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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Also to add was adviced to look at this page http://www.hmrc.gov....ual/ins1121.htm

This shows in newcos case HMRC will be on them in an instant when they realise that they are up the creek which seems to be sooner rather than later

Also with the hmrc website within the S423 Insolvency Act 1986. The new company can be held responsible for the old companies debt if any of the 6 following criteria is met:

1.Are the directors the same or is there evidence that the directors of the previous company are connected with those of the successor company, or involved in its management?

2.Is the successor company carrying on the same trade as the previous company?

3. Are the employees the same?

4.Is the trading or company name the same or similar?

5.Are the trading premises the same?

6. Did the successor company acquire assets from the previous company?

Hope this clears up the they can't come after us for oldco debt as we are a newco

OOOH! MY ACHING SIDES :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

According to this, it looks like they are completely f*cked whatever happens, cos Oldco, Newco, Sevco, Zombieco or whatever co they want to call it deffo ticks at least 5 out of 6 boxes there.

Hector will follow the trail to get his money.

Which possibly explaines, as other posters have alluded to, the almost embarrasing haste to relieve the Orcs of their cash as quickly as possible.

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OOOH! MY ACHING SIDES :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

According to this, it looks like they are completely f*cked whatever happens, cos Oldco, Newco, Sevco, Zombieco or whatever co they want to call it deffo ticks at least 5 out of 6 boxes there.

Hector will follow the trail to get his money.

Which possibly explaines, as other posters have alluded to, the almost embarrasing haste to relieve the Orcs of their cash as quickly as possible.

Yeh, someone posted that a few weeks ago and it was only number 1 that was ''iffy', but after last night e14419.gif

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You're too nice poz. I want to name some tedious cnuts that are killing this thread with their playground he said she said pish. In the blue corner I give you Tedi, youngsy and benny. and, not to be outdone in the battle of whataboutery, in the red corner we have Whiterosekillie, Dave J and to a lesser extent dhensbhoy. The name calling and accusations are not big and not clever. Get fechin over yourselves or get a fechin room. Fed up skipping through pages of your shite posts. That's all.

Too right the thread's gone downhill, but the Summer of Sevco petered out after they got clearance to play. Once actual football started again, there wasn't as much space on the back pages for wild speculation (which is meat and drink on here). So, as Tedi says, the whole thing's been limping on for a while now (since, oh, the back end of Julywink.gif).

After yesterday's sighting of the Swivel-eyed conman and Charlie committing himself to a Prospectus, things could well be on the move again, and not before time! Roll on the juicy dissection of the oldco/newco/histroy/titles/liquidation mess, it's going to be fun again.

To be honest, I think you're being a bit harsh on Youngsy, who will pick posts apart and post robust rebuttals detailing his views. I'd give his place in the Blue team to Bendarroch who, with Tedi, acts as cheerleader for every insulting and supercilious post Bennett makes.

Dhens and Dave have been good posters for a while, but have been drawn into the exchanges with the Three Amigos through their sheer persistent lying and inability (or refusal) to comprehend basic English.

Quality HAS been at a premium for a while, but without the above named and me, HB, Itwiznaeme and a couple of others, the thread might well have died on its arse weeks ago.

For myself, I apologise if you're fed up with seeing me around (there is an ignore function), but I ain't going nowhere. I still enjoy the cut & thrust with reasoned posters, and put up with the Amigos as a necessary evil.

Namecalling and accusations? Playground stuff? Fair enough, but in my defence I think I'm just guilty of ignoring my Father's advice, imparted many years ago but still relevant:

"Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you to death with experience.

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OOOH! MY ACHING SIDES :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

According to this, it looks like they are completely f*cked whatever happens, cos Oldco, Newco, Sevco, Zombieco or whatever co they want to call it deffo ticks at least 5 out of 6 boxes there.

Hector will follow the trail to get his money.

Which possibly explaines, as other posters have alluded to, the almost embarrasing haste to relieve the Orcs of their cash as quickly as possible.

That's been posted plenty of times, but I always get a feeling it's too bloody obvious. Surely nobody would try to run the oldco/newco swindle, AND retain the same name for the enterprise, and hope to get away with it? But that's exactly what Charlie seems to be doing.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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That's been posted plenty of times, but I always get a feeling it's too bloody obvious. Surely nobody would try to tun the oldco/newco swindle, AND retain the same name for the enterprise, and hope to get away with it? But that's exactly what Charlie seems to be doing.

Defo Sex Pistols vibe the last day or so........ mentions of the Swindle, and even the Frog showing up last night gave us Chaos (from which we cash from ;))

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That's been posted plenty of times, but I always get a feeling it's too bloody obvious. Surely nobody would try to tun the oldco/newco swindle, AND retain the same name for the enterprise, and hope to get away with it? But that's exactly what Charlie seems to be doing.


Find & Replace Craig Whyte with Charles Green and see if it makes sense.

If it doesn't make sense now try again in 2 months.

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Always thought jardine seemed a good guy in football documentaries and interviews before this summer. By f**k i was wrong!! Twisted bitter b*****d whos bawbaggery knows no bounds.

Green i can understand as he is just playing at it for the big con! And fat sal will just say and do anything to keep a loose hand on his dream job

Edited by comeonyebairns
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Always thought jardine seemed a good guy in football documentaries and interviews before this summer. By f**k i was wrong!! Twisted bitter b*****d whos bawbaggery knows no bounds.

Green i can understand as he is just playing at it for the big con! And fat sal will just say and do anything to keep a loose hand on his dream job

Once a bawbag always a bawbag, dirty diving cheat.

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I see the Sevco Ambassador is still spouting garbage.


Blaming everyone except the guilty ones.8)

Shame about the photograph, as the Ambassador's false teeth have obviously slipped down. :o

Ibrox and it's dependency on UEFA money in general and CL money in particular goes way back to 2007/08 when SDM brought Walter Smith back and those in the know in the game i.e the SFA knew Rangers situation and rather than step in covered it up.

In 2006 Rangers published debt was £6M and EBT contributions had peaked at £9.19M. Within a year there was a dramatic reversal with debt rising to £16.5M and EBT contributions almost halving to £4,998,000. Its as if the EBT bill had either arrived or was known to be on its way. In 2008 debt was up to £21.6M and EBTs down again to £2.29M and in 2009 debt peaked at £31M with EBTs flattening at £2.3M.

What pushed the debt up was the transfers in totalling £29M in 2007/08 plus wages of course, offset to a degree by £19M from 3 player sales for good money. The players brought in at huge expense then won three titles on the trot which brought in CL money and allowed the debt to come down to the £17/£18M that Lloyds then recovered when CW stepped in.

The point is that without CL money the debt would have continued to rise and Lloyds would have insisted that players be sold, so the whole survival business model was predicated on access to CL money from 2007. Given the lengths the SFA went to save them after administration I am more convinced than ever that Rangers should not have been granted a UEFA licence to play in the 2011 competition because of unpaid tax (the known wee tax bill) but the Gods of football finally got tired and intervened, in the shape of Malmo and Maribor.

Had Rangers qualified CW could have gone back to the Ticketus well for advances on the CL money to keep the club afloat as it was paying wages it did not have the money in the bank to pay. As it was they lost and as CW said himself last night, with no money coming in, the only way he could keep them going was to hold on to the tax and NI due and use that to pay wages of players that should never have been recruited in 2007/08 in the first place.

Had Smith's transfer spend of £29m gone to servicing the then small £6m debt and the core tax bill of £24M at that time, Rangers would never have gone to the wall.

I am convinced BDO will tell this tale eventually and it will be part of the historic facts of their Downfall story rather than rumour or conjecture.

The men guilty of crimes against Rangers AND Scottish football are SDM and Walter Smith along with every Rangers supporter who gloried in their financial stupidity.

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Succesful in Europe in her 70's heyday, made dvds of a blue nature pandering to a certain audience, and died in 2012.............

Fitting to be in this thread ;)

Everyone can't wait for that tribute act though. ;):lol::lol::lol:

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I see the Sevco Ambassador is still spouting garbage.


Blaming everyone except the guilty ones.8)

Shame about the photograph, as the Ambassador's false teeth have obviously slipped down. :o

When you read that bilge you realise, Jardine is just a shirt & tie ahead of the "Big Hoose" guy.

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Guest Kincardine

When you read that bilge you realise, Jardine is just a shirt & tie ahead of the "Big Hoose" guy.

So where does this, "Big Hoose" garbage come from?

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When you read that bilge you realise, Jardine is just a shirt & tie ahead of the "Big Hoose" guy.

Treated abysmally by the authorities :o The nerve of HMRC to ask for taxes to be paid. The nerve of the SFA not to let a (still) bigoted tribute act to waltz back into the SPL :blink:

Fcukin scummy 'insitution' in any and all incarnations: club/company/newco/oldco/sevco/zombieco

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