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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Leaving aside my own opinions about the process and personnel involved in this whole sorry saga (and I mean all the way back to the beginning of the century).

There was no finding of guilt on eligibility of players. There was a finding of guilt on breaking the rule over a long period of time, in a premeditated fashion.

They cheated. That is what contravention of rules means. Hence the guilty verdict. Hence the "fine".

We all understand that there was a breaking of rules,that is not being denied,however for months this was really all about the fielding of ineligible players and for many the stripping of titles,not about administrion procedures,Rangers F.C. were cleared of any guilt in fielding ineligble players,therefore the club did not gain any sporting advantage on the field of play and that is what this has all been about. Too bad if you can't accept that fact but nevertheless carry on with your rants.

Edited by youngsy
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The sheer double standards being shown by the anti-Rangers brigade is laughable.

Do they accept that Directors of the club deliberately with held some of the paperwork to cover the possible tax implications they might face thus breaking SPL rules?

Yes of course they accept Nimmo at his word here, guilty as charged.

Do they accept that nobody acted dishonestly and that no advantage was gained on the field of play, thus no cheating?

No Nimmo may have said these things but he (an expert in law) got it all wrong, not seen one admission of these 2 facts.

Cherry-picking and double standards flying high.

I would say that directors witholding payment information was contravening SFA rules, therefore cheating and acting dishonestly.

I don't dispute that the players were properly registered and eligible to play, thus no compettive advantage. It appears that that this was down to the failure of the SFA regulations rather than Rangers actions being above board. The SFA couldn't revoke the registrations unless they knew about the additional payments, if they knew about the additional payments they were above board. Rules not fit for purpose.

Not cherry picking. Rangers broke the rules but gained no unfair advantage. If EBT's are legal you have to wonder why they didn't just notify these payments to the SFA and stayed within the rules, they had nothing to hide but hid it anyway. If they had 100% faith that their method was above board then, not only would this commision have never happened, there is every likelihood that Murray would still be at the helm and Rangers would be thriving in the SPL.

Food for thought, did Oldco go bust for nothing?

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To hide the possible tax implications the Directors knew that the scheme was close to the line, no doubt and no denying this, however this does not imply dishonesty, in fact Nimmo went out of his way so state no one had acted dishonestly.

This verdict has changed my thoughts on Murray considerably, I will perhaps approach this in a different post and will not be kind.

Regardless of whether it was later found to be illegal or not, they didn't know that and deliberately hid it. How is that anything other than plain dishonesty?

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Remember Charles green saying sponsor agreed, waiting to announce for maximum impact? Did these people know all along? By people I mean rangers and SFA. All chuckles ramblings about kangaroo courts and stuff was maybe part of the con.

Conspiracy theory I know but it Wouldnt surprise me in the slightest. One things this has done is opened our eyes to the fact that Scottish football is a busted flush, corrupt to the core. I'll probably still follow my team, just not with anywhere near the same eagerness as I used to. Scotland and SfA will never see a penny from me

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Hiding something does not mean I have been dishonest.

This is quite easy to understand, do you need an analogy?

I quite like the 'OJ was innocent' analogy.

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Shocked this thread is still on the go.

Have you obsessed c***s ran out of straws to clutch at yet?

54. It hurts. To use a popular word on here, you fans of pitiful, boring, unimportant football clubs are fucking seething. I'm feeling some empathy watching everyone's souls get destroyed but hey Karma is a bitch, just make sure that bitch is beautiful ;)

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Shocked this thread is still on the go.

Have you obsessed c***s ran out of straws to clutch at yet?

54. It hurts. To use a popular word on here, you fans of pitiful, boring, unimportant football clubs are fucking seething. I'm feeling some empathy watching everyone's souls get destroyed but hey Karma is a bitch, just make sure that bitch is beautiful ;)

The only way karma will be dealt with me is if my club dies and goes to the 3rd. I can't see that happening anytime soon so jog on

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The only way karma will be dealt with me is if my club dies and goes to the 3rd. I can't see that happening anytime soon so jog on

Jog on? This is a thread about Rangers.

When was the last time anyone wanted to chat about Ayr with you? :wacko:

You're no getting a tan behind our shadow ya ken pawl?!

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Jog on? This is a thread about Rangers.

When was the last time anyone wanted to chat about Ayr with you? :wacko:

You're no getting a tan behind our shadow ya ken pawl?!

A thread that was set up to laugh at rangers not for rangers. And thanks a lot its been really entertaining while it lasted.

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Hiding something does not mean I have been dishonest.

This is quite easy to understand, do you need an analogy?

Sorry Tedi, I disagree. Deliberately hiding something that should've been disclosed is dishonest. Obviously Murray thought there was potential for this to be illegal. If he was being honest he would've established the legality of EBT's before using them and disclosed the additional payments to the SFA.

The fact they have been shown to be legal means that the hiding of the additional payments, and therefore the commision, was totally unneccessary. It could also mean that the sale to Whyte and Liquidation of oldco was unneccessary.

If Murray had been honest and upfront, it may have saved Rangers and Scottish football a lot of pain. The man deserves a prison cell, the damage he has caused to the game in this country is immeasurable and, imo, irreversible.

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54. It hurts. To use a popular word on here, you fans of pitiful, boring, unimportant football clubs are fucking seething.

Does this very attitude not completely devalue your bragging over 54 titles? I'm currently 128-0 up against my nephew at ping pong but given he can't see over the table means every time I bring up my ping pong prowess in the pub i rightly get shot down

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A thread that was set up to laugh at rangers not for rangers. And thanks a lot its been really entertaining while it lasted.

It was misplaced laughter.

You were sitting here laughing hoping Rangers would die, get titles stripped etc...

None of what you sad c***s said would or wanted to happen have happened, so you've just wasted the past year making pish jokes to each other to be honest. I hope that it has been fun for you. You're all laughing in this thread but the whole world is laughing at you c***s and this thread. Apt time for a lol.

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Does this very attitude not completely devalue your bragging over 54 titles? I'm currently 128-0 up against my nephew at ping pong but given he can't see over the table means every time I bring up my ping pong prowess in the pub i rightly get shot down

Nope, best of a bad bunch.

We achieve the most we can. Always strive to, usually do so. Why not celebrate, we compete, we win, we celebrate.

Same can't be said for the diddy teams or celtc.

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It was misplaced laughter.

You were sitting here laughing hoping Rangers would die, get titles stripped etc...

None of what you sad c***s said would or wanted to happen have happened, so you've just wasted the past year making pish jokes to each other to be honest. I hope that it has been fun for you. You're all laughing in this thread but the whole world is laughing at you c***s and this thread. Apt time for a lol.

Say what? So you weren't liquidated, denied entry to the SPL due to fan power, denied entry to SFL1 due to fan power, now trading at a loss in SFL 3 with over paid, under talented players and a clown of a manager? That didn't happen?

You're laughing at us? Oh the fucking irony.

Edited by Mr Man
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Nope, best of a bad bunch.

We achieve the most we can. Always strive to, usually do so. Why not celebrate, we compete, we win, we celebrate.

Same can't be said for the diddy teams or celtc.

So you are the worlds most successful team because you've managed to beat some pitiful, boring and unimportant opposition? Right you are.

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So you do want to cherry pick what you want from the report then.

There is no other way to describe this, deliberate and no dishonesty were in the same line from Nimmo.

I'm not cherry picking, I accept thefindings of the report. However, I think these two lines in the report contradict each other. He says in one line that information that should've been disclosed wasn't and in another line that no-one acted dishonestly.

IMO if you deliberately withold something that you should've disclosed you are being dishonest, I don't see how you could describe that any other way. £250k is a whopper of a fine for an honest mistake.... I suspect if the club actually had to pay it they would be raging.

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