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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Good to see that clubs in trouble wanting to help each other out. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/opinion/sport/hotline/sports-hotline-rangers-fans-vent-1989397

There's an interesting point made by - Scott Walker, Wishaw, summed it up when he said: “Hearts had a cheek even to think about playing against Rangers in a fundraiser when we got no help from them a year ago.”

Trouble was Rangers couldn't play friendlies last summer, couldn't even organize a kick about with Kelty Hearts never mind Heart of Midlothian. People forget things very quickly.

Yes these clubs Dunfermline Athletic presently, Dundee, Rangers and Motherwell in the past all created their own problems and the owners who were there were culpable for the debt and the mess created. Problem is that once the owners depart and the club is in administration its up to the administrators, other employees and the supporters to pick up the pieces while the person or people involved in creating the mess Craig Whyte, Vladimir Romanov for example escape with no debt attached to their name. But these days we should be all pulling together not creating or exploiting divides that the likes of Hugh Keevins seems to revel in.

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Good to see that clubs in trouble wanting to help each other out. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/opinion/sport/hotline/sports-hotline-rangers-fans-vent-1989397

There's an interesting point made by - Scott Walker, Wishaw, summed it up when he said: “Hearts had a cheek even to think about playing against Rangers in a fundraiser when we got no help from them a year ago.”

Trouble was Rangers couldn't play friendlies last summer, couldn't even organize a kick about with Kelty Hearts never mind Heart of Midlothian. People forget things very quickly.

Yes these clubs Dunfermline Athletic presently, Dundee, Rangers and Motherwell in the past all created their own problems and the owners who were there were culpable for the debt and the mess created. Problem is that once the owners depart and the club is in administration its up to the administrators, other employees and the supporters to pick up the pieces while the person or people involved in creating the mess Craig Whyte, Vladimir Romanov for example escape with no debt attached to their name. But these days we should be all pulling together not creating or exploiting divides that the likes of Hugh Keevins seems to revel in.

Nobody on here saw it that way when Rangers were going through the mill. I guess its that mentality that Scott Walker is referring to. Though I agree with the final statement.

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It's beyond you, sonny.

There's no shame in that.

You might want to check yourself back in to hospital. I don't think enough oxygen is reaching your brain. You're certainly delusional if you think I would feel any shame in asking for an explanation of what appears, on first glance, to be the deranged ramblings of a fool.

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Nobody on here saw it that way when Rangers were going through the mill. I guess its that mentality that Scott Walker is referring to. Though I agree with the final statement.

Part of what I was trying to get across there was that even if other clubs wanted to help out Rangers they couldn't due to the timing of the events. Rangers had a set of friendlies, if I remember one was against a French team and another was against Southampton, both pulled out. Only the people involved directly with Rangers could help the club back then, by then it was too late for the Rangers fans to do anything.

I think the mentality is also ingrained into the some off the Rangers support over the belief 'everybody wanted our club to die', 'everyone is against us'. It was a useful tool to galvanize/unite the support by Charles Green with all the different factions and groups within the support and have every one focused on a rebirth of a club and the start of a journey up the league.

But there is a down side to that clearly illustrated by certain supporters who wish the worst on other clubs for nothing more than purely selfish reasons and those war cries don't help either. I'm sure if the circumstances had been different such as Rangers not having a cowboy owner and all the corrupt administration and business people who associated with him Rangers even if they had been in administration last summer other clubs would have helped them out with friendlies during last summer.

Its a lot of what ifs and what is done is done, I wish bridges could be rebuilt, but its going to take a bit of compromise on both parts. For one thing I don't want to see us all return to the bad old days where one club ruled the roost in decision making and having an inbalance of representation within the governing bodies. One club can't dominate Scottish Football's decision making process for their own selfish needs rather than the needs of all (11-1 vote, aye Celtic :rolleyes:) ,that needs to be binned now the league bodies have been merged.

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There has been nothing done on either side to build bridges, more worryingly there does not seem any appetite from any party to even start the process, the air still stinks of bitterness from the outside and defiance from the inside, most fans will continue to mock what happened with Rangers and most Rangers fans will continue to say F-You in reply.

Despite Rangers not having a vote, that's not to say that both the SFA, SPFL ( or previously SPL and SFL) and Rangers aren't in constant discussions. There's probably more going on behind the scenes than we know about, as we knew former owner Charles Green had a good working relationship with Stewart Regan (13.5 % pay rise ??) it would be assumed the current directors especially Craig Mather and Walter Smith will continue with this progress, its in both parties interest to do so.

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FAO. City Dave. The People have not forgotten that Rangers couldnt play friendlies last year and the reason for it.

On here we are well informed, likely on other social networks because we are able to access info quickly and in quantity, maybe a senior moment from Wishaw Scott?. But Keevins continues to act the c**t and seems to be the most unpleasant individual involved in journalism at the moment.

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There has been nothing done on either side to build bridges, more worryingly there does not seem any appetite from any party to even start the process, the air still stinks of bitterness from the outside and defiance from the inside, most fans will continue to mock what happened with Rangers and most Rangers fans will continue to say F-You in reply.

Sadly Tedi, you sum it up quite nicely.

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Despite the necrophilic jiggery pokery recently conducted on the corpse that is Scottish Football by the (haha) Authorities, it is now ABSOLUTELY 100% clear that everything is Rangers/Celtic centric and the rest are bit part players in a Comedic Farce. To suggest anything else is delusional I'm afraid.

Now, as an ordinary average bloke, happy to support my team week in week out (subject to finances of course) I still find myself reasonably content to a certain degree because, well, I don't have to cross swords with these two very often. However, what HAS changed is the CERTAINTY of understanding that when and if we do meet, the dice WILL be loaded against ANY side playing or dealing with them both ON and OFF the field.

And THAT, gents, stinks.

What further changes in my mind now, is that neither Celtic or Rangers fans carry any weight of credibility in our game now given their "Protected Species" status as afforded to them by the sanctimonius rectum-licking "leaders" of the game in this country, which is further backed up by the fawning lap dogs in the media.

All that has happened in the last 18 months or so is our suspicions have been borne out as FACT. What used to be passed off as "wee club paranoia" is glaring, ugly, proven TRUTH. We have the last 18 months as evidence and there is NO CASE for the defence.

Scottish Football:

Charge - Corrupt to the core. Verdict: GUILTY

Sentence - Lifetime of ridicule.

Parole Date - Undetermined.

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I will not justify that second foolish sentence that you made there with a response, however the first sentence you made requires a couple of questions answered by you. You are still foolishly attempting to justify your evil words. Do you wish that every one else on earth that has "caused plenty of misery to thousands of people"..."gets cancer and die a slow painful death" too? :rolleyes: How about the wealthy elite families and individuals along with their dupes that control or head governments, own, control or head banking and media corporations, the military industrial complex, armed forces, and other entities related to the global control system, do you wish for all those persons to get cancer and die slowly too?

No, not at all, i just wish Whyte the very worst that can happen to anyone, if that's cancer then good enough. Edit too add, your second sentence, take your political nonsense elsewhere, personally speaking i'm not interested in anything you've got to say.

Edited by youngsy
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There has been nothing done on either side to build bridges, more worryingly there does not seem any appetite from any party to even start the process, the air still stinks of bitterness from the outside and defiance from the inside, most fans will continue to mock what happened with Rangers and most Rangers fans will continue to say F-You in reply.

Doesn't "really" matter tedi.

In the short term, the newco cannot survive. Financialy, that black hole will do them in, as well as the fans expectations.

This is all shits and giggles for us, with a growing contempt for those who administer the game.

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Lol, the shits and giggles continue :D

The next hero, Dave King, is suing Gary Player after paying him a million to "be his friend".......

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You might want to check yourself back in to hospital. I don't think enough oxygen is reaching your brain. You're certainly delusional if you think I would feel any shame in asking for an explanation of what appears, on first glance, to be the deranged ramblings of a fool.

You're inability to recognise the forelock-tugging phrase as an analogy for subservience gave the game away for you.

Don't feel bad, son.


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Ah short term as in your bet with Youngsy that you are about to lose.

Care to predict what you class as short term, I smell another bet coming on.

Go dig out the posts tedi... I reposted not too long ago :)

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There has been nothing done on either side to build bridges, more worryingly there does not seem any appetite from any party to even start the process, the air still stinks of bitterness from the outside and defiance from the inside, most fans will continue to mock what happened with Rangers and most Rangers fans will continue to say F-You in reply.

Sadly Tedi, you sum it up quite nicely.

While Tedi is right in that neither side of the debate/divide/equation seems willing to budge...

In a case of spousal abuse, would it not be down to the perpetrator to demonstrate that he/she had changed their ways and was willing to show some contrition before they could expect any kind of rapprochement? I use this analogy because we have all seen acquaintances ignore the darker sides of their partners, willing to explain away any number of incidences of infidelity or violence "because I love him/her". Are we expected to play the part of the victim, putting up with dishonesty, bias and bullying because we get the spare change from their income?

Unfortunately, the attitude of rangers and a majority of those of their fans I've heard from is that they just want to get back into the conjugal home and resume their "rightful" place. All the unfortunate events of the last few years were, apparently, "administration errors" or the actions of one or two shysters. I would suggest that the rest of Scottish Football remains to be convinced.

Maybe if they were to hold some kind of Charity Match, or something, with all the money going to... oh, hang on a minute... :lol:

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It was a simple enough question.

Define short term? and lets have a wee bet for charity ;).

Lol , typical sevcoite . First bet isn't dead and buried yet your desperate for another.....

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