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Calling you a p***k because of your moronic blame the victim mentality and attitude. I would be ashamed if I were you, but you're not likely to start now.

Yeah it's just the same as walking up to someone in the street with their family and abusing them. :rolleyes:

So abusing people anonymously via the Internet is acceptable behaviour then ?
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Perhaps if Jum feels he has been threatened he should contact the constabulary rather than taking to Twitter and risk looking like an attention seeker trying to raise his profile ?

I am sure you will love this quote "The person who abused Jim Spence and his wife is almost as big a c**t as Sandy Jardine" also he did contact the Police.

Edited by Umbungo1874
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Perhaps if Jum feels he has been threatened he should contact the constabulary rather than taking to Twitter and risk looking like an attention seeker trying to raise his profile ?

His first tweet was to thank the Police for their intervention.

Do try and keep up before casting aspersions.

Can we assume you will join us in condemning these attacks.

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What exactly is my "way of life"?

I see what you are doing there Benny and it won't work OK.

Trying too hard to be offended there me thinks and reading something in there that is not there because you've went on a demented mission this evening and want to be offended by everything.

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So abusing people anonymously via the Internet is acceptable behaviour then ?

Is abusing the BBC acceptable on Twitter, because you support a football team? People taking this to a level where they are abusing BBC presenters to their face and sending abusive tweets to his employer?

It's a football team, playing a sport. Abusing his family and demanding he have the ability to provide for them, be taken away from him?

What's is wrong with The Rangers fans?

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What about, what about, what about.

Yes, calling a p***k, a p***k, on a football forum is fine by me.

Just like abusing journalists and their families on the street is fine by magoo.

By that rationale then it would be acceptable for someone to tweet Jum and call him a p***k ?
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This is what rangers/sevco do they cheat, steal, lie and threaten people and their pets.

Im getting a bit sick of it tbh not only are they an embarrassment to themselves but they are continually embarrassing our game and bringing it into disrepute.

OK I still haven't got to the bottom of this. I assume this refers to the dug in a Sellick top that was punched as mentioned this afternoon?

What's the actual story?

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Perhaps if Jum feels he has been threatened he should contact the constabulary rather than taking to Twitter and risk looking like an attention seeker trying to raise his profile ?

His tweet on the matter contained a thank-you to Tayside Police for their advice and assistance :lol:

Seriously, how can one club's support contain such a high percentage of fucking imbeciles?

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By that rationale then it would be acceptable for someone to tweet Jum and call him a p***k ?

If he was casting false and inflammatory aspersions and maliciously labeling a victim an 'attention seeker', then yes.

But he hasn't being doing those things, you have. Hence I think you're behaving like a p***k.

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So abusing people anonymously via the Internet is acceptable behaviour then ?

Don't be a liar Mags :rolleyes: ,before you even made an account on here you knew exactly what you were getting into :lol: .You've probably been banned before as well and this is another cunning plan to plot your revenge :whistle .

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Tedi joined this forum for one reason and one reason only and that was to fight the The Rangers corner. An articulate and sometimes witty character but ultimately failing in his goal much the same as No8 (Kincardine doesn't even know its friday)

He failed and is now just a myth..

Both Bennys will randomly apear and give tag team efforts on total whataboutery. AWRA keeps the humour flowing. And then theres magoo the relevant.


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By that rationale then it would be acceptable for someone to tweet Jum and call him a p***k ?

Posting nasty names and comments on the net is one thing,but to be accosted on the street after being threatened on the web by them takes things beyond having a fly dig at name calling.

I'm sure if some Celtic fans started to bombard your FaceBook account with death threats and the like you wouldn't be posting the shite you have been earlier <_< .

What is it with you The Rangers fans that can't even fucking agree on the simplest of civil courtesy but feel the need to drag in the shite by saying "but they've dun it anaw ! SEE ?".

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A guy and was attacked as he tried to defend two thugs from laying into his dog because he had it in a doggie Celtic top.

Afterwards vanguard bears tracked him down published his picture and encouraged fellow bears to say hello hello to him if they ever see him. Basically encouraging other scum to attack him again.

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