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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You got to wonder what planet these ragers media fans live on or come from at times :blink:.

I like ragers media because it's funny and full of mental patients :lol:.

sums up why Celtic are just as disliked as TCFKAR..........maybe now your twin brother is deceased you can leave the religious chat for the Chapel/Church/Temple/where ever you worship.

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You assume he gives a toss about the club. Green hived off the assets - the only stuff of any value in the club - to another company a month back, no?

Rather like a certain Whyte knight before him, it seems certain that he will lose absolutely nothing from this mess.

No I agree with you but he does care about his future well being...fact that he has been living in safe houses suggests he now has an idea of the fallout to come. That said the property on its own represent a much smaller profit than a working debt free team in the spl which I'm sure he thought he was going to able to flog for a tidy penny. I think he was expecting much more cash here but he's been out of his depth with almost every decision

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laugh.gif Barry's 100% behind him too !!!

Rangers: John Brown to launch takeover campaign

Former Rangers player John Brown has put £40,000 of his own money into a fans' fund he hopes will wrest control of the club from the Sevco consortium.

He has already urged fans to boycott season tickets for the new Rangers that Sevco hope to field in Division Three.

"It is only right that as I have been out in the front of this, I should put my own money in too," said Brown, who is to launch Rangers For Change.

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“I have spoken to Barry Ferguson and he has promised me that he is 100% behind me”

John BrownFormer Rangers player"I'm not a wealthy guy and £40,000 represents a huge commitment for me."

Brown gave up his job as a Rangers scout to lead takeover attempts after the consortium led by former Sheffield United chief executive Charles Green bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m after the failure to avoid liquidation.

"I have meetings with bankers and lawyers arranged for the next two days and believe that, by the end of the week, I will be able to release further details of how Rangers For Change will work."

_61644730_ferguson.jpgFerguson came through the youth ranks at Ibrox and was team captain

Brown wants wealthy people and former players to each match his £40,000 donation in the hope of raising about £10m he believes could buy out the consortium on behalf of the club's supporters.

And he claims to already have the support of former Rangers captain Barry Ferguson, the former Scotland midfielder presently with Blackpool.

Brown, a member of the Rangers team that won nine titles in a row in the 1990s, said: "I have spoken to Barry and he has promised me that he is 100% behind me.

"He is out of the country on a pre-season training trip, but there is no doubting his commitment and his enthusiasm for my deal.

"Because of his pre-season training and playing commitments, it will be a couple of weeks or so before we will be able to sit down together and hammer out the details.

"But I can assure everyone how excited Barry is to be given this opportunity to do something for the club he loves."

Brown is suspicious of the motives and backers of the Sevco consortium that bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m after the failure to avoid liquidation and retain a place in the Scottish Premier League.

Sevco is negotiating with the Scottish FA to field a new Rangers in the Third Division next season, but Brown wants fans to boycott the new club and force it to sell because of a lack of funds.

"Getting Barry on board at this early stage is a huge boost for our plans and I believe that he is just the first of many other well-known names from Rangers' past who will be happy to back this commitment to the club's future," added Brown.

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Note that it was the same week that Gazza made an appearance......

That's normally the sign of imminent death.

Nahhhhhh, the fishing rod and big bucket haven't made an appearance.

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I started following football in 87. All i remember is successful Rangers.mad.gif

Of course, they were all the ones that stuck around.

I've yet to meet one that admits to walking away, a bit like folk that choose a bad period as their start date to mitigate the gloryhunting jibe.

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sums up why Celtic are just as disliked as TCFKAR..........maybe now your twin brother is deceased you can leave the religious chat for the Chapel/Church/Temple/where ever you worship.

You may want to preach that to an actual bigot .... it's all about the sport with me.

And I may point out that it is well damn fucking hard on here when every now and again I keep getting replies from the likes of you bringing up the sectarian element like I'm a sectarian bigot.I make a non sectarian reply at times then some bigot replies back with the usual you and your kind and your sectarian bigoted ways blah blah.

And that leads me to ! who's the real sectarian bigot if it keeps getting shoved straight at me when I couldn't give a flying fcuk about religious footballing sectarian bigotry ?.

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You may want to preach that to an actual bigot .... it's all about the sport with me.

And I may point out that it is well damn fucking hard on here when every now and again I keep getting replies from the likes of you bringing up the sectarian element like I'm a sectarian bigot.I make a non sectarian reply at times then some bigot replies back with the usual you and your kind and your sectarian bigoted ways blah blah.

And that leads me to ! who's the real sectarian bigot if it keeps getting shoved straight at me when I couldn't give a flying fcuk about religious footballing sectarian bigotry ?.

Sorry I must have imagine the total "whataboutary" about Religion and nothing to do with football from both the Rangers & Celtic fan in your last post.

I appreciate that not ALL RFC & CFC fans are bigots but I have no wish to engage in a conversation about Religion with you or anyone for that matter......would much rather discuss football.

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laugh.gif Barry's 100% behind him too !!!

Rangers: John Brown to launch takeover campaign

Former Rangers player John Brown has put £40,000 of his own money into a fans' fund he hopes will wrest control of the club from the Sevco consortium.

He has already urged fans to boycott season tickets for the new Rangers that Sevco hope to field in Division Three.

"It is only right that as I have been out in the front of this, I should put my own money in too," said Brown, who is to launch Rangers For Change.

Continue reading the main story

"I have spoken to Barry Ferguson and he has promised me that he is 100% behind me"

John BrownFormer Rangers player"I'm not a wealthy guy and £40,000 represents a huge commitment for me."

Brown gave up his job as a Rangers scout to lead takeover attempts after the consortium led by former Sheffield United chief executive Charles Green bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m after the failure to avoid liquidation.

"I have meetings with bankers and lawyers arranged for the next two days and believe that, by the end of the week, I will be able to release further details of how Rangers For Change will work."

_61644730_ferguson.jpgFerguson came through the youth ranks at Ibrox and was team captain

Brown wants wealthy people and former players to each match his £40,000 donation in the hope of raising about £10m he believes could buy out the consortium on behalf of the club's supporters.

And he claims to already have the support of former Rangers captain Barry Ferguson, the former Scotland midfielder presently with Blackpool.

Brown, a member of the Rangers team that won nine titles in a row in the 1990s, said: "I have spoken to Barry and he has promised me that he is 100% behind me.

"He is out of the country on a pre-season training trip, but there is no doubting his commitment and his enthusiasm for my deal.

"Because of his pre-season training and playing commitments, it will be a couple of weeks or so before we will be able to sit down together and hammer out the details.

"But I can assure everyone how excited Barry is to be given this opportunity to do something for the club he loves."

Brown is suspicious of the motives and backers of the Sevco consortium that bought Rangers' assets for £5.5m after the failure to avoid liquidation and retain a place in the Scottish Premier League.

Sevco is negotiating with the Scottish FA to field a new Rangers in the Third Division next season, but Brown wants fans to boycott the new club and force it to sell because of a lack of funds.

"Getting Barry on board at this early stage is a huge boost for our plans and I believe that he is just the first of many other well-known names from Rangers' past who will be happy to back this commitment to the club's future," added Brown.

Isin't Barry up for receiving from the EBT scheme ? might need a few bob when the taxman cometh

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As I was walking down the Copeland Road

I met a total stranger

And he said to me are you going to see the famous Glasgow Rangers


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FFS... On Sunday I came home from the Cold Chisel gig in Glasgow to find that Inverness CTs panic attack about impending armageddon had receeded... Two days later, I get home from the Noel Gallagher gig at Embra' Castle to find the SFA confirm sanctions for oldco/newco, it appears Sevco are sueing Haudit & Daudit, and Bomber Brown has put 40k into a fighting fund to wrestle control from Charlie Green.

How many 'Rangers' will we end up with? It's like various members of Sweet or Bucks Fizz playing the club circuit and all claiming to be the real deal.

In the name of what's left of Scottish football's dignity - someone, somewhere, please administer the bullet between the eyes, and stop this monster mutating into Bucks Newco Fizzgers, Bomberangers, and Sevco Works XI...

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You may want to preach that to an actual bigot .... it's all about the sport with me.

And I may point out that it is well damn fucking hard on here when every now and again I keep getting replies from the likes of you bringing up the sectarian element like I'm a sectarian bigot.I make a non sectarian reply at times then some bigot replies back with the usual you and your kind and your sectarian bigoted ways blah blah.

And that leads me to ! who's the real sectarian bigot if it keeps getting shoved straight at me when I couldn't give a flying fcuk about religious footballing sectarian bigotry ?.

You obviously do give a flying fcuk about religious footballing sectarian bigotry as you pasted bigoted comments from a Rangers forum in this thread.

Just ignore them.

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FFS... On Sunday I came home from the Cold Chisel gig in Glasgow to find that Inverness CTs panic attack about impending armageddon had receeded... Two days later, I get home from the Noel Gallagher gig at Embra' Castle to find the SFA confirm sanctions for oldco/newco, it appears Sevco are sueing Haudit & Daudit, and Bomber Brown has put 40k into a fighting fund to wrestle control from Charlie Green.

How many 'Rangers' will we end up with? It's like various members of Sweet or Bucks Fizz playing the club circuit and all claiming to be the real deal.

In the name of what's left of Scottish football's dignity - someone, somewhere, please administer the bullet between the eyes, and stop this monster mutating into Bucks Newco Fizzgers, Bomberangers, and Sevco Works XI...

Aye , Rainjurz splinter groups . That's the missing part of this saga !

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Sorry I must have imagine the total "whataboutary" about Religion and nothing to do with football from both the Rangers & Celtic fan in your last post.

I appreciate that not ALL RFC & CFC fans are bigots but I have no wish to engage in a conversation about Religion with you or anyone for that matter......would much rather discuss football.

I was just pointing out the points in that ragers media member and his blinded allegiance to some sort of mental ideal that is being what is deemed a real Rangers supporter.And also his twisted facts in his post showing he did not have a clue really what he was typing.

Do excuse my rant as well :P.

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You obviously do give a flying fcuk about religious footballing sectarian bigotry as you pasted bigoted comments from a Rangers forum in this thread.

Just ignore them.

:blink: I'm addicted to ragers media for the moment after every fritzel moment they receive ha ha........ please help me end my addiction !.

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Just a thought if Bomber's 'not a wealthy guy' but can pitch in £40k, then I must be a peasant.

Fair play to brown, can't doubt his motives.

I'm sure it's only a loan to the fans like all the other take overs....... and yous lot can pay it back when I gets control of Mordhor........ plus interest of course ! Wonga rates :lol:.

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