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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is there any chance of the SFA starting an investigation into business links between Regan,Doncaster,Liewwell and Dermott Desmond. We really need to have everything above board and out in the open....Sporting Integrity and all that

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I would rather have had a punishment fitting of the 'crime' and one within the rules than an illegal transfer ban and excessive fine. Sporting integrity and all that.

Rangers were NEVER going to be thrown out of football.

The transfer ban was only 'illegal' when it was being imposed as a punishment. When it was imposed as a condition of entry to a new club, it was perfectly legal.

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Would you rather get kicked out of football, or given THAT punishment? As usual the orcs only focus on the punishment/consequence and not the original crime.

I would rather have had a punishment fitting of the 'crime' and one within the rules than an illegal transfer ban and excessive fine. Sporting integrity and all that.


Rangers were NEVER going to be thrown out of football.

Most of us, the ones with a grip on reality and an average IQ, all agree with your assessment in that last line.

Murray, indeed, started all of it with his smoke and mirrors pish with the financing of players and their contracts, but I and, undoubtedly, many others have been more dissappointed at the obsequious inadequacy of so called 'authorities' to, frankly, do their job properly.

The resultant, in fact - on going, car crash that is the "authorities" attempts at making and applying appropriate sanctions to their own organisations' members beggars belief.

Most of us can understand that there are many reasons why the SFA wouldn't want to kill the Golden Goose outright but the whole sorry saga has exposed our game for the bumbling, amateur setup many of us had always bitched about.

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The transfer ban was only 'illegal' when it was being imposed as a punishment. When it was imposed as a condition of entry to a new club, it was perfectly legal.

So every new club entering the league set up will have a 12 month transfer embargo as a condition of entry? Did ICT have a 12 month transfer ban imposed when they became a new club? Sporting Integrity and all that.

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Most of us, the ones with a grip on reality and an average IQ, all agree with your assessment in that last line.

Murray, indeed, started all of it with his smoke and mirrors pish with the financing of players and their contracts, but I and, undoubtedly, many others have been more dissappointed at the obsequious inadequacy of so called 'authorities' to, frankly, do their job properly.

The resultant, in fact - on going, car crash that is the "authorities" attempts at making and applying appropriate sanctions to their own organisations' members beggars belief.

Most of us can understand that there are many reasons why the SFA wouldn't want to kill the Golden Goose outright but the whole sorry saga has exposed our game for the bumbling, amateur setup many of us had always bitched about.

You are just beginning now to realise that the footballing authorities make it up as they go along? Where have you been GR?

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You are just beginning  now to realise that the footballing authorities make it up as they go along? Where have you been GR?

I think you'll find my last line negates your question 8 ?

We all knew it was bad (SFA) we just hadn't grasped HOW bad.

Until Murray willfully drove Rangers into the wall, the protected status of both CFC and RFC hid the true inadequacy of the SFA.

Now everyone is staring at the wreckage, we are asking how the f**k it was allowed on the road in the first place.

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So every new club entering the league set up will have a 12 month transfer embargo as a condition of entry? Did ICT have a 12 month transfer ban imposed when they became a new club? Sporting Integrity and all that.

Well ICT won a democratic vote to enter the league so not really sure the two cases are comparable

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Well ICT won a democratic vote to enter the league so not really sure the two cases are comparable

Rangers did not have to go through that process as clubs such as Spartans had publicly said they wouldn't waste their money on putting forward a rival bid that they had no chance of winning

That has absolutely nothing to do with this point anyway. Does every new club have to have a transfer embargo? Did ICT have this transfer embargo and if not why not?

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Astounding that with all that is currently going on with Rangers, their fans on here are still moaning and trying to score points based on what is now history.

They have a club totally split with factions all over the place. If only it were just two factions. :(

Rather than moaning incessantly about the past, they would be better employed making clear what they would like the club to look like in the future.

By not doing this they merely create repeated opportunities for the Whytes, Greens and whoever will come next, and then the ones after that. :thumbsdown

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Hi No8, how goes it.

To answer your question or better still answer with another question, Did ICT leave a carcass of a club and side step a few million before applying to get said licence ?

Did they not leave the carcass/es of 2 clubs? I don't know what happened in regards the finances of the 2 dead clubs or if they are a continuation of one of the dead clubs and so on and so on.

My question is relating to a previous poster saying it was perfectly legal for Rangers to have transfer ban as they are a new club entering the league. I feel it is only right to find out if this is setting a precedent and why this was not applied to other new clubs entering the league.

Seems to be an awful lot of whataboutery going on.

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Astounding that with all that is currently going on with Rangers, their fans on here are still moaning and trying to score points based on what is now history.

They have a club totally split with factions all over the place. If only it were just two factions. :(

Rather than moaning incessantly about the past, they would be better employed making clear what they would like the club to look like in the future.

By not doing this they merely create repeated opportunities for the Whytes, Greens and whoever will come next, and then the ones after that. :thumbsdown

Doesn't really matter what we say and do...Unless Jim McColl or Dave King make a move in the very near future Rangers are fucked..Ok i could go into more detail but why waste time. It is almost a done deal and those involved could not care less what the supporters say or do.

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Hi No8, how goes it.


To answer your question or better still answer with another question, Did ICT leave a carcass of a club and side step a few million before applying to get said licence ?

Did they not leave the carcass/es of 2 clubs? I don't know what happened in regards the finances of the 2 dead clubs or if they are a continuation of one of the dead clubs and so on and so on.


My question is relating to a previous poster saying it was perfectly legal for Rangers to have transfer ban as they are a new club entering the league. I feel it is only right to find out if this is setting a precedent and why this was not applied to other new clubs entering the league.


Seems to be an awful lot of whataboutery going on. 

Weren't you imposed with ban as a condition of your license? As it was a punishment on the old club for going into admin/liquidation that needed to be passed on?

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Rangers did not have to go through that process as clubs such as Spartans had publicly said they wouldn't waste their money on putting forward a rival bid that they had no chance of winning

That has absolutely nothing to do with this point anyway. Does every new club have to have a transfer embargo? Did ICT have this transfer embargo and if not why not?

I'm really not sure why you are trying to draw comparison with teams such as ICT and the Rangers situation. Particularly interesting that you use the term new club since this is the one term that gets the bears on here frothing at the mouth. Maybe only new companies get the transfer embargo? The thing with precedent is that it is only used going forward, you cant retrospectively give ICT a 12 month signing embargo to be served in the 90s in 2013.

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I'm really not sure why you are trying to draw comparison with teams such as ICT and the Rangers situation. Particularly interesting that you use the term new club since this is the one term that gets the bears on here frothing at the mouth. Maybe only new companies get the transfer embargo? The thing with precedent is that it is only used going forward, you cant retrospectively give ICT a 12 month signing embargo to be served in the 90s in 2013.

I do, he's being a WUM.

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This smear attack on Malcom Murray is lower than a snakes belly.

TBH if this was my team, I think I'd jack it all in and go watch Highland League rather than line the pockets of a collection of crooks and spivs.

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