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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Once again when Rangers embarrass themselves and P&B becomes a hive of activity for pointing and laughing the amigos fcuk off ! :lol:

Don't you fret HB, unless they're obeying Jabbas call to arms, they'll be back.

They're probably getting their lines ready via PM's so that the deflector shields hold out.


Edited by GreenockRover
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That's some statement. The Rangers surrounded on all sides, a cynical media, deliberate campaign of misinformation being waged against them, a repetition of the possibility of sinister forces at play. He even mentions a schism within the Rangers' supporters!

I predict that in his next statement, Herr Traynor will officially reveal details of the Revenge Weapons which will be unleashed against Rangers' enemies and will utterly destroy them.

Chuckle, Chuckie über alles!

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'He has always made his own decisions and so far the man who left school to pursue his dream of becoming an entrepreneur has been on the money.'

Traynor on Whyte 2010

On the money, James. On the money.

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Had to check the link. Its just so unbelievable. Could have been written by Joseph Goebbels.

Seriously, it sounds like the kind of thing Nixon used to shout at Kissinger on the White House Tapes - endless rants about the damn hippies and the east coast liberals and the pinkos at the New York Times who were persecuting him, just utter lunacy, full of bile, self-pity and outright delusion.

The difference, of course, is that the Supreme Court damn near had to send the FBI into the Oval Office to get the tapes off Nixon, whereas Rangers have released this utter mentalism voluntarily. Enthusiastically, even.

Charles... Is not... a crook!

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Still no Berrz.....

To be fair, the most plausible explanation for that rant is that the website's been compromised. Even the Horde cannae swallow swallow THAT amount of shite, surely?

You can be sure they have logged off but are in guest mode reading the posts with frustration and anger :lol: and also wanting to post but they know they'll get a roasting :D

Hey amigos ! hey how ya all doing guys are you enjoying the show :) and also a big shout out to the sevconian fuds from all the ragers websites looking in :thumsup2 GIRFUY ya bunch of knob jockeys :P

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Still no Berrz.....

To be fair, the most plausible explanation for that rant is that the website's been compromised. Even the Horde cannae swallow swallow THAT amount of shite, surely?

Say it can't be WRK, don't take away the fantasy. It's there, in blue and white. The indignation, accusation, insinuations, rage of nations......it's a whole SPLEEN on a page. !

I couldn't take this being a spoof :o:lol::lol::lol:

ETA: And that share price profile? It looks like an illustration of the World Cup downhill course at Aspen. :D

Listen: you can hear Chuckie......."Traynooooooooooooooorrrrrrr!!!!!!!"

Edited by GreenockRover
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Rangers International Football Club saw shares fall by 5% today, the sharpest drop since the IPO.

There are many Rangers fans and indeed members of the general public looking

very closely at the movement of the share price and the timing of

malicous blogs. Some might say the bloggers are purposely putting out

malicious blogs in order to drive the share price down, purchase the

shares when they are low and then sell when the share price recovers.

We are all Micheal Gecko. :1eye

MichealGecko C.S.C.

It was Gordon Gekko, but I'll let you off with it.

Edited by kiddy
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Dear oh dear. How can he seriously slate anyone's reading of a situation again?

How humiliating for him, that article should be.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Now we see the bold Jabba's journalistic skills without the aid of an editor one does wonder how the pie man ever got a job in journalism. He must've ate anyone standing in his way, it's the only logical conclusion.

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My God it is never ending.

It's true - they just can't stop.

If ever they do go under again, never to reappear this time, I'm starting to think I'll genuinely miss them.

They're prolific. They will not stop giving the public what they want.

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AW FFS :lol: do you remember the old biddy on the news last year banging on about buying a brick at Ibrox and what would happen to it ?

Well the buy a brick campaign is back on on the offishial Ragers website and is in full swing again :1eye

Buy a loved one a brick for valentines and cement your love :blink::lol: :lol: and hit her over the head with it and beat her up when Rangers get beat :)


FFS they get a brick ownership certificate for £50 quid and that's it ! it's not even a personnalised brick with the persons name ! and if you get pissed off at Rangers and have had enough can you then remove the brick from Ibrox seeing as you've paid for it :unsure: I wonder how that would work out if some rager decided to take the brick straight from the stadium as it is lawfully theirs ?

In fact I may even buy a fucking brick from Rangers and then decide to have the brick removed from a key part of the stadium for a laugh ! the £50 quid should be well spent pissing them off because I own it and it's my brick and I want to take it home so I can throw it through my angry Rangers supporting neighbours window 8):lol:

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