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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well the F1 is on today so 'I'll 'take a wee break from my obsession' to see if Alonso can overcome his unlucky qualifying today and overtake the 'monkey at the front' ...

I know you will miss me Bennett .. but not to worry I'll be back to enhance the glorious viewing figures which prove your club is the best ...

chortle chortle ..

Now where did I put that bottle of Obsession .. ?

Was it you Dhenny who introduced crap predictions to the big thread and doing it again. I have to work from 3pm so not even thinking of this - I'm disappointed I'm gonna miss the NFL openers on Sky...............home by the lates but probably too tired.

#Who is gonna win SB? #]gambling/ section for this pish!

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He eats, sleeps and breathes the Rangers.

We are his world ;)

I'm sure dhensebhore will be suitably embarrassed and wont repsond by rattling off another slew of the keyboard-hammering-hate that no one reads.

He must know by now that having 50,000 ways to say 'I can't stay away from The Rangers' is as boring as, well, a dhense bhore.

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Tick tock.


Ignore us all you want while we can laugh all day long when the final tribunal and the tax case comes into light to finally kill Rangers 2012 end of.

Much as I would love to see that happen, it won't. Call it conspiracy but we will never be rid of 'the big two', mechanism's will always be put in place to safeguard their continuation. Punished, yes. Dead, no.

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I'm sure dhensebhore will be suitably embarrassed and wont repsond by rattling off another slew of the keyboard-hammering-hate that no one reads.

He must know by now that having 50,000 ways to say 'I can't stay away from The Rangers' is as boring as, well, a dhense bhore.

Almost 6,500,000 views, we must be the famous.

There must be folks out there captivated by your witty retorts.:lol:

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Great article by Gordon Waddell today


I was particularly impressed with his acknowledgement that the diddy clubbers and plastics spend more time on The Rangers than their own clubs.

Much like the Aberdeen supporters who sponsor players from opponents of the Rangers.

Such as Greg Thorburn of Annan Athletic.



Jason Brown at Aberdeen FC remains unsponsored. And he's not alone. laugh.gif

I know, I know, I know - it's all about The Rangers.

Edited by Bendarroch
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he fails to pick up on is most fans are not turning up at games to give the 2 fingers to the celtic fans, the obsession does not run the other way

There'll be a P&B apologist for this along shortly to try and excuse this fail away.

Meanwhile - and curiously - Annan Athletic have a wonderful statement that tackles this issue. As quoted by Aberdeen Fans for Sporting Integrity (as long as it involves The Rangers) on their page outlining the sponsorship of Thorburn.

"we need the fans to be good to their word, even if you can’t make a game fans can influence the financial situation. We have seen the keyboard warriors come to the fore, from every corner of the world, well guys support your team, support Scottish Football, it’s easy, sponsor a player, sponsor a match ball"

And (drum roll) they 'the keyboard warriors' did nothing of the kind. laugh.gif

PS: the 'keyboard warriors' insult is from the Annan quotes - nothing to do with me whatsoever smile.gif

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what he fails to pick up on is most fans are not turning up at games to give the 2 fingers to the celtic fans, the obsession does not run the other way

It has nothing to do with that manky mob but i think there is a bit of siege mentality in it. We know the club needs us and nobody else is going to dig us out this hole so we either bought into Greens regime or the club would have died before it had a chance to recover. TBH i stated right at the start that i would be back as i am a football supporter and will follow my team regardless of success and glamour and i am sure we have thousands with the same attitude...i find it surprising we have 40,000 that feel this way though.

On a side note about the Yahoos. A poster on FF contacted the police for the official attendance for the 1st game of the season. The police have the more accurate figure for health and safety reasons.the club had the figure at 48,000 which was dreadful but it turns out the actual crowd was 41,250. Those pesky School Uniforms look to have taken nearly 20,000 off celtics capacity. :lol:

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I'm sure dhensebhore will be suitably embarrassed and wont repsond by rattling off another slew of the keyboard-hammering-hate that no one reads.

He must know by now that having 50,000 ways to say 'I can't stay away from The Rangers' is as boring as, well, a dhense bhore.

Just been reading back through this since i logged off last night, Dhensy has completely lost the plot and appears to have had an online breakdown ;)

The more he rants, the more i'll laugh at him.

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Just been reading back through this since i logged off last night, Dhensy has completely lost the plot and appears to have had an online breakdown ;)

The more he rants, the more i'll laugh at him.

He's about the only Yahoo i have not stuck on ignore...Imagine the hours of laughter i would have missed out on if i had :D

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Great article by Gordon Waddell today


Basically Waddell is spewing that the likes Dhensy, .Org, PeePeeJag etc are making us the number one choice :lol:

"They’re loving the fact Celtic websites are spending more time fixating on a team most of them claim to be dead and history-less than they do over their own side’s Champions League chances." :lol: True Gordon, true.

A pretty poor piece by Gordon which wouldn't be out of place in his teams fanzine (Falkirk?) I think it's safe to assume that Gordon expected us to be toiling with low crowds and a team of kids this season, reality has came as a shock to him.

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He's about the only Yahoo i have not stuck on ignore...Imagine the hours of laughter i would have missed out on if i had :D

I'm starting to wonder if he's a bear on the wind up as no one is that thick, he's just too stereotypical :lol:

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I've yet to get a coherant answer from a currant if we're stripping cups/titles from the former Rangers who stole them or from Chasbo's newco who bought the dodgy historee for aboots ten bob (so he says)

Also - can someone tell me when the title stripping party oops I meant judicial hearing is - I need to book some days off work to celebrate :lol:

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Hughie Green is making a great deal of noise about ensuring that the club will never again fall into the hands of a tyrant. However, once it floats on the stock exchange there would be nothing to prevent me in the next few weeks, if I were to win £100M on "Euromillions", from buying a majority of shares in the club. There is no way the present investors would refuse to double their money and so for half of my win I could get control of the company. Should that happen I would then demolish Ibrox, sell off Murray Park and condemn this corruption to history. However, the Celtic fans shouldn't celebrate as, if I had enough money left, I would do the same to their club.

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I'm sorry.

I'm sure dhensebhore will be suitably embarrassed and wont repsond by rattling off another slew of the keyboard-hammering-hate that no one reads.

He must know by now that having 50,000 ways to say 'I can't stay away from The Rangers' is as boring as, well, a dhense bhore.

Sevco fan apologises for offence, shock.

7 minutes later, Sevco fan continues offending behaviour. not a shock.

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