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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I couldn't believe the arrogance of then man when he referred to Brechin as "this mob". How I was chuckling yesterday watching them being taken to extra time. A late Brechin winner would have been ten times sweeter than a late winner against England in the World Cup.

WHIT? This has gone too far.

People are taking leave of their senses never mind eye off the ball.

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Tried it - cut out after the first five minutes. Is something sinister going on here? Has Cosgrove been declared an un-person and sent to room 101 fir reconditioning?

Happend to me as well the 2nd time I tried to listen to it. Hand of andy cameron or has anyone been having a go at David Icke and his lizard peoplesad.gif or maybe the bbc server is seriously overloaded?

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I have not one issue with Catholics. I certainly do not hate Catholics at all. I am a Protestant. This doesn't make me a hater. I firmly believe in, "Agree to disagree".

Stating that I am a Protestant Unionist is a matter of fact. It says nothing about hatred.

I don't doubt you mate, but the expression of Unionist sentiment at football is designed to antagonise and send out a message of hate to the Roman catholic community in Scotland.

I'd imagine you're too intelligent to pretend otherwise.

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Same here - other peeps were saying this too above, thought Cyber had found a different link :(

It cut off on me once but I just started again and got it for 2 hours.


eta ..overload on server sounds right, I listened this afternoon.

..........and it's cyDer -hic- theng you.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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This thread is going to the dogs. Again.

STV reporting that Lawwell, Doncaster, Duncan Fraser (Aberdeen) & Kenny Cameron (Inverness) are part of a "steering group" which was set up to discuss commercial contracts.

Here's hoping they do better than the Reconstruction "steering group"...

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I've nothing against Catholics protestants , but I do think it would improve community relations if they stopped harvesting the blood of Protestant catholic children for their rituals.


I thought that was just the Free Church (Reformed)though might be getting them mixed up with the Free Church(Continuing)

sorry couldn't resist it........check pleasewink.gif

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This thread is going to the dogs. Again.

Why do you say that ... is it because you didn't enjoy reading the rational and logical replies and answers that were posted in response to the comments and questions that you posted earlier?

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Guest Kincardine

At least you are man enough to admit to that, unlike Green, McCoist, Jardine, Brown and a significantly high number of deluded mentally unstable others who are still blaming everyone else for their fate.

I'm pretty sure that many of the Gers fans who post on here see ourselves as culpable. Part of us knew we were overspending and part of us hoped, like a gambler, the next turn of the cards would make it all OK.

Sure we were mismanaged but we, as fans, wanted more and more success. We all wanked at the "if Celtic spend a fiver we'll spend a tenner" comment.

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I'm pretty sure that many of the Gers fans who post on here see ourselves as culpable. Part of us knew we were overspending and part of us hoped, like a gambler, the next turn of the cards would make it all OK.

Sure we were mismanaged but we, as fans, wanted more and more success. We all wanked at the "if Celtic spend a fiver we'll spend a tenner" comment.

Ach man, that's a turn of phrase that could put a man off his teablink.gif

just goany no dae that

Edited by Heidthebaw
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Why do you say that ... is it because you didn't enjoy reading the rational and logical replies and answers that were posted in response to the comments and questions that you posted earlier?

Erm, no :huh:... it's because of the insufferable round-in-circles singing/identity/denomination/Ulster/Eire stuff.

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I thought that was just the Free Church (Reformed)though might be getting them mixed up with the Free Church(Continuing)

sorry couldn't resist it........check pleasewink.gif

I know, it's damn confusing. It's like the Jesuits and Opus Dei, which are the ones who hire albino assassins? Don't think Theology is my strong point.. blink.gif

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I know, it's damn confusing. It's like the Jesuits and Opus Dei, which are the ones who hire albino assassins? Don't think Theology is my strong point.. blink.gif

It doesn't really matter when each and all of them are unwittingly in the dark working for the same master anyway. laugh.gif

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Latest & possibly last RTC blog:

On 27th March 2011, this blog started what was to become a remarkable odyssey. Attracting a range of very well qualified contributors from across the Scottish professional world, this blog quickly grew to become the place for informed debate on the subject of the disintegration of Rangers. It was also behind the vast majority of the factual revelations on this sorry story until it went mainstream with the broadcast of the BBC Scotland documentary “Rangers- The Men Who Sold The Jerseys” in late May 2012.

The motivation to write this blog was fired by a fear that backroom deals would allow Rangers to escape responsibility for it actions. After Darrell King (Evening Times & The Herald) rushed to get the first stories with specifics about Rangers’ tax problems into print in April 2010, the Scottish media (including King) implemented a policy of black-out and denial. In the silence of the first few months of 2011, it was feared that this entire story might run its course and never be reported. Indeed, the First Tier Tribunal (Tax) managed to complete two weeks of sitting in October / November 2010 without meriting word a mention in the mainstream media.

Looking back, the idea of a deal or that Rangers could escape the consequences of their actions seems hard to believe. We can debate the probability that the required series of dark deals could ever have happened, but in early 2011, it was an unacceptable possibility. The goal of this blog was simply to reveal the facts of the situation- no more and no less. The reputation of this blog grew because it was obvious that it contained facts, interpretations, and explanations not available elsewhere. Although in more recent months the replies began to look increasingly like a Celtic messageboard, the quality of discussion has always been of a high standard. (Sincere thanks to all contributors- and a special thanks to a few people who came forward with much more than just taxi driver tales and brother-in-law rumours. You know who you are!)

In starting this blog, armed with most of the facts that are now in the public domain, Rangers’ insolvency at some point in the near future was a certainty. What could not be predicted at that time was the meltdown that followed: liquidation and a new club forced to start in Division 3. Especially pleasing was the way supporters of every remaining club in Scotland came together to demand fairness and justice. Institutional efforts to forget 11 years of cheating met with a furious reaction from the most important people in the game- the fans. The availability of the facts helped everyone involved in this saga to make informed decisions.

That Rangers were forced to liquidate, form a new club, and restart in SFL Division 3 is a fair outcome. The last remaining task is to ensure that the sporting records are adjusted to account for the 5 SPL titles, 4 Scottish Cups, and 6 Scottish League Cups won during the 11 years of paying players with money they did not have. Drastic player cuts, or insolvency, sometime in the 2006-08 period would have been a virtual certainty if Rangers had not been avoiding tax. It is worth emphasising that had Rangers paid these players the same net salaries during the EBT period of 2001-2011, their wage bill would have been almost £50m higher (unadjusted for inflation). That extra £50m would have had to have been paid by Lloyds / HBOS or a chainsaw taken to the playing squad. This is the value of the financial advantage gained prior to Craig Whyte taking over at Ibrox.

Once the First Tier Tribunal (Tax) finally rules, the SFA will have to act. If, as I expect, that the FTT finds that Rangers had been knowingly operating an illegal implementation of the EBT scheme, it would discredit every trophy ever won in Scottish football if the honours acquired by Rangers during this time are not withdrawn. It is for other to decide if new winners should be appointed, but trophies gained through illegal means cannot be allowed to stand. Please do not believe the rubbish that somehow Rangers declared what they were doing to the SFA. You can see a typical “declaration” here. It does not even say that players were using the scheme. It does not say that any payments were made outside of contracts given to the SFA or SPL. It does not provide anything that would have let a tax expert know that something was amiss let alone football administrators- who are simply not qualified to do any kind of forensic accounting analysis. So let us stop with this “it was in the annual accounts” nonsense!

Short of assisting with interpreting the FTT findings (if necessary), the work of this blog is now complete. I urge you all to keep the pressure on the SFA to ensure that the last chapter of this story sees that justice is done.

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Just sent this email to the SFA..........

Dear sir/madam

I have just been watching on BBC Alba the game between Brechin City and The Rangers.

Can you please confirm that you will be investigating not only the television and radio footage, but also the video recording made by the police (which they were clearly shown doing) and taking action against The Rangers Football Club for the singing of banned songs.

Your association has made it known on many an occasion that it will not stand for such bigotry and that any proof of such action would be severely dealt with. Well the proof was for all to see and hear today, not only by those at the ground, but also those watching and listening at home.

If this is the type of behaviour that we can expect to be the norm from such fans, and not a minority today, then I am afraid that David Longmuir's statement this afternoon that The Rangers fans will be made welcome to the grounds they visit in the SFL, will be yet another ill-judged view of what is going on in Scottish football by the authoritise that are charged with looking after our national game.

You know what you have to do.

Did you get a response? I didn't get one to my email

Looks like the SFA are happy to allow this bile.

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Yes, you're right. 'Instinstively' was perhaps the wrong word as we are indeed talking about learned attitudes and behaviours. What I was getting at of course is that these people sing these songs and display the accompanying attitude as a gut reaction to the world they inhabit, without recourse to reason, thought or compassion. But you're correct - they don't have the excuse of responding to an innate instinct.

Didn't want to come across as a semantics Nazi but the missus was shouting that my chicken supper was getting cold so i couldn't expand at the time. Yeah, this is what gets my goat more than anything, significant numbers of the OF support fall into a pack mentality without actively thinking things through. I've worked in Glasgow all my life and I can spot people a mile away who have just latched onto an OF team as a short-cut to social or professional acceptance. They've no interest in the football other than what they can get from the back page of the DR on the bus in the morning. And we all know it's the members of the pack most desperate for acceptance that will start the offensive chants or hold the vilest opinion to show the rest they're "for real". And the more that I type, the more I realise that despite being a long-term lefty, I'm coming to think that ethnic cleansing may be the answer.

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