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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You deliberately misquoted me. Now once you point out where i've said otherwise regarding "so it's other teams fans now" then i'll answer it.

Tell you what, Bennett. Whether it's fans, the media, the other clubs, the governing bodies, or crabs off Culzean Shore - who exactly has attacked your beloved rangers, the new club, the old company, the holding company, the new company, or anyone connected with them?

Simple question - chance of a simple answer? I'm guessing.....


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The arguments from non-Rangers fans on the meaning of the word "attack" and serious goalpost moving sums up what has been wrong with this thread recently. It's only total wallopers left, and the decent Rangers supporters come across looking pretty good as a result. I mean...

You could try reading... I don't know... any page of this thread? Stop dancing around it. It's not as if that wretched club don't deserve it anyways, so why start trying to avoid it?

You could try getting, I dunno, a sense of perspective? You really think our bitching and moaning on here constitutes an "attack" on a multi-million pound business enterprise?

In that case, I spend most days attacking BT, the Coalition, Ubisoft (fecking DRM!), poor film-makers, the USA (careful, now!), and a myriad others.

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The answer to the first question is simple really. Yes. Perspective has not much else to do with it. Your attacks won't make much difference to anything but you're still doing it.

Again though... why care? It's the most ridiculous bit of goalpost moving to justify something I've seen on here, made all the more ridiculous that it is entirely justifyable in the first place. They're a wretched club with bigoted fans and a chairman who makes Romanov seem sane.

So get on with it and dismiss the moans of their fans.

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I haven't, you said "attacked" i'm asking you what do you mean by that.

Well according to a large majority of your fan base, you have "enemies" in the Daily Record, BBC Scotland, SPL, SFA. who are all out to get you, so i assumed you meant not "fans" but other organisations out to get the club.

PS. i was reading the digger

You said "so it's other teams fans now" which implies that i previously said something different and changed my tune.

First rule of forumming don't allow yourself to be misquoted. So can you point out where i said anything different?

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You never made a point to prove :blink:

Feel free to contact CAB, Trading Standards, Watchdog or anyone else you can think of :)

That would be the point that the numbers attending Ibrox are only so high because predictions of low crowds are percieved as a direct attack on your club. The siege mentallity, shown by your quote. Do not fear though, we shall keep mocking as long as we are fed the oxygen to do it and your crowd numbers will stay high. After all the state of your club is an extension of your ego is it not?

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Unless the two parties stuff each other with protracted legal action(s). :D

So the SFA have the balls to do what Rangers fans never did until it was far, far too late - have a pop at Craig Whyte.

Inbetween HMRC pursuing David Murray on behalf of the taxpayer and those very few hacks who had the stones to ask questions about his conduct back when it mattered, it looks a bit like Rangers fans might get a little bit of justice for what was done to their club, although through no effort of their own. They're clearly too busy praying for the whole Scottish game to explode to do anything about it themselves.

Just as well this wasn't left to the Rangers fans though, since they would probably have put even more energy into urging Whyte to sue the BBC and demanding that Murray spend even more recklessly.

So how do the Rangers fans respond, when other organisations are forced to fight their battles for them? By hoping those organisations get f*cked as well. That's gratitude, Ibrox-style.

This is, in a nutshell, why you're stuck with an undead club, a terrible team, a comedy manager and a loony for an owner, lads. You'd think you'd have learned some lessons in the past year.

Don't worry, though - there's still a good chance that somebody else will clean up behind you while you're organising more boycotts and fantasising about all the awful things Peter Lawell is plotting.

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So the SFA have the balls to do what Rangers fans never did until it was far, far too late - have a pop at Craig Whyte.

Inbetween HMRC pursuing David Murray on behalf of the taxpayer and those very few hacks who had the stones to ask questions about his conduct back when it mattered, it looks a bit like Rangers fans might get a little bit of justice for what was done to their club, although through no effort of their own. They're clearly too busy praying for the whole Scottish game to explode to do anything about it themselves.

Just as well this wasn't left to the Rangers fans though, since they would probably have put even more energy into urging Whyte to sue the BBC and demanding that Murray spend even more recklessly.

So how do the Rangers fans respond, when other organisations are forced to fight their battles for them? By hoping those organisations get f*cked as well. That's gratitude, Ibrox-style.

This is, in a nutshell, why you're stuck with an undead club, a terrible team, a comedy manager and a loony for an owner, lads. You'd think you'd have learned some lessons in the past year.

Don't worry, though - there's still a good chance that somebody else will clean up behind you while you're organising more boycotts and fantasising about all the awful things Peter Lawell is plotting.

Ah do you think the SFA are being swift in acting against Whyte? They couldn't have acted at a much earlier stage? Hmm. HMRC? The same sort of question could be asked about them over Whyte.

For all the deluded nonsense and tiresome trolling on the subject, fans are just ordinary punters and it can be very difficult to do anything against, for example, a man who owns 90-odd per cent of the club (through his companies).

Incidentally, the chances of the SFA actually getting any money out of Chalkie strike me as about the same as my chances of spending tonight with Kelly Brook. :D

Edited by Bearwithme
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Ah do you think the SFA are being swift in acting against Whyte? They couldn't have acted at a much earlier stage? Hmm. HMRC? The same sort of question could be asked about them over Whyte.

For all the deluded nonsense and tiresome trolling on the subject, fans are just ordinary punters and it can be very difficult to do anything against, for example, a man who owns 90-odd per cent of the club (through his companies).

Incidentally, the chances of the SFA actually getting any money out of Chalkie strike me as about the same as my chances of spending tonight with Kelly Brook. :D

B..b...but Bennett says that they're attacking rangers!

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Ah do you think the SFA are being swift in acting against Whyte? They couldn't have acted at a much earlier stage? Hmm. HMRC? The same sort of question could be asked about them over Whyte.

Given the utterly feral and insane response of your fans to actions by the SFA, SPL and HMRC even after your club's misdeeds were known....

Well, you can imagine how your mob would've responded if any of these organisations had stepped in while the club was still theoretically viable.

Which is why this "why didn't the SFA save us from Craig Whyte" shit is so hilarious. You lot would've done everything in your power to prevent it*. Everybody knows the why didn't the SFA save us stuff is only the best excuse you can come up with to pretend that you've been hard done by, somehow.

*Although to be fair, "Everything in your power = the Big Hoose Guy whinging on STV".

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Given the utterly feral and insane response of your fans to actions by the SFA, SPL and HMRC even after your club's misdeeds were known....

Well, you can imagine how your mob would've responded if any of these organisations had stepped in while the club was still theoretically viable.

Which is why this "why didn't the SFA save us from Craig Whyte" shit is so hilarious. You lot would've done everything in your power to prevent it*. Everybody knows the why didn't the SFA save us stuff is only the best excuse you can come up with to pretend that you've been hard done by, somehow.

*Although to be fair, "Everything in your power = the Big Hoose Guy whinging on STV".

That's not really what I'm saying though. You mentioned the conduct of the SFA and I'm questioning that conduct.

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Can you maybe question it in more detail then, if that wasn't what you meant.

The SFA didn't scrutinise Whyte when he took over. That was the way they generally did things but maybe it should have been changed sooner. Like decades ago,

Also I understand the SFA were informed at quite an early stage that Whyte wasn't paying the tax but they did nothing about it.

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The SFA didn't scrutinise Whyte when he took over. That was the way they generally did things but maybe it should have been changed sooner. Like decades ago,

Also I understand the SFA were informed at quite an early stage that Whyte wasn't paying the tax but they did nothing about it.

It was their job to make sure Rangers did a ''fit and proper'' on Whyte. Rangers said they had..............

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The SFA didn't scrutinise Whyte when he took over. That was the way they generally did things but maybe it should have been changed sooner. Like decades ago,

Also I understand the SFA were informed at quite an early stage that Whyte wasn't paying the tax but they did nothing about it.

What I find more alarming is Doncaster was told by Whyte that there were hurtling towards admistration and were unlikely to get a CVA in October. You would think they would be having weeks of crisis talks on how to handle the situation if/when the nightmare scenario were to arise, but no mass panic ensued within the corridors of power and they clearly didn't know what to do. When the bombshell finally dropped.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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The SFA didn't scrutinise Whyte when he took over. That was the way they generally did things but maybe it should have been changed sooner. Like decades ago,

Also I understand the SFA were informed at quite an early stage that Whyte wasn't paying the tax but they did nothing about it.

If the SFA had blocked the sale, would Rangers fans have just shrugged and accepted that, or has the last year taught us anything about how they behave in times of crisis?

If the SFA had stepped in to remove Whyte for non-payment of tax, would Rangers fans have accepted that? Because we know what Rangers fans did when the BBC exposed his dodgy dealings - they picketed... the BBC.

I think either would've resulted in you lot rallying right behind Whyte in exactly the way you did before, and the way you've rallied behind Green even when he was openly bullshitting; in protests at the SFA and hate mail - at least - being sent to their offices.

And while I take your point above about how it's difficult for fans to do much when the chairman owns 90% of the club, it's also worth noting that your fans didn't struggle valiantly and fail. In fact, they came out in defence of your chairman.

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The SFA didn't scrutinise Whyte when he took over. That was the way they generally did things but maybe it should have been changed sooner. Like decades ago,

Also I understand the SFA were informed at quite an early stage that Whyte wasn't paying the tax but they did nothing about it.

Didn't minty selling up for a quid & legging it (pun intended again) set off any alarm bells ?

And can you imagine the outcry from rangers fans if the SFA had stepped in & said "this guy's trouble, we cant let him take over rangers".

You lot would've kicked up shit.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Edit - And flyingrodent beat me to it.

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If the SFA had blocked the sale, would Rangers fans have just shrugged and accepted that, or has the last year taught us anything about how they behave in times of crisis?

If the SFA had stepped in to remove Whyte for non-payment of tax, would Rangers fans have accepted that? Because we know what Rangers fans did when the BBC exposed his dodgy dealings - they picketed... the BBC.

I think either would've resulted in you lot rallying right behind Whyte in exactly the way you did before, and the way you've rallied behind Green even when he was openly bullshitting; in protests at the SFA and hate mail - at least - being sent to their offices.

And while I take your point above about how it's difficult for fans to do much when the chairman owns 90% of the club, it's also worth noting that your fans didn't struggle valiantly and fail. In fact, they came out in defence of your chairman.

It's not all about Rangers fans, although I know some folk would like it to be (not necessarily yourself).

It's worth looking too at the procedures of the SFA and what they did and didn't do. Also HMRC. It's a pretty big thread and I think there's room for that.

Edited by Bearwithme
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