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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Can i just post this again, it does make me laugh


Vanguard Exclusive – Vanguard Bears Meet Craig Whyte

Durring this session, Mr Whyte was supportive, open and candid about the scale of the agenda against the club, and appreciated it is widespread and not an isolated issue at one broadcaster. He explained that the club has to evaluate the importance and reach of media outlets, the severity of the slur, the legal implications, and accept “digs” from journalists or bloggers if these “digs” are not libellous. We both agreed that constructive criticism was completely acceptable.

My Whyte explained that he is still being advised by Carter Ruck with regards to allegations made on the BBC Programme “Rangers – The Inside Story”, its researchers and contributors. Those who have repeated said allegations may also be pursued.
VB – Reports of Rangers going in to Administration continue to dominate the media in Scotland, including a rumour from a credible source to VB that the club will voluntarily enter Administration on Monday 7th November. Is there any truth in this rumour?

CW – Not at all. Our phones were red hot last Friday (28th October) with the same rumour, which led to us having to contact media organisations to inform them it was business as usual for us

VB – Do you have a value in mind that you could settle at with HMRC that could allow the club to pay off any amount due, should Rangers lose the “main” case against the organisation, and avoid the scenario of Administration or Insolvency?
VB - We have already covered the BBC Demo, and the Documentary, and note your action against The Record and Herald during this season has resulted in quick apologies, what is your position on Graham Spiers

CW – I decided when I took over the club, that while I would address media imbalance, I would start with a clean slate, and expect the same in return. After seeing Mr Spiers’ involvement in the BBC Documentary, we were considering whether to withdraw all press privileges, but decided against it, as we were of the view that his influence and readership is not significant enough to trouble us. That said, when we took that decision we only considered “The Times’” reach in Scotland, not their reach in England and beyond. [Following discussion with JH] It is too late to reverse that decision. If Mr Spiers appears on our radar again for the wrong reasons, we will take a more holistic view. In football terms he’s on a retrospective yellow card


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Gordan Smith is a Goat shagging ex Ork, with a veneer of intellectualism from his HND in business studies. Perfect for the SFA/Shortbread.

in short a fooking Moron ;)

Smith was the man who, while stationed at the SFA, suggested the '08 Cup final against us, be moved to midweek to accommodate Rangers mission to make friends in Manchester.

He should be dragged from his bed and mercilessly waterboarded.

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Gordon Smith and Cockwomble were both in cringeworthy form on Sportsound. Smith trying to wriggle his way out of the kicked out/refused entry debate was most amusing.

I think Leggo's head exploded when Graham "Odious Creep" Spiers said he wanted Rangers back in the top flight. Hardly the actions of someone branded "a major enemy of Rangers" only yesterday by the pish stained alky.

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Note also that the flotation also allows for further delays to the

production of any meaningful accounts for Sevco. RIFC plc must produce

interim results every 6 months under AIM regulations but audited

accounts can be delayed to August 2014.

The most important part of that.......................

Aug 2014 a/c's #1

Aug 2015 a/c's #2

Aug 2016 a/c's #3

So if they chose to delay the audited accounts, it is season 2017/18 afore they would be eligible for Euro football if they qualify :)

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Not speaking for Tedi but i was only interested in what we were leasing for £8.5m, thats all.

If anyone knows, then answers on a postcard to the usual address.

Big Bennett

26 knob lane


East Ayrshire


Nae busfare!

Interesting that Bennett appears to be exactly the kind of gloryhunting bigot from A*rshire that he accuses others of being. Psychiatrist's wet dream right there. Probably a 'tic psychiatrist, eh, Tedi?


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As usual, a bit of blokey banter goes completely over Normans head.

A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist ..........

Mad Norman a 49yr old loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the bloggers, the Celticminded and the P&Bers, in a world of bigots who operate above the law.

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How Gordon Smith was ever CEO of SFA I'll never know. Listening to him say he would've allowed any 'big' club that had liquidated straight back into the SPL was classic! What an absolute fucknugget. Doncaster dodged every question but did let it slip that Newco were not allowed in as opposed to thrown out. Gold star to Speirs tho, he nailed it with his comments re oldco and newco. No distinction between club and company and. Also, we all know its still the big ugly beast its always been but Technically its a new club.

Spot on!

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How Gordon Smith was ever CEO of SFA I'll never know. Listening to him say he would've allowed any 'big' club that had liquidated straight back into the SPL was classic! What an absolute fucknugget. Doncaster dodged every question but did let it slip that Newco were not allowed in as opposed to thrown out. Gold star to Speirs tho, he nailed it with his comments re oldco and newco. No distinction between club and company and. Also, we all know its still the big ugly beast its always been but Technically its a new club. Spot on!

Not allowed in but that really doesn't fit in with the relegated to SFL1 plan does it?


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Aye £10M with an £8.5M magical lease thrown in for good measure.

I predict speculate the £8.5M does not exist, this makes the loss a lot closer to the real figure now doesent it.

Chucky leased back the stadium and facilities to Sheffield Utd ! what makes you so certain he will not go down the same avenue twice ? and the Sheffield Utd fans only found this out after Chucky was asked very nicely with violence to get to fcuk outta dodge.

Remember Chucky is only there to make money and when he does do you think he'll give a flying fcuk the state of the club is after he has flown the coup ? Rangers could be crippled badly by him after he has gone.

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Chucky leased back the stadium and facilities to Sheffield Utd ! what makes you so certain he will not go down the same avenue twice ? and the Sheffield Utd fans only found this out after Chucky was asked very nicely with violence to get to fcuk outta dodge.

Remember Chucky is only there to make money and when he does do you think he'll give a flying fcuk the state of the club is after he has flown the coup ? Rangers could be crippled badly by him after he has gone.

The article posted on here yesterday clearly states that we are already paying an £8.5m leasing agreement.

Now it's changing again ^_^

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The most important part of that.......................

Aug 2014 a/c's #1

Aug 2015 a/c's #2

Aug 2016 a/c's #3


if they chose to delay the audited accounts, it is season 2017/18 afore

they would be eligible for Euro football if they qualify :)

Chucky will be well gone before or if they ever play in Europe thats for sure. The con is well and truely on........again.

Tedi will not like this :) according to some bloggers about Chuckies accounting methods is to wait as long as possible before releasing the actual accounts which are usually not very good.So if the accounts are late then it augers badly that the accounts show losses.

Another method Chucky uses to hide the debts is offsetting the balance sheet to the shareholders to show that things are better than they actually are ie. say the club ran up debts of £10 million in the actual late released August accounts,Chucky will use the current August bank balance sheet from ST's and sponsorship deals to last the current season and put it against the debts in the late accounts.If there is £20 million in the bank then Rangers are £10 million in credit as far as the fans are concerned the way Chucky will phrase it but won't mention the club will run a bigger loss next year if the club is still running up debts.So the club will always be indebted to future revenue that will catch up with it eventually.

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