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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The BBC said they only got a look at the side letters, weren't allowed to take copies. They probably won't reveal sources. And there's all the other linked investigations into EBT's. I think they'll make a firm and rigorous decision not to make a decision.

I would think that there is a fairly decent probability that the BBC have further tales to tell regarding this story and if the SFA dont get it right, the folk at the BBC will be extremely quick to air an update. When that happens the fan will be covered in excrement and FIFA/UEFA and possibly Strathclydes finest will step in it.

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Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.

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Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.


You'll end up in the hospital...wink.gif

Edited by Dungolfin
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Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.

Cracking rant man.

I'd buy you a pint if I could, have a greenie instead cool.gif

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I know. Worked out who I am? :ph34r::lol:

No, I'll have a go when I'm sedated.


Last time I checked we were Glasgow Rangers Football Club not "The Rangers FC"

Fricking dug rapers

Even the Orcs don't know their team's name :lol:

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.

There, there. Have a wee cup of tea and and a sit down, you'll feel better.

I've given you a greenie to play with, take your mind off it.

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Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.

What are you trying to say ? cool.gif

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Pretty sure the issues below will have been discussed before, but just wanted to know if anyone else had heard similar murmurings? Before I list them I just want to make it clear I have no idea if they are worthy of consideration, I'm just interested to hear if anyone else had heard about them.

1. Why would a club like Southampton pay money for a player who isn't under contract to any other existing company? Unless the player concerned was contracted to an EXISTING company, which wasn't the one just liquidated, or the one just recently formed.

2. Two clubs are in hoc to a bank. Club A owes an enormous sum, Club B not nearly as much. The bank refuses to bankroll Club B such that they might go into administration. Such a scenario ensures Club A will reap the benefits of near permanent European footballing income to payback the debt to the bank. The decision made by the bank not to support Club B, despite it's much lesser debt, is taken with the full acknowledgement and support of Club A ( all in secret of course, nudge nudge wink wink say no moah) - you owe the bank £100 it's your problem, you owe them £84m, it's the bank's. I seem to recall something to this effect on RTC?

I am a sceptic by nature. I was assured that both issues above were evidenced, though I wondered why I'd never seen Daly expose any of it!

I'm a bit pished so please excuse the x-file nature of the post. Please tell me it's all shite, it'll make me feel cleaner!

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His names an anagram of " Ego Fan Invasion Ltd"

Greeny for ya. laugh.gif Apparently, if you substitute the letters of his name for other ones you get 'complete and utter chancer'. Amazing. What are the odds?

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Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

Feeling your pain man!!! :)

Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.

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Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.

Come on man! They've been punished enough. Just forgive and forget. :ph34r:

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Pretty sure the issues below will have been discussed before, but just wanted to know if anyone else had heard similar murmurings? Before I list them I just want to make it clear I have no idea if they are worthy of consideration, I'm just interested to hear if anyone else had heard about them.

1. Why would a club like Southampton pay money for a player who isn't under contract to any other existing company? Unless the player concerned was contracted to an EXISTING company, which wasn't the one just liquidated, or the one just recently formed.

I'm a bit pished so please excuse the x-file nature of the post. Please tell me it's all shite, it'll make me feel cleaner!

As time goes by I tend less and less to believe elaborate conspiracies.

I think if the last few years have taught us anything it's that most people who are proclaimed captains of industry, award winning businessmen and even supposedly brilliantly advised governments are making it up as they go along. There are no long term plans in place for most things, and certainly not ventures are risky as fly-by-night football ones.

The reason Southampton seem to have paid up to Rangers is probably that they were very badly advised. Much like Ticketus, Whyte, Murray, the SFL/SPL/SFA and Green have been. There were no clever get-out schemes to work huge profits by malfeasance, no cunning stratagems devised to expertly bypass legislation and no geniuses pulling the strings behind the scenes: all there ever were were small befuddled men behind curtains masked by smoke and loudspeakers. Only without the wisdom of the wizard. More like the brainlessness of the scarecrow.

This is continuing as Green, backed by Rangers fans, seems too dumb to know that while he continues to attempt to bluff he has his cards held the wrong way round showing nothing but a pair of twos.

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Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.

Anyone any idea who he means?


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Competition (not that it's a difficult one). Who said this:

'If Rangers or anyone else applied for entry into the SFL they would have to go through the same process as Annan, Spartans FC, Preston Athletic and Cove Rangers did four years ago,'

'They would have to put a proposal to us on why they should be allowed in and then hope they were voted in by the SFL clubs.

'At the moment it's difficult for me to comment on Rangers' situation.

'But anything that brought excitement and freshness to the SFL would be something I'm interested in.

'It would be the same process, given any set of circumstances.

'When Annan were welcomed in the process took a couple of months during the close season.

'In the past we've had to assess the likes of Annan, Cove and Preston on the basis of ground criteria, facilities and financial stability.

'So checks have to be done, which would obviously be a bit different if Rangers were involved.

'However, at the moment there is no vacancy in the SFL.'

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Spent the last 20 mins trying to write how angry I am that this embarrassment continues. Failed. Could not articulate. I just hate them so much. Not just for being them. Not just for cheating. Not just for arguing about the oh so lenient sanctions being negotiated. FUCKING NEGOTIATED? But because they have no sense of what is around them. No understanding of the damage they continue to wreak upon the nation that houses them. And no sense of shame. No desire to move on for the greater good. No comapssion, no contrition, no humility.

Fucking hate the fucking fuckers man. I really fucking do.

Perfectly articulated :)

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Competition (not that it's a difficult one). Who said this:

'If Rangers or anyone else applied for entry into the SFL they would have to go through the same process as Annan, Spartans FC, Preston Athletic and Cove Rangers did four years ago,'

'They would have to put a proposal to us on why they should be allowed in and then hope they were voted in by the SFL clubs.

'At the moment it's difficult for me to comment on Rangers' situation.

'But anything that brought excitement and freshness to the SFL would be something I'm interested in.

'It would be the same process, given any set of circumstances.

'When Annan were welcomed in the process took a couple of months during the close season.

'In the past we've had to assess the likes of Annan, Cove and Preston on the basis of ground criteria, facilities and financial stability.

'So checks have to be done, which would obviously be a bit different if Rangers were involved.

'However, at the moment there is no vacancy in the SFL.'

Joanna lumley ?

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