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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I've seen enough of this thread to know that this is your way of saying you have nothing useful to add. I'm not sure if you just permanently have your heckles up due to the constant bombardment of pish between yourself and WRK but not sure why I'm getting it from you now when I've tried to reasonably address a question you posed?

As much as I enjoy watching you and a few others make tools of yourselves, I'm entirely interested in what Rangers claim. if they either publicly admitted to being a brand new team with no history OR paid back their debts in full then I think this thread could close and the majority of folks could leave with a degree of satisfaction.

No chance. The charade has gone on too long so must be upheld. Either that or They would have to admit to being a new club. Can't see that happening.

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Tell you what then - you quote my entire post. To do otherwise is misleading. I quoted your entire post, but not until after you'd had ample time to realise your error and address it. To then accuse me of relying on false data was, frankly, hilarious - if you wanted to find out how many titles each team had won, would the Primeira Liga entry not be the first (but not the only - cross-check always!)port of call? It's fairly obvious the Porto entry has been "massaged" in such a way as to make them appear more successful than Benfica.

As to my feelings for the two Glasgow clubs - on a sporting level I despise them equally - although there is obviously a somewhat deeper loathing of an "institution" which believes I am a second-class citizen. Pretty natural, really. I don't suppose many Jews voted for the Nazi Party.

Sporting considerations, however, pale into insignificance beside the uncovered cheating, lying, arrogance, and complete lack of humility from rangers and their fans in the last year. This is a forum post, not a full-length book, but you know exactly what has gone on, who the victims are, and who came out of the whole shitstorm claiming "debt-free!", "same club", and "54 and counting!" (or is that 55 now? Oh yes, you're counting that one, you said). A shameless odyssey of lies, legal technicalities, abandonment of creditors, stealing from the taxpayer - and none of it rangers' fault.

Seriously, Tedi, they make me sick to my stomach - and I really have to question the moral compass of anyone, no matter how long they've follow followed, trying to defend them. Up until they went tits up, a case could maybe have been made for them to be allowed to continue as they were. After the behaviour of all concerned - and I'm only going on what has already been confirmed - that any kind of team is still playing at ibrox is a national disgrace.

Business as usual, then, according to the late Mr Archer.

^^^^^^^ A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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I've seen enough of this thread to know that this is your way of saying you have nothing useful to add. I'm not sure if you just permanently have your heckles up due to the constant bombardment of pish between yourself and WRK but not sure why I'm getting it from you now when I've tried to reasonably address a question you posed?

As much as I enjoy watching you and a few others make tools of yourselves, I'm entirely interested in what Rangers claim. if they either publicly admitted to being a brand new team with no history OR paid back their debts in full then I think this thread could close and the majority of folks could leave with a degree of satisfaction.

The Amigos study hard for that privelige...


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I've seen enough of this thread to know that this is your way of saying you have nothing useful to add. I'm not sure if you just permanently have your heckles up due to the constant bombardment of pish between yourself and WRK but not sure why I'm getting it from you now when I've tried to reasonably address a question you posed?

As much as I enjoy watching you and a few others make tools of yourselves, I'm entirely interested in what Rangers claim. if they either publicly admitted to being a brand new team with no history OR paid back their debts in full then I think this thread could close and the majority of folks could leave with a degree of satisfaction.

You don't get it. Rangers are paying or have paid ALL oldco footballing debt. Now the question i ask you is why do the footballing authorities not pay the footballing debt we are due as they all accept the club to be a continuation of the old ckub.

As for non footballing debt...take that up with tbose who decide company law in this country

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You don't get it. Rangers are paying or have paid ALL oldco footballing debt. Now the question i ask you is why do the footballing authorities not pay the footballing debt we are due as they all accept the club to be a continuation of the old ckub.

As for non footballing debt...take that up with tbose who decide company law in this country

If the authorities have taken money from Rangers with the intention of passing it on and have failed to do so then i can't and don't condone it. But then they have shown themselves to be the poorest of leaders throughout this whole debacle.

Ditching the non-footballing debt is perhaps legal from the business point of view and my opinion that you should pay it back is perhaps utopian. Rubbing everyones face in it with "Rangers then Rangers now" banners is extremely distasteful, but then Rangers and their fans have acted with a complete lack of humility through this entire process. Rangers are simply the highest profile case and this applies to Dundee, Livi, Dunfermline etc too but expulsion should really have been the only option since the level playing field is the entire premise of sport.

ETA - as much as I'm up for some grown up discussion this is just rehashing old ground. I was merely interested to find out why I was getting the Tedi treatment when I'd tried my best not to stoop to the level of certain posters in here.

Edited by ribzanelli
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I've seen enough of this thread to know that this is your way of saying you have nothing useful to add. I'm not sure if you just permanently have your heckles up due to the constant bombardment of pish between yourself and WRK but not sure why I'm getting it from you now when I've tried to reasonably address a question you posed?

As much as I enjoy watching you and a few others make tools of yourselves, I'm entirely interested in what Rangers claim. if they either publicly admitted to being a brand new team with no history OR paid back their debts in full then I think this thread could close and the majority of folks could leave with a degree of satisfaction.

Give up mate. I've tried this logical thing of saying that if they want titles to endure, they must accept penalties; or if their debt free, they must accept that it's a whole new enterprise.

They just are so used to getting precisely what they want, that they can't even recognise the point.

They're Oldco for good stuff; Newco for bad. They really do want to have and eat cakes.

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As to my feelings for the two Glasgow clubs - on a sporting level I despise them equally - although there is obviously a somewhat deeper loathing of an "institution" which believes I am a second-class citizen. Pretty natural, really. I don't suppose many Jews voted for the Nazi Party.

Sporting considerations, however, pale into insignificance beside the uncovered cheating, lying, arrogance, and complete lack of humility from rangers and their fans in the last year. This is a forum post, not a full-length book, but you know exactly what has gone on, who the victims are, and who came out of the whole shitstorm claiming "debt-free!", "same club", and "54 and counting!" (or is that 55 now? Oh yes, you're counting that one, you said). A shameless odyssey of lies, legal technicalities, abandonment of creditors, stealing from the taxpayer - and none of it rangers' fault.

Seriously, Tedi, they make me sick to my stomach - and I really have to question the moral compass of anyone, no matter how long they've follow followed, trying to defend them. Up until they went tits up, a case could maybe have been made for them to be allowed to continue as they were. After the behaviour of all concerned - and I'm only going on what has already been confirmed - that any kind of team is still playing at ibrox is a national disgrace.

Business as usual, then, according to the late Mr Archer.

WRK, that's pretty much exactly how I see things, in every detail.

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I've seen enough of this thread to know that this is your way of saying you have nothing useful to add. I'm not sure if you just permanently have your heckles up due to the constant bombardment of pish between yourself and WRK but not sure why I'm getting it from you now when I've tried to reasonably address a question you posed?

As much as I enjoy watching you and a few others make tools of yourselves, I'm entirely interested in what Rangers claim. if they either publicly admitted to being a brand new team with no history OR paid back their debts in full then I think this thread could close and the majority of folks could leave with a degree of satisfaction.

While I'd love to take all the credit - my rabble-rousing vitriol is still available for any clubs wishing to boost next year's ST sales ;) - Tedi just continually paints himself into corners and uses deflection and denial, combined with tortuous logical swings, in order to avoid having to admit he was wrong. His most recent episode - which also featured the most spectacular OG I've scored on here (while sober, as well!) - has led him all the way down the line to claiming 116 titles for his clubs, which must be news to quite a number of posters on here, particularly those with the numbers 53 and 54 in their usernames. :lol:

Still cannae post a full quote, either.

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Can WRK and Tedi please feck off and find a room.

Back on topic.

Have we discussed the Sevco chief exec's open racism?


roflcopter inbound.

You think I'm getting in a room with him? <cold shivers>

As for Charlie - There is another thread for his "cheeky banter", but from today's KROOF piece, I especially like:

"I deplore racism and sectarianism and this football club does a huge amount of work in this area to help eradicate these problems."

He's told some whoppers in his time at ibrox, but this one would make baron Munchhausen blush.

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Can WRK and Tedi please feck off and find a room.

Back on topic.

Have we discussed the Sevco chief exec's open racism?


roflcopter inbound.

Green's a dick. Thankfully he'll be a distant memory before too long.

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Having not been online since Saturday I missed Tedi's BIG MELTDOWN :lol:

First thing he should have noticed before posting pish was ? Why do the Rangers fans sing about being the most successful club team on the planet with 54 top tier titles and then Tedi proceeded to post Portuguese clubs titles totalling more than Rangers :blink::1eye:lol: Worst still he try to defend by trolling the web to find some sort of relevance to back up his mega fuckup :huh:

Well done Tedi :lol:

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Dont worry about, seeing the WKR`s meltdown last night more than made up for the lack of your daily bloomers.

NAH WRK didn't go into meltdown he just got very annoyed at you taking something he posted and you changed it to look like something else to suit your obvious hate filled agenda against him.

Yes Tedi I do make some bloomers now and again but you on the other hand are completely incompetent most of the time and post some of the biggest meltdown material P&B has ever seen :) keep it up old boy :lol: .

Should we rename the big thread in your honour Tedi ? to "The big Tedi meltdown in liquidation thread" ? :lol: you can add another title to your collection of titles you zoomer as the biggest numpty on P&B :) .

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I do not have a hate filled agenda againt the WKR, nor did I change anything, he later admitted this.

Everyday is not now and again.

And yet you still have a misleading quotation* from me as your signature, and refer to me in a derogatory manner. Oh, and I'd be tempted to suggest that having noticed my errors and apologised where necessary, within a couple of hours at most, the expression "meltdown" is wildly fanciful.

Unilaterally raising your clubs' trophy count to 116 - more than twice the number of titles any bear I've ever met boasts about - while claiming the Third Division as your latest one, in a desperate attempt not to appear the kind of thick f**k who posts figures from a single user-created page as Gospel without checking and without realising the numbers were higher than your own "most successful team":

MasterCard Time, Tedi.

*ETA: By stripping two thirds of the post out of the quote, I reckon most reasonable people would say you've changed it. You've certainly used it out of context. No worries - what you appear to forget is that when people see that part-quote, they'll probably think you've made it up again. What with my fairly well-established dislike for celtic, and your previous form for altering people's inputs and putting it in quotes.
They'll certainly know you've made up the other part....
Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Green's a dick. Thankfully he'll be a distant memory before too long.

But how much collateral damage will he leave behind?

The fact that he ignored every legal precedent with regard to transferring players to a new club, the fact that he made a total arse of the alleged "boycott", the fact that he lied about his involvement with Whitey and is actually boasting about ripping him off, the fact that he thinks it's acceptable for the CEO of a large company in the spotlight to refer to people as "pakis" or "darkies", well TBH, it's all sort of pointing towards the fact that he's not very bright.

And if he's not very bright, the real question that could turn Rangers over is "How well has he legally covered his arse in his dealings with Whyte?"

Is he stupid enough to have left a door open for Whyte to have a legal claim on Newco's assets? On the face of it, it appears possible.

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