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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Doncaster's only point-of-reference regarding the fan's being against SPL or SFL1, is only framed in the context of them "staying away and hurting gates".

He's clearly no conception that there might be something other than money which would influence the decision-making process.

He's clearly no conception that sporting integrity... not just calculating the cost of abandoning it... should/did play a part in deciding things.

I think it's genuine as well.

He really doesn't get the idea that some important things can't be measured on balance sheets.

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Doncaster is a complete example of everything that is wrong in today's 'corporate world'. What an absolute tosser. He should have been grilled more extensively - Richard Gordon had him by the throat then let the little weasel off just before his final breath :angry:

'Clearly we need clarity'....???

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Oh here we go - Gordon's absolutely seething - you can tell with his tone. Just a pity this on the BBC, or I think he'd be having a real go.

Ha ha. You must have a grumpy old wireless Kyle, I'm not hearing that.:)

Doncaster has refused to answer the questions we wanted answering

No comment..

My link has just gone off, can't get it back.

Maybe too many of you b*****ds using it.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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What a great end to this saga. Sevco in SFL and given a choice, Rangers history or Sevco's future?

Choose Rangers' history and Sevco will be throttled to death by sanctions, choose the future as Sevco with no sanctions and you kill Rangers stone dead, no arguments separate entity. Kill them and have a club, be them and die.

Now that is pleasing.

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This interview has been a complete joke. BBC showing absolute incompetence and subservience. Worse than the tabloids IMO, the red tops are privately owned, the BBC is a public broadcaster.

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So Richard Gordon didn't ask him once about Regan's email?? :angry:

No doubt Doncaster would've just said "that's a question for him" but he was always very quick to leap to Regan's defence and say the criticism was unjust.

The Englishmen Regan & Doncaster - perhaps a Sassenach attempt to bring down our National game? :ph34r:

j/k ;)

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20 minutes in and Donkeymaster is yet to be asked a hard hitting question, or actually answer any question put to him with a straightforward answer.

"So is this it all done and dusted Neil?"

"Well, it's not as simple as that. There is still a lot of work to do."

Well get off the fucking tv and radio, and do some of this fucking work!!!!!

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They want Oldco's SFA membership,so now being told they weren't being punished being placed into SFL3 as this is what happens to all newco's.Yes,they tried and failed to place them in further up,but that was for marketing purposes,and tv monies.

The newco wanting the Oldco's membership means they must also take with it the punishment handed out to it,ie,fines and transfer embargo...or else start as a complete newco,which they can't as they don't meet the criteria to be eligible for a league place.

So now the punishments begin.

Thank you for responding.

Can help but think there could be a lot of panicky rubber stamping of all this shite to prevent them winking out of existence altogether.

Stream gone quiet?

Yep - for me too.

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I think it's genuine as well.

He really doesn't get the idea that some important things can't be measured on balance sheets.

It's like sporting integrity goes down on the balance sheet alongside TV rights from Latin America and a renewal with Panini -

"Sporting Integrity... possible loss through fans leaving Y; possible gain in preserved TV money Z".


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Why the smiley? That there is a deceleration of confidence and we all know what follows a deceleration of confidence, don't we? ;)

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Well, looks like Doncaster will be hanging around, given that at least a couple of SPL chairmen were clearly in cahoots with him in bullying the SFL. Can't see the clubs turning on him for fear of the whole truth coming out.

Regan, however, is well and truely fucked! Good riddance!!!

Edited by Born To Run
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