from the various clubs in Scotland are supporters of the game and believe in the integrity of the game itself. He has been put under unbelievable public pressure and although some press have tried to bundle him in with the other two, he will do what is the right thing by going with the wishes of the 30 clubs that make up the SFL.

Finally, and this is important. If our wishes come true and Rangers do enter the SFL in the 3rd division, we will be under immediate financial pressure as we will automatically lose over 60k immediately. That 60k is already spent in this years playing budget.

Ayr United will not make it through the season if we don't find a way to make up that loss. So, we have decided to vote based on what is right, but meanwhile are aware that it has the possibility of collapsing us as a club. That is where all of you who have written, called and emailed the club can help by purchasing season tickets, encouraging people to attend matches and sponsoring your club in all the various ways possible.

I have appreciated all of the correspondence that we have received from our supporters. (I could have done without the hundreds of emails from supporters of other clubs) and we have taken your views into account when making our decision. It's a huge financial risk for us, but I personally think that if we are to make it through this season in tact that it is better standing for what is right than selling our souls and the integrity of the game to appease those at the top who have already done their best to dismantle the game since 1998. I'm a big Scotland supporter and I don't think it's a coincidence that we haven't been to a major finals since the SPL was formed.

Hopefully tomorrow's vote is binding and there is no monkey business that further tarnishes all of us in the sport, and I like most that I have heard from hope it's the right one.

Lachlan Cameron


He's putting his baws on the line, hopefully our fans will as well.

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Traynor ;

"These "supporters" dismiss financial projections out of hand while offering no evidence to prove the figures could be wrong."

Fuxake. When Cockwomble et al come up with evidence that the figures are right, then and only then will we be expected to come up with other evidence. All we've had so far is rumour conjecture and scaremongering with no statements from sky or any other sponsors saying they will walk or reduce contracts.

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Whatever happens, I can't wait to read the individual clubs' take on events at the meeting itself.

Patricularly Clyde's.

"Selection of sandwiches was very poor, sausage rolls were nice though"

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Grant Russell@STVGrant STV understands Rangers' Charles Green and Ally McCoist are currently addressing SFL chairmen ahead of their vote.

Hope Fat Ally changes his set from his after dinner speaking masonic lodge one.....

"So, we're losing one nil and it's intae injury time and i get a wee wink fae Brian mcGinlay tae go over in the box.."

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Just saw a wee clip on SSN showing SFL Chairemen taking their seats in the room at Hampden. Noticed Turnbull Hutton in front row - get in there bulldog.

Also noticed it was Gillian Donaldson from Morton next to him as Dougie Rae is on holiday. Wonder if all the 'No' voters sitting together at front and the renegades banished to back row in shame!

It is all boiling up nicely now and good to see nearly 600 fans looking at this thread in anticipation.

Wonder if the ends of the rows were labelled "Good Guys" and "Wanks"?

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