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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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When I first started going to Fir Park in the mid '60's, 'Go home Ya H**s' was a catch all song, belted out on a regular basis regardless of who we were playing.

It never occurred to me then that it referred to any particular race or creed just whoever was in opposition at the time.

I recall singing it at a Scotland V West Germany game and I was with my Rangers supporting father and Uncle. :o

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Oh dear. You have it bad ya saddo. After your first post about this i sent you one pm asking if you were a particular poster..obviously it is not you.

As for giving it a rest...I have. We have all moved on. You are the one person who seems to want to keep it going. Anybody that was that interested can go and see for themselves.

Btw why quote Polski when he never posts on here? That really is quite strange and worryying that two anonymous posters have affected you so badly.

Maybe you should take your own advice and give it a rest and stay away from forums for a while if they affect you so badly.

You sent 2 PM's. More lies, i suppose that's all we can expect from a racist, homophobic, lying bigot.

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Sounds interesting, could this be elaborated on or appropriate link posted.

If something was to occur that brought this to a head, it would create an interesting dilemma for a great many on both sides.

Question:- If the only way to preserve the existence of a team playing in blue called Rangers at Ibrox, is for it to be publicly acknowledged by the club itself and the football authorities, that this club is not the same one founded in 1872 and not able to claim said club's history etc. would I prefer such a scenario to occur or would I prefer they dug their heels in, insisting they are the same club right up to the point of final and complete oblivion? Hmmmm, I got to say, that is a fkg tricky one. :unsure:

My answer:- I would be willing to accept such a thing and welcome The Rangers Inter to the fold but for......

1) The fact that the like of McCoist would continue to make soundbites such as 'We will always be Rangers' & make references to 'Our proud history' etc :thumbsdown

2) There fans will continue to be and act like... well.. like Rangers fans do. :(

3) We'll still have all the same battle cries 'WATP', 'No Surrender' etc :shutup

4) Over time no one will really make mention of any break of continuity :(

5) Old Firm hostilities will be resumed but with added bitterness. :o

So on reflection, I would prefer no compromise. Finish it properly. :thumsup2

The added bonus would be the heightened possibility of Celtic getting out of Scottish football or suffering some sort of decline through dwindling gates etc (no preference which) that brings them within reach of the other clubs and makes our league a proper competition. Perhaps the disenfranchised Rangers support - even if it takes a generation or two - may align to other clubs (not Celtic of course) and so invigorate these clubs. I of course have always believed The OF need the rest of us at least as much but probably more than we need them.

How would others answer such a question?


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I'm entertained :lol:

Almost as funny as 'RA sellk rhats gathering for their AGM - europe, yellateef, one horse race - so much to talk about.

But, naw, let's get down to business and straight to the most important matter - 'RA selk rhats want to talk Rangers! Poor Pedro reduced to shitey gags to relieve the pressure - did he manage to stop the complaint to EUFA? Did he?


No, probably not.

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More deflection and whatabouttery from the gruesome twosome, why am I not surprised. :rolleyes:

Don't think they even actually believe the pish they come away with anymore though, just going through the motions.

That would be "shite" then, rather than "pish".

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Sounds interesting, could this be elaborated on or appropriate link posted.


If something was to occur that brought this to a head, it would create an interesting dilemma for a great many on both sides.


Question:- If the only way to preserve the existence of a team playing in blue called Rangers at Ibrox, is for it to be publicly acknowledged by the club itself and the football authorities, that this club is not the same one founded in 1872 and not able to claim said club's history etc. would I prefer such a scenario to occur or would I prefer they dug their heels in, insisting they are the same club right up to the point of final and complete oblivion? Hmmmm, I got to say, that is a fkg tricky one. :unsure: 


My answer:- I would be willing to accept such a thing and welcome The Rangers Inter to the fold but for......


1) The fact that the like of McCoist would continue to make soundbites such as 'We will always be Rangers' & make references to 'Our proud history' etc :thumbsdown


2) There fans will continue to be and act like... well.. like Rangers fans do. :(


3) We'll still have all the same battle cries 'WATP', 'No Surrender' etc :shutup


4) Over time no one will really make mention of any break of continuity :(


5) Old Firm hostilities will be resumed but with added bitterness. :o


So on reflection, I would prefer no compromise. Finish it properly. :thumsup2 


The added bonus would be the heightened possibility of Celtic getting out of Scottish football or suffering some sort of decline through dwindling gates etc (no preference which) that brings them within reach of the other clubs and makes our league a proper competition. Perhaps the disenfranchised Rangers support - even if it takes a generation or two - may align to other clubs (not Celtic of course) and so invigorate these clubs. I of course have always believed The OF need the rest of us at least as much but probably more than we need them.


How would others answer such a question? 

Exactly as you have.

Mon the diddies!

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When I first started going to Fir Park in the mid '60's, 'Go home Ya H**s' was a catch all song, belted out on a regular basis regardless of who we were playing.

It never occurred to me then that it referred to any particular race or creed just whoever was in opposition at the time.

That's correct, although it was Pittodrie in my case, in the early 60s.

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Have the SFA recieved the rangers complaint about Peter Lawwells comment?

The Rangers indignation about the Rory Bremner comment has achieved exactly what the Rangers board wanted.To create a smokescreen they can hide behind.

They want all the Sevconians to get wound up, bluster and froth at the mouth and be reminded about the many conspiracies that work against them. This will then fill the pages of the Record and such like, get the social media like here preoccupied with it. What should happen, what should not happen, who should resign from the SFA, is the Pope a catholic, has the letter been written, in the post, arrived yet? That plus the silly nonsense about the non event we have been seeing on here.

What Jack Irvine does NOT want us to talk too much about are the connections between the new 'chairman' and the new director with Whyte or Green and their sidekicks/advisors.

Also deflect from the build up to the AGM. The less facts and details that are aired before the big event the better for the current board. After all there is lots to hide. 8)

So bluster away guys, just realise it is Jack Irvine pulling your strings. :thumbsdown

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It wasn't an article it was a small piece in a kind of diary column in the Scotland on Sunday. Far from being pointless, I think it makes a very valid point.

There are many of us who fail to understand how the current inhabitants of Ibrox can possibly be the same team that were there prior to the liquidation proceedings. He has given one reason why he doesn't believe they are the same club.

You may not agree with it, but it's hardly shite and it definitely isn't pointless.

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What an absolutely shite article that says, means and proves absolutely nothing.

My team: Bo'ness. Is it, aye?

The last three sentences (and final question) are the bit where the berrz are willing to suspend their disbelief and the rest of us, frankly, aren't.

How many companies are members, or have been members, of any Scottish Football body?

How can a possession or status be transferred from an entity to the same entity?

Why did rangers not play in Europe last season, and why did they enter the domestic cups so early?

Why did the Scottish Senior game have forty-three members for a few days last summer?

I have yet to hear an answer to any of these questions from a rangers/the rangers supporter which makes any more sense than "we arra peepul".

Reality - she's a heartless bitch, ain't she?

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Whatever happens with Celtics dwindling gates will be made up from Champions League money and the selling of players to the EPL for inflated prices, I find it hard some people still don't understand this :blink: Or maybe they just don't want to. Celtic are going nowhere , deal with it. ;) Thats how Id answer the part concerning Celtic mate..

As for the term h un, Celtic fans used to be called h uns and that is a fact, ask any Old Celtic boy.

Rangers were liquidated, so who gives a f**k what the cretins down Govan way say.


The bit I bolded would be short term only. If domestic gates declined significantly spending on squad would lessen & CL participation would reduce. There's no doubt there would be a decline. Not the most relevant part of my post though, just an afterthought. The main issue is the question posed regarding the govan based club.

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Take the hint.....Nobody cares....Ya Weirdo.

Really, speaking for everyone else?

It would seem though that you care, you care enough to send multiple PM's to me asking who I am and that you care enough to keep replying. I feel sorry for your family.

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