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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Near 3,500 pages on The Rangers.

Almost exclusively from diddy clubbers and plastics. Reminds me of that old joke: "What have Rangers and Celtic supporters got in common? An obsession with The Rangers."

54 and counting smile.gif

It's all about the Rangers as proved by Dhen Bhoys stats ....

Active Posts:855 (6.36 per day)Most Active In:Rangers in the SFL (833 posts) :o

And he has the cheek to call himself a Celtic 'fan'

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It's all about the Rangers as proved by Dhen Bhoys stats ....

Active Posts:855 (6.36 per day)Most Active In:Rangers in the SFL (833 posts) :o

And he has the cheek to call himself a Celtic 'fan'

To be fair it was originally called ''Rangers are deid'' but it was merged :)

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855 posts yahoo ... closing in a thousand .. how do you that?

I have no stalking tendencies you see.

Yes i know you're a yahoo with a lot posts, that was the whole point of the post.

Edited by bennett
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Where is the money?

Thats what we all want to know, is it through Sevco Consortium, Imran Ahmed, Brian Stockbridge? Didn't CG admitted he was out of money after buying the assets of Ibrokes and Minty Park when they got chunted out of the SPL? Maybe thats why he needs to pay back the loan of £5.5M.

Then theres the EBT investigation this Tuesday which would be a laughing stock when Sally and CG wi all his chums along to Lord Nimmo, trying to tell them tax avoidance is legal and it's a waste of time and defending their rights to the warchest.

Which will be a losing battle for Sally.

As we all say the gift keeps on giving. cool.gif

Scottish Sun cancels book serialisation after Rangers fans jam switchboard

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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It would worry me if I was a SevCo fan that I was now being asked to invest in the club.

When Green came in he said he had 20 investors but didn't want to say who they were whilst the CVA hadn't yet been decided. We still don't know who these people are or if they exist.

My guess is there will be a minimum investment required from the fans shares. Shares that will probably give them no say in the running of the club anyway. So let's say that the min. investment is £100. How many fans will take up these shares? Let's be really generous and say all 50,000 that fill the stadium invest £100. That's £5 million.

But surely these 20 investors must have put in at least a £1million each. Therefore that's £20 million + £10 million from season ticket sales = £30 million.

Why then the need for fans to dip in their pockets again?

I could walk passed Ibrox sometime this season, buy a programme, and have spent more money on the club than Green has. This is what SevCo fans seem to not understand, or not want to understand. THEY are keeping the club afloat with their season ticket sales, etc but no matter how much they want to keep the club going they can't give enough to keep it going for long without investors putting in serious money. And this just isn't happening.

We are now 20 years down the line from when the question should first have been asked, and yet we still have no idea what the answer is, and incredibly no fan is willing to ask for a straight forward answer to a straight forward question.......................

Where is the money?

You think it would but it wouldn't as a Thistle fan you'd question it but if you morphed into a Sevco fan you'd be already indoctrinated with the WATP mentality which seems to be stronger than ever and you'd be itching to hand over your cash to the next guy in a suit who borrowed all the money to take over your club, putting nothing in but wanting the supporters to give over their last.

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This is how the forum thread went way back around 2004 - 2007 when there was loads of speculation regarding the balance sheets at Ibrokes not adding up. There were internet bampots discussing it and trying to fathom it all out. Not one Orc was interested whether the rumours were true or not. The whole thread was littered with Orcs trying to ridicule them and dismiss them as bampots ..

I wish I could find it again ( google is not all it's cracked up to be) as it turned out to be quite prophetic and would be really interesting to view it with everything that has come to pass ...

Quite possible the site club has shut down though .. bankrupt ? :(

Sorree, couldn't resist laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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Surely they can't be that thick they'll allow their pockets to be dipped for a third time ?

They're thick enough to believe that

1. newco has none of the liabilities of oldco.

2. newco has all the "glorious" history as oldco.

3. There is nothing wrong in holding beliefs (1) and (2) simultaneously.

I am seriously thinking of coming to Govan on my Autumn leave with prospectuses for ostrich farms, internet startups, and a chance to buy a cute little tower in Paris.

Thick doesn't even come close.

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I have to say there is no surprise to learn of dhensebhore's fetish.

D'ye know, Bendarroch ya eedjit, losing the "h" key off all keyboards would be beneficial. We wouldn't forget ourselves and trip the filter with the usual term for orcs, and your cerebrally challenged mob might find some decent patter.

ETA: Simply put, whether it's a forum name or not, it's just impolite to make fun of someone's name. I always refer to posters by name and make sure they're offended (if at all) by the content of the post. Simple etiquette. Or in your terms, don't call people names or you'll be kept in next playtimewink.gif

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Already answered that .. you like repeating yourself or just hate the answer ?

Or maybe you didn't understand it .. I prefer to discuss Celtic's latest signings, how we might fare in the Champions League, the SPL (well done County btw) and other such matters with my friends elsewhere .. P&B is not my life .. I came for this thread .. and to laugh at your misfortune ... I give you to Xmas to catch on !!

Kincardine posts per day .. less than 2 (smart and reasonable poster)

Bennett 13+ per day .....

TROLL :lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol:

It's not about how many posts you make you dhense punt ;)

This is bloody shocking ...

Active Posts:862 (6.41 per day)Most Active In:Rangers in the SFL (840 posts):lol:

Try and post anout your own team once in a while or even in the general nonsense forum, believe it or not theres more to life than Rangers.

Edited by bennett
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Tell me Bennett .. what were you doing in 2005 .. while I was having a laugh at the myriad of comments such as these and trying to figure out if there was any truth to it ..

What exactly could he have done 7 years ago, while you were obsessing over your much hated enemies ?

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You said already .. I think we all understood the point you are trying to make .. I gave you my answer. Maybe you should try replying to other posts and the points I made. Funnily enough I do use the aftershave Obsession .. could explain your behaviour.

It's obvious we have opposing views and I have explained my position .. ** sigh ** Have you anything else add to this intriguing dialogue you have initiated or are you simply going to troll relentless without any really witty comebacks, rebuttal or addressing my points.

If you are hoping to annoy me .. FAIL .. if you are hoping I will desist in ridiculing your cheating oldco/newco/conco club .. FAIL ..

Failed club ... Failed troll ..

I will always be laughing, great season ahead even if we do not make it to the last 16 of the CL. Great season in a competitive league that may yet surprise us .. while you lap up all your meaningless victories in div 3 whilst hoping that you don't slip up and make asses of yourselves .. win win for us ... slip up .. we laff .. you walk it .. we laff at you bragging how great you are. You are not even sure that your club is going to survive .. should you buy shares while Green fleeces you or what is the alternative? (tricky) .. titles to be stripped as you cling onto that belief you are the best in the world ... oh the shame ..

Honestly .. I'd buy an Orc for Xmas .. the gift that keeps on giving !!

So what were you doing in 2005 .. ?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't think the Murray strategy which some SPL tried to copy and it must have worried supporters how those costs are covered but it never seemed to worry the original Rangers support and those figures would have been worse if they were not paying players through the EBT's. You have to ask without that when could this have come to a head, no matter how you look at it expenditure outstripped income.

What this does highlight is again the needless overspending that continues and must put the medium/long term existence of the new hybrid rangers back in the shitty stuff.

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Another post on the Rangers board Dhensy, obsessed i tells ye ;)

yer going to the default defence when you know yer fooked aboots the former Rangers. This thread will get lively again when the stolen cups/titles are removed from the former Rangers. Or is the world removing them from newco?????????????? Chasbo claimed he bought the hisoree??? I'm confussled - a few of the high number posters are just awaiting the day the buns get stripped - meltdown on CevcoMedia

BeerMonkey took it first as sig - I'm jealous

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