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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why has there been so little organisation?

Simple. They believed their own propaganda, that they were too big to fail, that We Are The People, that someone would bail them out.

100% Truth, but i would replace the word "propaganda" with bullshit. wink.gif

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If they do manage to get through this and get a team together, do you think in a few years time we'll hear this conversation?

"What team do you support?"


"I know someone that's a Rangers fan. You probably know him!!! Hahahaha." dry.gif

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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He was getting bombarded by an orchestrated attack from the orcs.

Probably the saddest thing out of the lot. The only thing that Sevco fans have been shown to be excellent at organising is harassment campaigns. Of course this is also something the tabloids are good at.

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Why has there been so little organisation? Simple. They believed their own propaganda, that they were too big to fail, that We Are The People, that someone would bail them out.


A week before they went into admin they held a "protest" outside BBC Scotland over the Craig Whyte documentary, claiming it was another example of anti - rangers bias.

If you get a change, read the minutes of meetings Rangers fan groups have, even now they still don't accept anything thats happened to the club, its all a big conspiracy due to jealousy & bigotry, even at the last RFFF meeting some guy was talking about what Rangers fans can do to stop the SNP taking Scotland out the union!

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If they do manage to get through this and get a team together, do you think in a few years time we'll hear this conversation?

"What team do you support?"


"I know someone that's a Rangers fan. You probably know him!!! Hahahaha."

Nah, I expect phrases like.

"I put £x into the fighting fund"

"I watched them right through the divisions"

after all, we've all met the 3 million that attended during the early 80's, I've never met one that stated, " I stopped going then because we were pish".

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Because they've always had everything handed to them on a plate (titles, cups etc) to a very large extent, apart from a few years in the wilderness in the 80s and CFC battling for supremacy, the MSM telling them what they want to hear, and the SFA kow-towing to their every wish, whereas us diddies have come to expect the worst and perhaps see our club as a potential basket-case every season, that way we were "Ready" (see what I did there? :lol: ) to do something if the worst came to the worst . RFC's problem is that it became too big for a group of fans to fix, it would need wealth off the radar to put right in the state it was last season. The wee, daft guys who would happily sell their granny to help don't have that amount of money, and the smart businessmen who have enough money are too effin smart to "invest" that amount in a football club where break-even (see Bill Miller) is the best result you'll get (or in RFC's case, be allowed to get, as the Orcs expect every spare penny to be re-invested chasing the Holy Grail, sorry, Orange Grail, of the Champions League), hence the laughably cheap bids forwarded by The Blue Knights and the Cardigan Consortium.

Edit : surely, even if they get to be called Rangers and keep the badge, keeping that word on it would be the biggest hypocrisy of all??? ;)

In the early days they totally believed someone would save them. I even saw posts claiming 'the Establishment' would not let them down.

I'm sure someone with the right program can rustle up a crest for them along the lines of

" Diddy Gers- Neveready'., with a subtle play on the battery logo.

I had a quick squint on t'interweb found this.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Number 8, get down tae St Mirren Park.

Purchase Season Tickets for yirself and yir Boy.

Don't forget the purchase of a Car Parking ticket.

You know it makes sense.

No chance i have always been a bit of a diddy..or so i am told...and looking forward to looking down my nose at all you 'Big Time Charlies' in the SPHELL. Fizzy Pop league is where it is at...Ya shower of Glory Hunters!!

Give me a chance i am just learning this diddy speak and not quite perfected it yet ;)

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The utter lack of action and organisation amongst the orcs has been a stand out feature of this entire saga. "Worldwide Fanbase" bullshit aside, there a lot of people in Scotland who profess to be Rangers "fans" but their voice has been completely muted throughout this, even with a willing MSM , eager to give them a platform. There is no doubt that the fans of the diddy teams have been heard loudest throughout this via non-traditional means (the MSM have even been unable to ignore that fact) and their actions have appeared to be more co-oridinated (even without any structured campaign) and that is pretty staggering whichever way you look at it. I can only conclude that a false sense of entitlement and a lot of complacency where they thought "we'll be awright" meant that they didn't make anything happen apart from some misguided boycott threats that actually made the decision to refuse them entry to the SPL easier.

A few years ago, if someone told me that the Rangers fans would tamely let their club fold in the manner that it did - I wouldn't have believed it quite honestly - and the fact that there hasn't been an effort to start a "Real Rangers" from scratch is also a massive surprise to me. The current entity that is entering the 3rd Division is clearly an utter farce with precious few links to the past and I'm surprised that enough people aren't of a mind to start their own club - especially with a Pyramid allegedly on the horizon.

Because they didn't want to know about the deep rooted problems and more importantly they still refuse to accept that their team is dead !

Until they see a team in the guise of Rangers play their first Ramsden's Cup game in the humble setting of Glebe Park , they will continue to be in denial !

How long does it take the average alcoholic to admit that he/ she is an alcoholic ? Long after they are told by friends and family !

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Because they didn't want to know about the deep rooted problems and more importantly they still refuse to accept that their team is dead !

Until they see a team in the guise of Rangers play their first Ramsden's Cup game in the humble setting of Glebe Park , they will continue to be in denial !

How long does it take the average alcoholic to admit that he/ she is an alcoholic ? Long after they are told by friends and family !

The 2 guys that were interviewed after the debenture meeting were gutted that they had to vote for the end of Rangers, they got it, why haven't the rest of them grasped this weeks later?

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Aye, he's came across as a right cock

Minutes from RFFF meeting


" Sandy Jardine confirmed as far as he was concerned, it didn't matter what transpired, as far as the club is concerned, all trophies were won on the field and the league flags would continue to adorn the walls of the trophy room"

Sandy again saying he is going to ask to have his name removed from the SFA hall of fame.

Still no done it!

Sorry Sandy, unless you change your name, your history will stay.

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Apologies if this was mentioned earlier on... can't really be bothered trawling back through the dozen-odd pages from since evening!!... but I see Regan has deleted his Twitter account. Changed days.

It's really annoys me that when Twitter gives the ordinary person unique access to influential people, whatever you think of them, moronic orcs can destroy it with relentless foul mouthed rants..

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They did believe that someone would bail them out. The only problem was that everybody believed that everybody else would do it. But when it has come to the crunch its been a case of "I thought you had money?", "But I thought YOU had money???"

Sir David Murray and the fall of Rangers Football Club: http://www.bbc.co.uk...w-west-14880473

Cause of death:

"For every five pounds Celtic spend, we will spend ten" - Sir David Murray
Edited by Itwiznaeme
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Because they didn't want to know about the deep rooted problems and more importantly they still refuse to accept that their team is dead !

Until they see a team in the guise of Rangers play lose their first Ramsden's Cup game in the humble setting of Glebe Park , they will continue to be in denial !

How long does it take the average alcoholic to admit that he/ she is an alcoholic ? Long after they are told by friends and family !

Fixed :)

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More likely that with a large wedge of his purchase price going to purchase player registrations, he actually thought he could circumvent TUPE employment legislation, and punt yer' Naismiths, McGregors and the rest for a nice wedge. Ooops. Fail. Obviously there must be a bob in it somewhere for the bricks and mortar of Minty Moonbeams Park and the stadium with Sandy's league title flags super-glued to the wall too. Whatever his plan was - it surely revolved around ££££ signs. He wasn't bargaining on an institution on its knees being papped to Div 3 with all sorts of nasty sanctions and penalties still applying... and perish the thought, he'd have to actually look like he's trying to run a football club rather than a short-term money making opportunity.

If guys like Green, Bomber Brown, Brian Kennedy, Soccerball Bill, Sir Walter of Cardigan, or anyone else, were actually interested in saving Rangers the footballing institution, and sorting them out for the future - where were they hiding when Sir Minty ended up selling them to a spiv like Whyte for a quid. Nowhere.

Nail - napper.

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