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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Biased Bigoted Corrupt admitting Chick Dung was slavering nonsense again. :lol: From TSFM;

Dear Mr……….
Thank you for your follow-up letter of October 29th regarding my response to your original complaint about comments made by Chick Young on the Sportsound programme broadcast on October 16th.

Chick Young was wrong in his interpretation of the settlement agreed in relation to Dave King’s infringements of the South African Income Tax Act. He had mistakenly thought that the position arrived at did not result in criminal convictions for Mr King. In actual fact the plea and sentence agreement saw any fraud charges dropped but a guilty verdict and fines applied to a range of tax evasion charges. This was, however, more than adequately addressed on air by Tom English and I do not believe that any listeners would have been left in any doubt as to the true state of affairs.

Yours sincerely,
Ewan D Angus,
Commissioning Editor, Television
& Head of Sport ”

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A fair chance, the whole D&P thing stank from the begining.

I've been saying for a long time that David Grier is the mastermind behind all this. The only thing that's surprised me is that is taken you over 20 months to figure out that D+P did not carry out admin in the fit and proper way.

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A fair chance, the whole D&P thing stank from the begining.

There was a quote back at the announcement of administration procedures, I don't remember who from, which stated that the only time Whyte looked worried was when D&P were objected to as administrators by the HMRC. Says it all really.

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A bit like you adding the letter "H" to anything remotely Catholic or Celtic-minded so carry on with your double standards. Degrading a whole grouping of people...... I refer you to the last sentence I just typed. Pot = kettle = black = Bendarroch.

Please carry on with your one-(small-minded)-man crusade.

You obviously have a burning desire to maintain anything longer than a soundbite. Good luck.

Your life must be pretty miserable if all you can do is hang on to the ramblings of a.... what was it again?..oh aye, I remember... scummy hate-filled bigot.

You're nothing but shit on my shoe. A nobody.

You want to invent a case that an added letter H denotes things 'remotely Catholic'? What does remotely Catholic even mean? Does it apply to those who refer to themselves as 'RA Bhoys?


And three people greenied you for this collapse of intellect.


But, so we are clear, your attempt to crassly, graspingly compare invented nonsense with the letter H to your hate-filled outburst is as tawdry as it is expected. The one you so recently defended and indeed qualified by announcing it's all ok because, yes, you 'have your reasons'.

And you wont be getting to forget it, son. Ever.

Edited by Bendarroch
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You know Sevco fans are rattled when they use the word "son" :lol:

Why not ask 3rdrock why he'll be chinned for ever more about this? It has nothing at all to do with football.

He's already been bold enough to defend and expand on his hate because he 'has his reasons' - perhaps he'll explain himself.

Or perhaps he's emboldened because his hate is tolerated - even greenied - by some on here. Mind you, I'd be surprised if anyone else would publicly confess to it - because only 3rdrock has lacked the sense of shame to do so. So far.

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Why not ask 3rdrock why he'll be chinned for ever more about this? It has nothing at all to do with football.

He's already been bold enough to defend and expand on his hate because he 'has his reasons' - perhaps he'll explain himself.

Or perhaps he's emboldened because his hate is tolerated - even greenied - by some on here. Mind you, I'd be surprised if anyone else would publicly confess to it - because only 3rdrock has lacked the sense of shame to do so. So far.

Off topic.

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Hey Tedi. Got a question for you to answer over on page 1004 of the independence thread.

Any chance of an answer instead of just skulking about handing out reds like the sleekit wee intellectually challenged wee f*ckwit that you seem to be?

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Why not ask 3rdrock why he'll be chinned for ever more about this? It has nothing at all to do with football.

He's already been bold enough to defend and expand on his hate because he 'has his reasons' - perhaps he'll explain himself.

Or perhaps he's emboldened because his hate is tolerated - even greenied - by some on here. Mind you, I'd be surprised if anyone else would publicly confess to it - because only 3rdrock has lacked the sense of shame to do so. So far.

Correct, Bendarroch - nothing at all to do with football. Just a handy wee issue for you to try and gain some moral high ground and deflect from the problems at ibrox.

ThirdRock stated, ages ago, that he has issues with homosexuals. A distasteful attitude, especially in a blanket sense. Not something which makes his opinions on football or rangers any more or less relevant. He has never attempted to minimise or dismiss this stance. Unlike No.8, who when challenged about his racist views claimed various versions of "It was a joke. I never said it on here, so it's OK. Bigger boys made me."

I must have missed your condemnation and hounding of No.8 - I mean, a paragon of virtue such as yourself must find him equally despicable, no?

I'll be interested to see the examples of discrimination being "greenied" that you mention. Perhaps you mean this?

"About 500 of your lot have spouted the same bullshit on here.

You cannot "return to the very top", because your tribute act hasn't yet made it to the very top in order to return. Well, to be fair you did make it to the top of the Third Division, and you're nuking your way to the top of the Second, both at eye-watering cost.

It's not a "frustrating" or "bewildering path" you're on - it's the comedy gold path, which gives the P&Ds no end of mirth as you stumble through leagues you should be winning with a tenth of the budget you have blown to beat Ordinary Joes in part-time leagues along the way.

My opinion is that you won't make it to the very top for a long, long time yet. Much financial pain coming Rangers' way soon, and no real saviours out there - only sharks and crooks.

Do keep up. "

Feel free to point out any homophobia in that post.

As for your own virtuous and inclusive personality - there's a reason we invented Bendarroch Bingo. :lol:

Now, as ThirdRock says - fúck right off, you miserable old bastárd. Maybe you and the PolterFud can set up your own wee forum where you can swap tales of rangers' glorious history until the latest saviour comes to rape your pockets with soundbites and dog-whistling - before raping your pockets again.

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The puzzle for me regarding this determination to unmask the mystery investors is, what benefit will the club and fans derive from it? If for example, their worst nightmare comes true and Whyte is still involved, will this not result in the suspension of The SFA licence? Surely it would be best kept secret.

I don't really know mate, you would assume so.....

I suppose we would get the chance to see the SFA make a complete cluster f**k when put on the spot again.

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Most are known, the only sticking point is blue ptich holdings and Margarita holdings (spelling)

It probably is.

No but Green will probably be lurking in the background.

They're all known, and have been since the beginning - to the people that matter, anyway.

Fans of rangers and their successors have fulfilled their role admirably - "Just give us your money and trust the Man in the Big Hoose".

Nice to see reality nibbling away at the edges of the fantasy.

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Was just asking coz it seems to have went awfully quiet on the Whyte front.

It'll all come out someday, the whole Whyte taking legal action against Ranger/Green was a sham imo.

Now that i've said that, it'll probably go to court next week.

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Correct, Bendarroch - nothing at all to do with football. Just a handy wee issue for you to try and gain some moral high ground and deflect from the problems at ibrox.

ThirdRock stated, ages ago, that he has issues with homosexuals. A distasteful attitude, especially in a blanket sense. Not something which makes his opinions on football or rangers any more or less relevant. He has never attempted to minimise or dismiss this stance. Unlike No.8, who when challenged about his racist views claimed various versions of "It was a joke. I never said it on here, so it's OK. Bigger boys made me."

Wasn't that fussed by 3rd Rocks ranting as i've heard it all before and i've a feeling that highland M..... is probably similar but 3rd Rock took it a bit further than just saying he only had issues.

If 3rd Rock wants to make a kunt of himself then fair enough.

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Correct, Bendarroch - nothing at all to do with football.

I won the sweep - I had the WKR to be first to defend 3rdrocks outrageous attacks on all homosexuals.

You might be willing to tolerate or - as above in the entirely expected and tedious windbaggery of the post I quote - even to defend such bigotry, but I'll be here pointing the finger at 3rdrock's shameful beliefs.

I was less surprised by the pigs the flew past my window than I was to see you wade in to support your wee pal.

3rdrock will no doubt be heartened by this latest show of support for his hate. He's yet to explain why he thinks that because he claims to 'have my reasons' the bigotry is acceptable.

It's not. The end. And no amount of fuckwittery from you, WKR, is going to change that.

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I won the sweep - I had the WKR to be first to defend 3rdrocks outrageous attacks on all homosexuals.

You might be willing to tolerate or - as above in the entirely expected and tedious windbaggery of the post I quote - even to defend such bigotry, but I'll be here pointing the finger at 3rdrock's shameful beliefs.

I was less surprised by the pigs the flew past my window than I was to see you wade in to support your wee pal.

3rdrock will no doubt be heartened by this latest show of support for his hate. He's yet to explain why he thinks that because he claims to 'have my reasons' the bigotry is acceptable.

It's not. The end. And no amount of fuckwittery from you, WKR, is going to change that.

So, you fully expected me to "defend" ThirdRock's prejudices? And yet you found this more surprising than a squadron of porkers? You really should proofread some of your shite.

Try reading my post again - you'll find this little snippet:

"ThirdRock stated, ages ago, that he has issues with homosexuals. A distasteful attitude, especially in a blanket sense. Not something which makes his opinions on football or rangers any more or less relevant."

You think that's defending his stance on homosexuality? Is it really possible someone could be so wilfully stupid yet still use a computer?

Jeebus, even Bennett has a more adult attitude than you, and he has a reason to feel personally insulted.

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I won the sweep - I had the WKR to be first to defend 3rdrocks outrageous attacks on all homosexuals.

You might be willing to tolerate or - as above in the entirely expected and tedious windbaggery of the post I quote - even to defend such bigotry, but I'll be here pointing the finger at 3rdrock's shameful beliefs.

I was less surprised by the pigs the flew past my window than I was to see you wade in to support your wee pal.

3rdrock will no doubt be heartened by this latest show of support for his hate. He's yet to explain why he thinks that because he claims to 'have my reasons' the bigotry is acceptable.

It's not. The end. And no amount of fuckwittery from you, WKR, is going to change that.


Thou dost protest too much.......

...for a complete fcukwit. 8)

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