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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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And then you include a football club in Scotland going bankrupt? Do you actually know the meaning of the word, 'perspective'?

Your supporters claim to have been a giant of world football hand were the most successful football club in the world, yet you don't see the demise in the spectacular terms in which that occurred as being of interest.

You cannot say you commanded this sort of thing and then claim you don't understand other fans in this country being interested. No offence but I hardly see an eyebrow raised anywhere except here in Scotland.

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Your supporters claim to have been a giant of world football hand were the most successful football club in the world, yet you don't see the demise in the spectacular terms in which that occurred as being of interest.

You cannot say you commanded this sort of thing and then claim you don't understand other fans in this country being interested. No offence but I hardly see an eyebrow raised anywhere except here in Scotland.

They all to busy laughing and pointing instead of raising eyebrows

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Guest Kincardine

You cannot say you commanded this sort of thing and then claim you don't understand other fans in this country being interested. No offence but I hardly see an eyebrow raised anywhere except here in Scotland.

Of course I can see the interest. In the small confines of Scottish football it's a big story. This wasn't my point.

I challenged it about being equivalent to, "Syria. Enron. 9/11. Japanese Tsunami. Princess Di's death. The Titanic"

Let me aske you a straight question. Is Rangers going bust in any way comparable to the Japanese Tsunami?

I asked for a sense of perspective. Isn't that possible?

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Guest Kincardine

Fair play to the Rangers boys on here. It must be difficult maintaining this "stiff upper lip" style of posting while their club lurches from one shambles to another.

Colour me impressed! :)

Another good post from you. Take a Charles.

1. It isn't my upper lip that I enjoy being stiff ;)

2. We're not a shambles. We're really just adjustng!

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Guest Kincardine


Great reply and this is the kind of response that makes a forum interesting.

My request was very simple: "PLEASE try and not make ad hominem attacks."

Now do you have anything useful to say?

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page 3500.

Aren't they deid yet?

In the process of dying.

Apparently some new club and company has emerged claiming to be the same outfit. :rolleyes:

Hi, I'm Charles Green and welcome to Jackass.

This next stunt is called "fleecing dole scroungers out of their money".

Credit where credit is due.

As much as the boy is clearly a foaming mouthed fruit loop, he's pulling that one off fairly easily.

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I have to call 'foul' over this.

I haven't seen any posts by Bennet that justifies him being called 'liar' or 'bigot' or' 'offensive'.

He may well support Rangers but PLEASE try and not make ad hominem attacks.

He told us all he was resigning from this thread, months ago. He's still here. Liar.

He believes the "traditional" song book is perfectly OK and is derogatory towards followers of the green Sisters. Bigot.

I upset him a few days ago, and he suggested I kill myself. He referred to the pope - not a well-known footballing personality, in extremely insulting terms, which could also fit into point two above. Offensive.

I think you know, Kincardine, these are not isolated incidents.

Fortunately, as you said, he supports rangers (or whatever they are now). So, for most of us he's just confirming a stereotype. For you, he's another one of the "small minority" that give your lovely "institution" such a poor reputation. If you want the tribute act to be accepted as a part of Scottish football, he's a cracking example of what you need to get rid of. Shame he's also a great example of the idiots who will continue to throw money at Charlie until he rides off back to Yorkshire.

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And then you include a football club in Scotland going bankrupt? Do you actually know the meaning of the word, 'perspective'?

Do you actually read what I write? The point I made was perfectly valid - that being "the news" is not necessarily a good thing. The scale of these events is irrelevant - it is the position on the news agenda I was alluding to.

I am quite sure that the majority of fans (of any team) would struggle to point confidently to Syria on a map, and a fair few would even struggle to find Japan. They can all give you an opinion on your club's death, though.

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Another good post from you. Take a Charles.

1. It isn't my upper lip that I enjoy being stiff ;)

2. We're not a shambles. We're really just adjustng!

On point 1, sit in a draught without a scarf on, that'll work. (I know, old joke, I can't remember whose, Ken Dodd, Tommy Cooper, Arthur Askey?)

Point 2, from July 1690 to February 2012 is 322 years (give or take a couple of months) and in all that time there has been no adjusting, just entrenchment of the same base bigoted values. From February 2012 to September 2012 is seven months (give or take a couple of months) and the only adjustment I've seen is even more entrenchment of those same values from an ever-more bitter concentration of bigotry. Oh, there are a few enlightened ones, but the determined majority are getting worse. Mind you, most of them appear to be glory-hunters so they'll probably get worse and worse, but stay away from the games in ever greater numbers.

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He told us all he was resigning from this thread, months ago. He's still here. Liar.

He believes the "traditional" song book is perfectly OK and is derogatory towards followers of the green Sisters. Bigot.

I upset him a few days ago, and he suggested I kill myself. He referred to the pope - not a well-known footballing personality, in extremely insulting terms, which could also fit into point two above. Offensive.

I think you know, Kincardine, these are not isolated incidents.

Fortunately, as you said, he supports rangers (or whatever they are now). So, for most of us he's just confirming a stereotype. For you, he's another one of the "small minority" that give your lovely "institution" such a poor reputation. If you want the tribute act to be accepted as a part of Scottish football, he's a cracking example of what you need to get rid of. Shame he's also a great example of the idiots who will continue to throw money at Charlie until he rides off back to Yorkshire.

It takes a very special case to have so little self-awareness that the hate pouring from you finds a platform to criticise hate (that you see) in others.

Your hypocrisy is indeed once such very special case.

So very precious. Bless.

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Apparently some new club and company has emerged claiming to be the same outfit. :rolleyes:

Aberdeen fans - just like those of Hibs - should really go and read a book on their clubs own history before walking this path.

It makes them come across as complete fucking idiots who know f**k all about their own clubs laugh.gif

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It takes a very special case to have so little self-awareness that the hate pouring from you finds a platform to criticise hate (that you see) in others.

Your hypocrisy is indeed once such very special case.

So very precious. Bless.

Good Morning, Bendarroch. I've go shitloads of self-awareness, thank you very much. You, not so much.

Found Tedi yet? If you or Bennett don't catch up with him soon, you're gonna be down a musketeer. I don't think Kincardine will fill the gap, as I reckon he's probably embarrassed with the three of you following his team. Or not, in Tedi's case.

If it isn't too compex for your poor wee brain, I'll try one more time.

I don't care what colour, creed, sex, race, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability is apart of someone's character. I've been on this planet nigh on five decades, and none of that stuff impacts on ME on a daily basis. Occasional altering of dinner menus for guests who have their reasons for not eating certain foods or dissuading the (very) occasional approach from (for me) inappropriate advances aside, it's actually quite easy to get along with just about anyone.

There are those in this world, however, who believe in one God or another (or none), who see it as their right to abuse those who do not share their worldview. This phenomenon can manifest itself in many ways at many levels. A percentage of those who follow what was rangers very much fall into this category - as do followers of the Christian Right in the USA, and various Islamist extremist groups. On a different level, to be sure, but the principle is the same.

All these "causes" attract simple, poorly educated followers by inspiring fear of "the other" and convincing the masses that their way of life is under threat. Try reading Nineteen Eighty Four for tips on controlling the masses - or watch the film, at least. Alternatively, have a look at the "war on terror" waged by Bush Jr. This, obviously, is the way Charlie Boy is constructing his business plan. Bigoted Scottish Football? ****** Agenda? Papal conspiracy? He's got you all sussed and will feed your paranoia as long as the money rolls in. If he thought there was more money to be made in a "clean" rangers, he'd have banned the flags and songs from ibrox by now. "Small minority" my arse.

Funny thing - amongst all the pointing and laughing, a lot of posters on here, myself included, have tried to help those rangers fans who have contributed on here. Links to information, analysis of what will/could happen, serious discussion about the issue. This was mostly, it has to be said, before the tribute act played their first gig - so you weren't here. In the last two months or so, the likes of yourself and Tedi have arrived to drag the level of debate down to simple abuse and whataboutery. Bennett is operating at the same level.

Many rangers fans are anti-Catholic, and immediately denigrate anyone born into that sect. Strangely, it's possible that some rangers fans would think more of me if I said I'd never been to school, rather than receiving thirteen years of education in one of "those" schools. So, on a personal level, years of verbal abuse and physical attacks are not going to endear me to this part of the population. Yes, physical attacks. For the simple reason that I wasn't one of them, so I must be one of "them". Strangely enough, none of these attacks came from a single bigot. It's almost as if the hatred grows exponentially as they draw together. Or, perhaps, they're simply cowards.

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Chuck is really starting to become unfunny. The ramblings of a desperate man…

CHARLES GREEN has insisted that Motherwell will be warmly welcomed to Ibrox next week because he believes they were pressured into voting against Rangers getting back into the SPL.


"I believe that a number of the clubs were bounced into it.

"Why, for example, would Ross County spend all their life-time trying to get into the Premier League to find Rangers were not there? It's inconceivable.


The only team that have spent their who life trying to get into the Premier League are The Rangers since they are only a couple of months old.

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DhenBhoy, on 20 September 2012 - 14:56, said:Chuck is really starting to become unfunny. The ramblings of a desperate man…

CHARLES GREEN has insisted that Motherwell will be warmly welcomed to Ibrox next week because he believes they were pressured into voting against Rangers getting back into the SPL.

he'll probably say that about every SPL team (except one ;), he disnae need to encourage its supporters ) cos he needs every possible body to pay through the gate to prop up his already crumbling business model.

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