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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Blunt and to point HellBhoy .. did you expect a bunch of cheats to 'fess up'?

NAH ! not really they just can't accept the truth can they ? they had to be reformed again meaning that the club was busted,dead,ceased to be & many others and that's the simple truth.The time line was broken because the club was liquidated first then reformed from the bits and pieces Green bought from the oldco to pay off huge debts.

Even Green FFS stated the obvious before liquidation :lol: and Green has even went public that his new club is exactly that so that he can evade any punishments coming from the SPL commission FFS :lol: I do wonder what the orcs will say when Green again says in public that his club is a brand new club and will not accept any punishments from the SPL commission stating that his brand new club has never ever been or ever played in the SPL and the SPL have no jurisdiction over his new club that has never ever took part in the SPL :)

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bollox :lol:

Prove me wrong then Tedster !

SFA & SPL association rules are that when the liquidation order have been given to a member club that cannot fulfil it's financial obligations it's membership licences are revoked with immediate effect as the club cannot fulfil it's fixtures and cannot be a club any more because it cannot fulfil it's fixtures.

So tell me how can a club that cannot fulfil it's fixtures still be a club and why this rule is in the association rules ? a club cannot be a club if it cannot pay it's way and fulfil it's fixtures so why the fcuk would it still be granted a licence if it cannot fulfil it's finances and fixtures ?

Rangers RIP from 14th of June 2012 to 3rd of August when Green resuscitated the dead animal and it was dead.

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1357321979[/url]' post='6950753']

SFA 27th July 2012

We are pleased to confirm that agreement has been reached on all outstanding points relating to the transfer of the Scottish FA membership between Rangers FC (In Administration), and Sevco Scotland Ltd, who will be the new owners of The Rangers Football Club.

Nothing about revoked or any other shite.

If you cant post a statement from the SFA that says "we have revoked the memership belonging to Rangers" then you are simply making this up.

New owners of a dead club that they will seek to gain entry to the bottom rung in Scottish football=deadsmile.gif

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No simply balancing things out ... the fact that your wee bum licking chum running around giving you greenies for inane posts. You know your wee cabal thing you have going on there.

You insult someone say WRK and Tedi greenies it .. I could or just give you a reddie for one of your sensible posts ....

Oh haud on minute ... :lol:

No doubt you have the screenshots filed away...

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SFA 27th July 2012

We are pleased to confirm that agreement has been reached on all outstanding points relating to the transfer of the Scottish FA membership between Rangers FC (In Administration), and Sevco Scotland Ltd, who will be the new owners of The Rangers Football Club.

Nothing about revoked or any other shite.

If you cant post a statement from the SFA that says "we have revoked the memership belonging to Rangers" then you are simply making this up.

SPL commission report ! remember ? and is also same rules the SFA apply as well when clubs are to be liquidated ! just like Gretna ! it's memberships and licences were revoked with immediate effect as the club could no longer fulfil it's obligated fixtures because it was financially insolvent :) there's no point in a club having a membership licence any more if it cannot fulfil it's seasons fixtures is there ? that's logic for you.


The above clearly states 14th of June when the CVA failed ! Rangers were no longer a club any more :P although there is a minor infraction to the 3rd of August so the SPL can hammer yer new club with punitive measures from the dead club appear to be claiming a continual time line to Greens new club :)

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Really? why were we not GRANTED a membership then? SFA rules state all new clubs must be GRANTED memberships and new clubs need 3 years of accounts to be GRANTED memberships.

Waits for the inevitable tic conspiracy theory ;)

The inevitable conspiracy was by the authorities to fast track a new club with a huge support as high as possible in the senior leagues for monitory purposes only.

And also Green doesn't have 3 years of audited accounts does he ? Green will issue his first years accounts this year.

The rules were bent or broken to accommodate yer new club only because of the size of the club or you'd be watching a new team in the juniors and I'd wager you wouldn't go to watch them.

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See how Tedster avoids my posts ... :lol::lol::lol:

Ask him about the SPL terminating their membership ... and the date.

It wasn't so long ago Tedi was pronouncing that the SPL commission was a good thing and had it in his signature then after a good roasting about it he changed his mind and then claimed it was a kangaroo court to impose punishments and then claimed it was a cunning plan to fool us on P&B it was a trap to lure us in FFS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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In the past 24 hours you have accused the SFA of breaking Rules, UEFA and the SFA of colluding to rewrite history and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge of being a Rangers man.

aye all sounds pretty authentic to me :lol:

TEDI FFS what a pile of posted pish reeking right out you there in the thick attempt to place words into my mouth.Yer starting to crack there aren't you :)

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Show me proof the SFA revoked the membership, any SPL stuff is pure deflection

Actually I won't even bother and just say this ! RANGERS DIED AND THEN REFORMED AGAIN ! :) and will only from this point on give you Greens comments on the matter :P "A failed CVA means that all the history is lost and the newco route will be the only option" that's Green talking there and also "This club has never been part of or played in the SPL ever and I will not accept any punishments handed down to this club" so in that statement how can the club you support have ever won any SPL :lol: ya munter because you now sound like Green FFS say one thing and then say another because it fits your agenda :lol:

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If your are certain it is pure deflection just answer the question ... but I suspect you know it's not Tedi hence the deflector shields set to maximum .. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

slightly off topic, but i thought id ask you a question

you have 2645 posts, 2525 have came in this sub forum "rangers in the SFL"

do you love us that much, 120 posts in 8 months combined for the rest of the forum, dont you ever have an opinion on the EPL, or the ryder cup last year or anything else

does your life revolve around rangers

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slightly off topic, but i thought id ask you a question

you have 2645 posts, 2525 have came in this sub forum "rangers in the SFL"

do you love us that much, 120 posts in 8 months combined for the rest of the forum, dont you ever have an opinion on the EPL, or the ryder cup last year or anything else

does your life revolve around rangers

He posts on other forums you know , FF probably knowing his level of obsession

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