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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Oh beermonkey .. are you that naive ?

He is an Orc and facts are irrelevant .. don't ya know ?

I know :( .....It's like arguing with my 6 year old. Maybe i should just post a link to some cartoons to distract him.

It works with my daughter. :D

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DhenBhoy pray tell me, in detail mind, what facts have i omitted? I..like the rest of you, know very very little about the in's and out's of Rangers business. Now whilst I fully admit this, you people seem to pretend that you in fact DO know about it, so this is where we are stuck!

Wunfellaff, Chucky? Asset stripping? I shall add this to the fairtale book of magic and wizards to go along with "yeez ur gawn intae administration2, yeez wul be deed". We will be minted when that hits the shelves!

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Ah Henrik I am OFFENDED by that wee fib of yours! I fully understand the whole post may be a bit too long for your attention span, but I did put a wee small section in speficially for my favourite Non-Celtic supporting fan of Rangers! Pah!

DhenBhoy - honestly my friend, see when you do t'internet responses like that, you know the one we spoke about earlier "i'm way too smart to read that, in fact that response is so horrific I simply am far too intellectual to respond, as you can see by my response" it really does make you look as smart as you hope everyone reading this thinks you are. No...seriously! Impressive stuff :)

Wunfellaff - How is me not using the quote function incomprehensible to you? What part of my points don't you comprehend that you feel the quote function would have helped you? My offer stands, I will personally explain each point you are struggling with. Also, the new company name in charge of the club is not in administration so why would we recieve a 10 point deduction? The club is still the club, the company that owns it goes into administration, liquidation and all other legal jibbery-stuff that all of you people kid on you know about but don't really have the foggiest. Yes, all that 'stuff'!

I'm impressed by the amount of Rangers threads on this forum actually, I mis-judged it. I am enjoying it, full of like-minded people who all love discussing the greatest club in the world. My cup of tea, my cup of tea indeed!


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Umbongo, so you agree that the full club didn't know, and in no way was Rangers "cheating" ? Again, I must ask, what did we gain by cheating? We had a dodgy owner who had nae money, bless his cotton socks, pray tell how we get to cheating? Also, there is still talk of titles being stripped based on hee haw, I am interested in that. Remembering before you respond there has been no verdict either way, no evidence to suggest anything was done to gain any sort of sporting advantage, no matter how many stories you make up on your own.

lodmoorhill - what exactly is pish about it? See, I don't understand these posts, at least give me something! Tell me how to better myself and reach your levels of intellectual debate!

beermonkey - I see you are adopting the dhenboy tactic of "let's think of the smartest way to deflect the attention way, that may make me appear smart in the eyes of these strangers on this forum, in fact yes, i'm sure of it, i know let's compare him to a 6 year old, 6 year olds aren't smart!" , although I must admit, DhenBhoy is better at it, i'm sorry mate :(

Henrik - I didny' forget you, what's wrong with this Bennett fellow then? Just another Rangers fan i take it? Aren't you 1 too though?

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read back a couple of thousand pages, you might actually learn a few things about what's actually happened

read back & learn a wee bit.

read the facts before you type your posts.

I know very very little about the in's and out's of Rangers business.

Anyone else want to tell him ? :rolleyes:

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Oh DhenBhoy, it is almost like watching a young Johan Cruyff in action, majestic! You managed to type a post there that was simply a "I'm not responding, i'm too clever" post! Like I said!! Earlier!! Remember? You are really good :) I shall run along like the good wee fella I am and leave you big boys to it! I have been beaten, and beaten well! :(

Steelman i'm still not sure how Craig Whyte not paying PAYE and VAT results in Rangers, the football club, CHEATING last season. Exactly what did we cheat? What did we gain from cheating? And of course I expect the banter involved, if you read my first post on this forum I said that I have had some good back and forth laughs about this situation. However, the creepy bitterness and obsession shown by fans on here is past that. We are talking true crackpot levels. Fruit loops to a man :)

Ok last try. Rangers did not have enough money to pay the players so they used the money they were legally obliged to pay to HMRC to pay the wages thereby cheating the goverenment of tax revenue. If they had not used that money they would have had to sell some players to balance the books. As every other club in the SPL were paying what they owed and balancing the books Rangers were gaining an advantage by illegal means. Maybe you dont think thats cheating but I think most reasonable people would think it was.

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Well enlighten me then beermonkey! It appears you are all experts on our situation, I think it's only fair as a fellow fan of Rangers (well, we all are, right?) I should be allowed to know!

Alas however it will have to wait for another time, I have to leave! I promise I will respond point by point when I do return though :)

DhenBhoy, Henrik, did yeez read this? Say good bye at least!

Here's to another 54 titles for Rangers :) as fans yourselves, I know you will join me. God bless them.

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You really didn't though, did you? You really, really didn't and anyone with eyes can see as much. Which is nice :)

I really, really, really did, too.

I was expecting so much more after your hype-of-hypes. Then he ran with 'don't listen to them - those nasty Rangers spammers'. Anyone with eyes - well, those with reading skills, too - can see as much.

Did you really mean to say he'll 'Talk Shite'? I could then have called him your big shitter instead. Which is even nicer. smile.gif

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Well enlighten me then beermonkey! It appears you are all experts on our situation, I think it's only fair as a fellow fan of Rangers (well, we all are, right?) I should be allowed to know!

Alas however it will have to wait for another time, I have to leave! I promise I will respond point by point when I do return though :)

Rumbled - maybe if I go away for a bit they'll forget about it

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Just had a look in the 3rd div forum for this thread and found this pish. Why the f*ck has Rangers in the third division got its own forum? The c*nt that owns this site has become a firmly established member of the succulent lamb brigade. "Oh we need to treat Rangers differently". Piece of fucking nonsense.

The owner of this Site has his tounge up a few rear ends ? His cozy relationship with The current BOD of SMFC, And the preffered Bidders of SMFC are shocking to say The Least ? :angry:

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Well enlighten me then beermonkey! It appears you are all experts on our situation, I think it's only fair as a fellow fan of Rangers (well, we all are, right?) I should be allowed to know!

Alas however it will have to wait for another time, I have to leave! I promise I will respond point by point when I do return though :)

DhenBhoy, Henrik, did yeez read this? Say good bye at least!

Here's to another 54 titles for Rangers :) as fans yourselves, I know you will join me. God bless them.

Troll. Do not feed.

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Umbongo, so you agree that the full club didn't know, and in no way was Rangers "cheating" ? Again, I must ask, what did we gain by cheating? We had a dodgy owner who had nae money, bless his cotton socks, pray tell how we get to cheating? Also, there is still talk of titles being stripped based on hee haw, I am interested in that. Remembering before you respond there has been no verdict either way, no evidence to suggest anything was done to gain any sort of sporting advantage, no matter how many stories you make up on your own.

You miss the point because the Tea lady at Murray park did not know what Mr Olverman was doing is irrelevant the Club was cheating and a number of people knew and did nothing. Neil McCann had part of his wages paid with an EBT which was not disclosed to the SFA and SPL he did not know he was cheating every time he played for Rangers but it was still a fact.biggrin.gif

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But that's the whole point. There is no-one else that would come in.

What the club ended up with was the best of a bad bunch. If Green hadn't come in with someone else's money do you seriously believe that TBK or Watty would have taken over the club? Hell no. All they were doing was pandering to the fans who would have accused them of doing nothing if the club had folded. So they made a token gesture just to appease the fans.

I'm not a big fan of the suits running the game either, but the fact of the matter is these guys DO run the clubs. If you are on a sound financial footing then sure another suit will turn up to replace the old suit, but only because he thinks he can make money. This is definitely not the case with SevCo. The club is still bleeding money.

Not a single "Rangers man" would touch the club, if that's what you are waiting for. Green is only now realising what others were smart enough to work out months ago.

I still think he is planning a way out sooner rather than later, but one thing is for sure, the next guy that would come in isn't going to do it for the love of the club.

What us diddy fans can't get our heads around is the SevCo fans attitude of "there will always be a rangers." That is exactly the kind of thinking that got you into this mess in the first place!!! If they lose the EBT case and Green has been up to something in the background and then walks away, there will be NO rangers.

If Billy Connolly turned up at Ibrox with £100 million the fans wouldn't trust him, but if Watty turned up with promises of investors in his cardigan pockets the fans would welcome him with open arms.

That's the attitude that will eventually kill your club.

Excellent analysis.

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Anyway, as Ned mentioned earlier maybe I should use the quoting system on here, but I choose not to.

Okaaay - so why is that ....

A few of you do seem a wee bit "obsessed" by how people use this forum, i.e the team selection, how to quote etc, is there a rule or something I am missing? You all tell me how you wish for me to use this forum technically and I will try and do so to help you sleep better at night, I understand this is becoming an important issue.

"Obsessed" *Sigh !*

The reason I mentioned the quote function is because you keep making huge clusterf'ck posts like this ....

Anyway, where were we! Captain Sensible (we have that, and "ReasonableGeezer", all we are missing is "GenuinelyNotOffendedByMuch" and we will have a pantomime on our hands!) So Rangers being in debt is an isolated incident in football and "proof" of our cheating? I see! My favourite of the lot though is "Shocking referee decisions". Well knock me over with a feather! I will leave this 1 up to you actually, if you wish me to, I shall post up on here an almighty list of "Shocking referee decisions" that have gone against us, and as i'm such a nice fellow I will only do the recent seasons. You also claim we are let back into the football leagues with "relatively little punishment". Lordy Lordy Lordy. So, going into administration, thus a 10 point deduction (effectively killing off our title challenge), getting fined, starting in the lowest possible league, being forced to accept an illegal player registration embargo is not enough for you? Bearing in mind we aren't actually "guilty" of any of this fantasy world "cheating" you lot obsess over (there's that word again).

WBR - The fact is, as I alluded to above, Rangers are not guilty of any illegal activity re: EBT schemes. No verdict has been announced on that and certainly no evidence suggests we have "cheated" using dual contracts. Again, I must ask, are you privvy to the information and verdicts that no one else in Scotland is? What are we "guilty" of? Childish and pathetic talk of stripping titles by some on here :D Emmm yeez ur guilty get thame titles aff yeez, we knew we wur e best. Also, why is the changing of a company name such an important issue to you? A football club is a football club, is it now extremely important in your daily goings on that you NEED it confirmed that Rangers are a brand new club with a brand new history starting from 2012? Well, officially, we are still the same old Rangers. It pains I know, but this is the way it is. No one on here knows the in's and out's of this situation, pretending to discuss about them as if you know what you are talking about will only further serve to show your bitterness and desperation. Trying to find loopholes in company names, legal issues etc like you lot are some lawyers is again just ruled by bitterness, obsession and jealousy. No amount of "Sevco" jibes will change it unfortunately, but feel free to continue, I like them too. Having said that I have looked about and noticed a right few of them that do said jibes are a bit young so we will let them off.

Now, I'm prepared to believe that you had something to say in amongst all that lot, who knows ?, you might even have put some effort into it but I can't make head-nor-tail of it.

You're very welcome to the forum but you're wasting your time if you're just going to post gargantuan pericumbobulations

To cut it short - I haven't got a f'kin clue what you're rabbiting on about - capiche ?

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At least we know where the crazy zombie frog bear gets his ideas from.....................dreams..............:D


Typical Sevco fan I note, 4 fingers and 4 toes :lol:

Edited by wunfellaff
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To summarise any of his posts (well the ones I did read) they usually go like this ..

Youse diddies and plastics are obssesed by Rangers


There's no evidence of Sevco or Rangers cheating

Youse diddies and plastics are obssesed by Rangers

Youse diddies and plastics are obssesed by Rangers


I can't use quotes so what


What facts I see none

Youse diddies and plastics are obssesed by Rangers

Youse diddies and plastics are obssesed by Rangers ..

and so on and so forth ..... really not worth the effort of asking him to tidy it up ...

Ah right ... same as the rest then.

Ho-hum !

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