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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Any idea who 'the finance leases' secured against assets (as mentioned in the accounts) belong to?

Repayments (roughly half a million or more a year) ... * cough *

Ask Bennett, he's quite interested in discussing the issues around his club. You can tell from his posts he really cares. And is always happy to enter into a discussion.

Either that or he'll give you the club phone number.

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You would think they would be interested in attempting to establish if the funds had been spent on the stadium or siphoned away in over inflated contracts and fees?

Or why the nine million earmarked has been frittered away on unsustainable wages and bonuses for winning a part-time league with SPL and International players ... on the premise that you have to prepare for the top league now.

That is spin and complete horse manure ..

Yet the bears on RM think .. they deserve their bonuses coz .. well bankers get them and so do ra Sellick board ...

Gullible beyond belief .

It's actually head off the wall frustrating. My team aren't a big club, we don't have a high income.

But from a financial petspective we are getting better. Last year we won the first with a squad where not one player was on more than 250 a week. Our club captain had a part time job at Linwood Sport Centre for Christ sake! We are now competing in the SPL having doubled our wage budget. No one earns more than 500 quid a week.

Do you know how proud that makes me feel?

I live my club more because we are doing it against the odds, we have been crying out for a striker, but we can't afford one, so we'll make do with a guy we picked up from the juniors!

I really don't know why rangers fans can't let their guard down and say you know what we're fucked. It's all bravado and rightful place. They are hedging their bets on a crook.

They openly admit that as a club, they can't compete without donations from money men. But they still think we are the diddies!

Rangers for a generation could only compete with their rivals by exploiting EBTs, with Murray getting loans to MIM, with Dave kings 20m... Without that they would never have won the league!

Without that it would have been a one horse race! They would have been an also ran....

But they refuse to acknowledge it, they are the people, better than you and me. Their team is playing in the fckin 3rd tier of Scottish football and their board admit they will have 1 mil left by April. That's best case scenario!

Why are they not asking what the fck is going on!!!

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Any idea who 'the finance leases' secured against assets (as mentioned in the accounts) belong to?

Repayments (roughly half a million or more a year) ... * cough *

I would guess that the Newco made good on the existing Close Brothers finance. I'm sure that was for catering equipment and the like, and I doubt it would have been beneficial for Close to go in and rip out all the stuff that they had a security over, as well as being a huge pain and cost for Rangers to get it all replaced.

They provide finance at high interest rates for people that wouldn't get the money elsewhere so the above would fit the set of circumstances pretty well.

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More like it's profoundly important for your fragile ego to have some aspect of the entire debacle to cling to and give the full GIRFUY treatment to, thereby satisfying your genetic daily lust to feel superior to others.

I think it's clear you have the wee man syndrome coursing through your veins and it's made you very angry and terribly bitter.

Genetic daily lust? FFS :lol:

ETA - I now see you were greenied by MT who openly confessed to suffering from wee man syndrome. Wonderful!

Edited by Bendarroch
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another day goes by, another day where rangers fans on here refuse to discuss the ongoing and never ending issues at their club.

What would you like to hear, Dave? I'm in a right good mood my friend - and I'll answer anything you want as honestly as I possibly can.

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Mhhhhh ... you want to put it to a head to head poll as to who has wee man syndrome?

I'm sure we can all guess who the winner would be ..... but you'd only claim a victory is a victory ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'd imagine in your world a poll on P&B would count as definitive scientific evidence. It would, after all, have all the credibility of a poll asking those scum IRA marchers at the weekend if soldier bhoys like you are included at the 'all welcome' entrance at darkhead.

I'm sure we can all guess who the winner of that poll would be...but, you would only claim that no one has a problem with British soldiers at sporting wing HQ :)

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Seeing as my opinion is not valid why don't you go and conduct a poll with them one weekend ... everyone is welcome.

Bad enough I had to share air with the scummy b*****ds. Fhannies in fatigues and other fhannies in plastic shirts.

They were marching in 'support' of some deid c**t who had placed a bomb under a former soldiers car. Are they welcome at darkhead, too, aye?

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I think it's clear you have the wee man syndrome coursing through your veins and it's made you very angry and terribly bitter.

If I had wee man syndrome I'd simply change my team to Rangers and shout WATP to compensate.

From the tone of your daily proclamations and persistent over-use of smileys, I'd say you're the one with the need to compensate for some sort of insecurity. My money's on a height problem. Or a baldness issue. Or an exceptionally hairy back. Or all 3.

Yes, probably all 3.

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Ask Bennett, he's quite interested in discussing the issues around his club. You can tell from his posts he really cares. And is always happy to enter into a discussion.

Either that or he'll give you the club phone number.

Bennett and all his Rangers mates on here give it big licks about plastics and how good they will be when the most successful football club in the world are back in Europe (or similar such nonsense).

When significant things are happening to their club they have nothing of any consequence to say. They disappear. Perhaps lying in bed with pillows over their wee aching heads?

How the club has reached this stage is less important than that they are at a key stage for the very future of the club.

They have a board that has the ability to outdo their personal greed with their incompetence. Any credibility they ever convinced people they had has now disappeared. Rather than run the club properly they always turn as a first option to some dodgy dealing, lots of puff and hot air hoping those complaining about them will go away. Unfortunately for them those against them are not going away. From investors to fans they now see them for what they are.

At the formation of Sevco anyone half decent (I am excluding Lafferty from that) cleared out, the rest that nobody wanted including Ally were tuped across to the newco on the same wages. :o How totally daft was that move!

Through all this we have had Ally talking it up about signing a contract with reduced wages. Still no news. He is so typical of the ilk, grasping and arrogant.

From questions about what companies are in the group, who is really in charge of what, have Green & Whyte genuinely gone away, 'show me the deeds', who are the people with the skills to run the business who don't have any dodgy baggage - somehow Rangers fans don't want to engage in even thinking about such things.

It is as if all these things will be sorted out by other people, and they will just accept it as long as the new saviours say they have been Rangers fans since they were wee boys.

They have got exactly what they deserved so far.

Personally, despite the fact I don't like them I would like to see a strong Rangers. Unfortunately their mouthy but useless fans do not deserve that.

So Bennett & Co, grow up, accept reality and stop bleating about your irrelevant nonsense. Nobody wants to hear it anymore.

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Bad enough I had to share air with the scummy b*****ds. Fhannies in fatigues and other fhannies in plastic shirts.

They were marching in 'support' of some deid c**t who had placed a bomb under a former soldiers car. Are they welcome at darkhead, too, aye?

Is this from someone who is bitter and twisted? Or is it twisted and bitter?

Is it something that happened in your childhood? Did they not do educational psychologists when you were at school? :(

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Bennett and all his Rangers mates on here give it big licks about plastics and how good they will be when the most successful football club in the world are back in Europe (or similar such nonsense).

When significant things are happening to their club they have nothing of any consequence to say. They disappear. Perhaps lying in bed with pillows over their wee aching heads?

How the club has reached this stage is less important than that they are at a key stage for the very future of the club.

They have a board that has the ability to outdo their personal greed with their incompetence. Any credibility they ever convinced people they had has now disappeared. Rather than run the club properly they always turn as a first option to some dodgy dealing, lots of puff and hot air hoping those complaining about them will go away. Unfortunately for them those against them are not going away. From investors to fans they now see them for what they are.

At the formation of Sevco anyone half decent (I am excluding Lafferty from that) cleared out, the rest that nobody wanted including Ally were tuped across to the newco on the same wages. :o How totally daft was that move!

Through all this we have had Ally talking it up about signing a contract with reduced wages. Still no news. He is so typical of the ilk, grasping and arrogant.

From questions about what companies are in the group, who is really in charge of what, have Green & Whyte genuinely gone away, 'show me the deeds', who are the people with the skills to run the business who don't have any dodgy baggage - somehow Rangers fans don't want to engage in even thinking about such things.

It is as if all these things will be sorted out by other people, and they will just accept it as long as the new saviours say they have been Rangers fans since they were wee boys.

They have got exactly what they deserved so far.

Personally, despite the fact I don't like them I would like to see a strong Rangers. Unfortunately their mouthy but useless fans do not deserve that.

So Bennett & Co, grow up, accept reality and stop bleating about your irrelevant nonsense. Nobody wants to hear it anymore.

thats spivconians for you.

Edited by Bloomogganners
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Is that you leaping to the defence of RM types No8?

I had you down as cleverer than that.[/quote

And I thought you were smarter than that.

And you are so smart you cannot even use the quote function on here.

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I'd imagine in your world a poll on P&B would count as definitive scientific evidence. It would, after all, have all the credibility of a poll asking those scum IRA marchers at the weekend if soldier bhoys like you are included at the 'all welcome' entrance at darkhead.


Surely not. This reads as if you think that a poll of P&B members is equivalent to a poll of IRA members. I can't believe that this is really what you meant, but it was still a bit of a shocker to read it. Written in haste, I hope.

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