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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It seems implausible I know, but it's almost as if they don't really care one way or the other. It's almost as if their entire defence will be to point at other clubs with much less widespread problems and whine "But what about them? What about Queen Of The South?!! You're all just anti-Rangers!!". But surely that cannot be the case. I'm quite sure many of them, hell the majority of them, have written to their club to express serious concern that sectarian singing continues in the year 2012. I am doubly sure many of them have tapped the offenders on the shoulder at matches and asked them to cease their behaviour, because it's only a tiny minority of idiots, right??

Yeah amazing that it is a tiny minority when talking about 50,000 at Ibrox. But it just so happens that they are the ones that always manage to get the tickets for the small crowd games (4150 at Brechin I believe). What are the chances?????

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From today's Scotman

Lucrative English football league could be opening up for Rangers

By Eoghainn Maclean

Published on Monday 30 July 2012 00:00

NOW could be the time for "Rangers" to take the Football League SFL), the Barclays Premier League (BPL) and any other opposing football authorities to court under UK competition law for orders forcing their entry to English domestic leagues.

In my opinion they would have a good prospect of success and of emulating Jean-Marc Bosman in overturning football's anticompetitive practices.

Essentially, in competition law, Rangers is a business undertaking and should be free to provide its services as a club to the buyers of such services anywhere in the UK. The buyers are, principally, the organisers of domestic football league tournaments, who distribute shares of revenue in return. The FL and BPL are cartels that abuse their dominant position on UK football markets through rules which exclude clubs that do not play their home games in England or Wales. Rangers' case would be founded on two pillars of UK competition law, which are applied in accordance with EU law and are directly enforceable by undertakings in the ordinary courts.

The first is the prohibition against agreements, or concerted practices, between undertakings or decisions of associations of undertakings which substantially restrict competition within the UK or part of it (chapter one, Competition Act 1998).

The second is the prohibition against abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position on a market which restricts competition on that market or another directly affected market, in the UK or part of it (chapter two of the 1998 act).

The FL and BPL are collectively dominant in the UK in the market for the provision of the services of organising and promoting league tournaments. They purchase the services of professional clubs in exchange for shares of revenue made up, principally, of broadcast income.

In that market, the FL and BPL form a buyer's cartel, rather than a seller's cartel, so their market share is measured by the amount of purchasing they do. It seems clear that they distribute more than 40 per cent of all such revenues distributed by all such organisers in the UK, which is the accepted upper threshold for establishing certain dominance under the second prohibition (25 per cent is the accepted upper threshold for establishing a "substantial restriction" of competition under the first).

The FL and BPL's rules, along with those of other football bodies such as SPL, SFA, FA, Uefa and Fifa, effectively limit Rangers to playing all their domestic football only within the territory in which they play their home, namely, Scotland.

That is a hardcore competition abuse and Rangers would have a good case in principle.

Success in national courts in competition cases challenging sporting organisations is by no means unprecedented. The Bosman case is a prime example.

Since Bosman, Fifa and Uefa have repeatedly lobbied for EU legislation and, latterly, non-binding declarations that the splitting of domestic football into national territories within the EU is, nonetheless, compatible with competition law. They have been consistently refused. Most recently, the EU Commission's 2007 white papers on sport, later approved by the EU Parliament, did not even suggest the exemption of such territorial organisation of football or other sports from competition law.

What probably stopped Rangers, and Celtic, taking this issue to court were the rules in Fifa's, Uefa's and national associations' constitutions which prohibit clubs from taking action against any football bodies in the ordinary courts. While Rangers were competing at the top level in Scotland and trying to be competitive in Europe, with all the that required, they may have felt the risk was too great. Now that they are out of Europe for a number of seasons and have been banished to the Scottish third division, they have little to lose and may have much to gain by finally taking this competition case to court.

Eoghainn Maclean is an advocate practising competition and other commercial law. He is a member of Ampersand Stable.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Is this The Famine Song that you're referring to:

The words are:

Four men had a dream

To start up a football team

But they had no money, no kit, not even a ball

But they carried on

And The Rangers were born

54 titles

We're still going strong.

Feel free to argue with/take the piss out of the sentiments but also make sure that you quote all of the offensive words when you write to The SFA/UEFA/FIFA/FARE and The Irish Embassy.

And what alternative words were they singing to the sash in E/T? That being the only part of the game I saw. I'll let FARE decipher the lyrics. Although I'm fairly sure they're pretty familiar with the "traditional" songbook.

Scum, the lot of them. Not a minority - the whole crew. They just don't get it. From the orcs on the terracing, through Sally and Wullie Pullar to Green with his nonsensical ranting, Scottish football will be well shot of them.

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Yes, not up to his usual standard. The repetition is nowhere near as relentless as in his better work. I think he's maybe made the mistake of trying to write when semi-sober.

Come on Leggo - back on the sauce. We deserve better.

Is Chris McGlaughlins nickname really Scrote?

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On the radio i heard -- loud and clear -- the "We are Rangers, Super Rangers" song, with the "We hate Celtic, ****** b*****ds" line in there being shouted audibly by many.

Why are Rangers fans still singing this? Why are decent Rangers fans not objecting?


Yeah....come on "decent Rangers fans"! now is the time to take a stand. You have a chance to change things for the better.


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From today's Scotman

Lucrative English football league could be opening up for Rangers

By Eoghainn Maclean

Published on Monday 30 July 2012 00:00

NOW could be the time for "Rangers" to take the Football League SFL), the Barclays Premier League (BPL) and any other opposing football authorities to court under UK competition law for orders forcing their entry to English domestic leagues.

In my opinion they would have a good prospect of success and of emulating Jean-Marc Bosman in overturning football's anticompetitive practices.

Essentially, in competition law, Rangers is a business undertaking and should be free to provide its services as a club to the buyers of such services anywhere in the UK. The buyers are, principally, the organisers of domestic football league tournaments, who distribute shares of revenue in return. The FL and BPL are cartels that abuse their dominant position on UK football markets through rules which exclude clubs that do not play their home games in England or Wales. Rangers' case would be founded on two pillars of UK competition law, which are applied in accordance with EU law and are directly enforceable by undertakings in the ordinary courts.

The first is the prohibition against agreements, or concerted practices, between undertakings or decisions of associations of undertakings which substantially restrict competition within the UK or part of it (chapter one, Competition Act 1998).

The second is the prohibition against abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position on a market which restricts competition on that market or another directly affected market, in the UK or part of it (chapter two of the 1998 act).

The FL and BPL are collectively dominant in the UK in the market for the provision of the services of organising and promoting league tournaments. They purchase the services of professional clubs in exchange for shares of revenue made up, principally, of broadcast income.

In that market, the FL and BPL form a buyer's cartel, rather than a seller's cartel, so their market share is measured by the amount of purchasing they do. It seems clear that they distribute more than 40 per cent of all such revenues distributed by all such organisers in the UK, which is the accepted upper threshold for establishing certain dominance under the second prohibition (25 per cent is the accepted upper threshold for establishing a "substantial restriction" of competition under the first).

The FL and BPL's rules, along with those of other football bodies such as SPL, SFA, FA, Uefa and Fifa, effectively limit Rangers to playing all their domestic football only within the territory in which they play their home, namely, Scotland.

That is a hardcore competition abuse and Rangers would have a good case in principle.

Success in national courts in competition cases challenging sporting organisations is by no means unprecedented. The Bosman case is a prime example.

Since Bosman, Fifa and Uefa have repeatedly lobbied for EU legislation and, latterly, non-binding declarations that the splitting of domestic football into national territories within the EU is, nonetheless, compatible with competition law. They have been consistently refused. Most recently, the EU Commission's 2007 white papers on sport, later approved by the EU Parliament, did not even suggest the exemption of such territorial organisation of football or other sports from competition law.

What probably stopped Rangers, and Celtic, taking this issue to court were the rules in Fifa's, Uefa's and national associations' constitutions which prohibit clubs from taking action against any football bodies in the ordinary courts. While Rangers were competing at the top level in Scotland and trying to be competitive in Europe, with all the that required, they may have felt the risk was too great. Now that they are out of Europe for a number of seasons and have been banished to the Scottish third division, they have little to lose and may have much to gain by finally taking this competition case to court.

Eoghainn Maclean is an advocate practising competition and other commercial law. He is a member of Ampersand Stable.

Biggest heap of Pish that I have read in a long time. By definition Domestic means your own country. The Rangers can also play in the European Leagues once they have been established for long enough and are good enough.

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Am I alone in being glad that they've been given a conditional licence? Watching them slowly realising that Green doesn't have the cash to keep them afloat, the inevitable walking away by the orc minions, the in-fghting and the slow decline into ultimate self destruction will be much more entertating? Any minute shred of sympathy I may have had for them has been lost with Sally/Greens rants and the behaviour of the troglodyte hordes yesterday.

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From today's Scotman

Lucrative English football league could be opening up for Rangers

By Eoghainn Maclean

Published on Monday 30 July 2012 00:00

NOW could be the time for "Rangers" to take the Football League SFL), the Barclays Premier League (BPL) and any other opposing football authorities to court under UK competition law for orders forcing their entry to English domestic leagues.

In my opinion they would have a good prospect of success and of emulating Jean-Marc Bosman in overturning football's anticompetitive practices.

Essentially, in competition law, Rangers is a business undertaking and should be free to provide its services as a club to the buyers of such services anywhere in the UK. The buyers are, principally, the organisers of domestic football league tournaments, who distribute shares of revenue in return. The FL and BPL are cartels that abuse their dominant position on UK football markets through rules which exclude clubs that do not play their home games in England or Wales. Rangers' case would be founded on two pillars of UK competition law, which are applied in accordance with EU law and are directly enforceable by undertakings in the ordinary courts.

Surely, the logical conclusion to this pile of bollox is total Europe wide competition and a removal of the various national associations.

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Anyone finding their local Sevco punters to be stuck in repeat with hideous quotes from the likes of Dingers and Bomber Brown?

'the company died, not the club...'

'it's sheer bigotry towards Rangers'

'Celtic did the same thing'

'Lennon had an EBT'

They're like a bunch of badly-dressed parrots.

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Surely, the logical conclusion to this pile of bollox is total Europe wide competition and a removal of the various national associations.

That would be discriminatory against teams from Fiji and Honduras surely?

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Yes, after hearing McCoist's comments on Friday and Green's yesterday, I can only assume a decision has been made to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

They've got their work cut out to sustain it though, because as denominators go, we're talking very, very low indeed.

And the reason for Ally throwing the toys oot the pram? He's finally realised the the old days of Ra Gers saying "Jump" and everybody at the SFA and SPL saying "How high?" are gone.

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What an absolute cockslap he is BBC mad.gif

From today's Herald -------

Green also risked angering many other SPL and Scottish Football League club's owners and chairmen by predicting that they were in such dire financial trouble that league reconstruction soon would be inevitable. "There will be changes at the top level this year because some of the clubs up there are really, really going to struggle financially with their current debt.

"These companies all file accounts, we can all see where they are in terms of their positions with the banks. We've not got the debt that any of these clubs have. And, on the last day of the season, I would really enjoy some clever financial analyst looking at the balance sheets and debt-to-equity ratio of every club in Scotland.

Why is that, Mr Green?

Simply fuc*ing unbelievable. With that level of arrogance, he's going to fit right in at Ibrox.

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From today's Herald -------

Green also risked angering many other SPL and Scottish Football League club's owners and chairmen by predicting that they were in such dire financial trouble that league reconstruction soon would be inevitable. "There will be changes at the top level this year because some of the clubs up there are really, really going to struggle financially with their current debt.

"These companies all file accounts, we can all see where they are in terms of their positions with the banks. We've not got the debt that any of these clubs have. And, on the last day of the season, I would really enjoy some clever financial analyst looking at the balance sheets and debt-to-equity ratio of every club in Scotland.

Why is that, Mr Green?

Simply fuc*ing unbelievable. With that level of arrogance, he's going to fit right in at Ibrox.

What is his game? This is pure wind-up merchantry dry.gif

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This from the chairman of a company that cannot get an ovrerdraft to allow its fans to pay for season tickets, and has been rejected by all the major banks leading to it banking with Metrobank who only have a dozen or so branches, all in the london area.

Oh and by the way Charles - hows the cash flow looking??;)

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It really is shocking that he's claiming bigotry was involved, fans of all other clubs detest Celtic and Rangers equally because of the baggage they bring, that isn't bigotry.

Maybe Chucky Green meant it was ANTI-bigotry that was behind the decision

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