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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This body exists purely to protect the interests of big clubs, so it's no surprise they're supportive of Rangers. Nobody is claiming that the latest incarnation of Rangers is small, just new.

You know Youngsy, the vehemence of your post had me doubting myself (always a mistake) so I checked.

It turns out of course that I was entirely right. ECA is indeed a successor to G14. It now has more members, but they're all drawn from the biggest clubs in each country.

So what I said is not unbelievable or pish and I've not fell(sic) into any mindset.

I await your apology.

There's the post i replied to. The inference i took from that was that you were as dismissive of the ECA and their finding about the club as most others on here,whether you agree or not with the ECA is neither here nor there but at least give them credence for reaching their finding without bias or influence you failed to do that,therefore giving the impression that no matter which body gives a decision in favour of the continuation you would be opposed to that decision. However what i failed to realise was that you do recognise(to a degree) the continuity,so for that i apologise to you.

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I'm on the same thinking as you Monkey Tennis that Rangers are a sort of continuance,but mines is that it is the continuance of a Rangers team that plays football at Ibrox.

Rangers fans claiming continuance of a dead club is funny because they can't handle the club having to die first before it was reformed,they keep banging on about it's the very same club when it clearly is not.There was a Rangers team formed in 1872 that died because of crippling debts,Green then reformed another Rangers team out of the ashes and corpse of the dying club in 2012 aKa Sevco Scotland to take the place of the then defunct debt ridden club and now we have The Clone Rangers Football club PLC.

No ones actually claiming it's not Rangers because it clearly is,it just isn't the club that used to occupy the stadium even though it lays claim to the old clubs honours and will continue as Rangers in every way the old one did.

But it will always be known that Rangers the club died in 2012 even if it was for weeks but it was most certainly dead.

Will the "you're deid" brigade still be popping up in 2 years' time? Or 20 years' time? Sadly, they probably will. :D

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Will the "you're deid" brigade still be popping up in 2 years' time? Or 20 years' time? Sadly, they probably will. :D

OH deffo BWM as one of those comments to the opposition just to score points and wind them up.

I'm looking forward to Celtic & Rangers meeting up since last year because the threads and comments will certainly be funny.

If Green could come up with the cash to pay the oldco's creditors because they got a favourable outcome in the BTC and acquired the oldco's companies house registration then there would be no argument IT'S RANGERS ! B@STARDS !

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There's the post i replied to. The inference i took from that was that you were as dismissive of the ECA and their finding about the club as most others on here,whether you agree or not with the ECA is neither here nor there but at least give them credence for reaching their finding without bias or influence you failed to do that,therefore giving the impression that no matter which body gives a decision in favour of the continuation you would be opposed to that decision. However what i failed to realise was that you do recognise(to a degree) the continuity,so for that i apologise to you.

Fair enough.

As you know, there's lots of analysis of sources when they get cited on here. It's fair enough, but it's influenced much of the reponse to failed lawyers, IRA writers, Leggo etc. What I was saying was that ECA would, in my view be expected to see things the way Rangers would wish. Rangers were a founding member and I'd maintain that the body is dedicated to the interests of the powerful.

As for continuation, I conceded a version of it a while back. It was in response to your very own claim that you'd answer on what might be considered fair, if fans would accept continuation. As I said then - and since - I don't think it's seamless and I think it must be recognised that liquidation is what led to SFL3. However, clubs are defined by their fans, and the Rangers ones, for good or very ill - appear to still be in place. I can therefore accept a significant degree of continuation.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Guys, I think you're talking to a brick wall when it comes to Tedi The Liar and Blinkered Bennett. I understand you're trying to explain basic business laws, and I know football authorites broke their own rules to accomodate their zombified club. However, time and time again when faced with the indefensible or undeniable. They and the others will simply ignore, deflect, bring up a meaningless or discredited source to back up their argument.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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