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Looks like the supports groups are going to pull any financial support if the boardroom battles are not resolved after the AGM.

From the Daily Record

Rangers supporters' groups threaten to call time on financial support if boardroom battle continues after agm7 Dec 2013 07:46

HAVING poured £10milllion into the club the Rangers Supporters Trust, Rangers Assembly and Rangers Supporters Association believe they have the power to force change in the boardroom.


Banners spell out fans' frustration at battle for Ibrox boardroom

SNS Group

RANGERS fans’ groups last night threatened to pull the plug on financial support if the Ibrox boardroom battle continues to rage after the annual general meeting on December 19.

A statement from the three main organisations – the Rangers Supporters Trust, Rangers Assembly and Rangers Supporters Association – came just hours before new chairman David Somers plunged into a new war of words with the four shareholders hoping to be elected onto the board at the agm.

But even before his comments Ibrox supporters’ groups made it clear they’ve had enough.

And having poured £10million into the club through season ticket sales this season, they believe they have the power to force change.

Their statement read: “It is evident significant portions of the support want as a matter of urgency to see a RIFC board working efficiently as a unit to take the club forward effectively commercially and on the pitch.

“Failure to achieve this will potentially result in fans disengaging with the club and the effect this would have on income streams would be disastrous.”

Somers later issued an open letter defending himself against claims he had not proved his ‘independence’ from previous regimes operated by Craig Whyte and Charles Green.

Somers’ intervention – in which he calls Paul Murray, Malcolm Murray, Scott Murdoch and Alex Wilson the ‘Gang of Four’– appears to have blown any chance of them working together should the quartet be elected.

The newly appointed chairman claimed many of Rangers’ problems over the last two years came during periods when the Murrays were directors.

He accused them of ‘wild’ allegations to frighten fans and shareholders.

Somers said: “Brian Stockbridge suffers most from the lies thrown around by the people in the process of reinventing themselves.

“Even the requisitoners must understand finance directors are members of boards and their actions largely dictated by the board. It is not that finance directors make mistakes, rather that boards make mistakes, or worse.

“Without Brian, the club would in my opinion have been de-listed months ago and the club should owe him a debt of gratitude for holding things together.

“Going forward, his new CEO Graham Wallace needs time to evaluate the whole structure within the business and the people within it. This will be true for Brian as for everyone else. I read wild accusations that I may not be independent.

“Let me say categorically, until I joined the board a mere four weeks ago yesterday, I had never heard of Charles Green, Imran Ahmad, Craig Whyte or any other characters in Rangers’ history.

“To my knowledge, I have never met them, nor had business dealings with them. Nor would I recognise them if I passed them on a street.

“I have now read over two years of board minutes and they make very depressing reading in terms of their lack of professionalism and worse. The minutes make it clear in my mind the boards of recent years have been totally unfit to run this club.

“The mystery to me is why people should now be considering that members of these boards, which presided over the problems we face today, should be considered for re-election.

“I encourage shareholders to vote against the four requisitioners. Firstly, because some were members or chairman of boards which failed this club in the past. Secondly, we need a board selected from the best available people.

“Not just from fanatics who put their own personal interest ahead of the greater good of the club.”

But Rangers Supporters Association, Assembly and Trust last night jointly accused Somers of being out of touch.

In response to his comments they issued a statement that said: “The comments from the chairman are deeply troubling and we call for an urgent meeting so he can acquaint himself with the reality of the feelings of the support.”

Somers’ comments came on the day the four requisitioners made a statement to shareholders ahead of the agm.

It read: “We have been relentless in our pursuit of change, as have the fans with whom we are completely aligned.

“There are not many businesses who can choose to ignore their customers. This is what the past and current board have done and are still doing. All shareholders should be worried about the impact this may have on season ticket sales and other commercial revenues.

“We would ask shareholders to support further board changes.”

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and Sally's reaction to the protests set for today's home game against Ayr

As Rangers fans plan mass protest Ally McCoist pleads: Don't let off-field boardroom battle affect your support for team 7 Dec 2013 08:32

THE Ibrox boss is hoping the fans' anger aimed at the board doesn't spill over into their support for the Rangers team on the pitch.


Rangers boss McCoist

Danny Lawson/PA Wire

ALLY McCOIST knows Rangers fans are planning their strongest board protest to date at today’s game against Ayr.

It’s the last home match before the December 19 agm that will decide the club’s direction.

And if McCoist had any doubts about the depth of feeling, he only had to look at the gates of Murray Park yesterday where the Sons of Struth group gathered with a banner declaring: Support The Team Not The Regime.

The Rangers manager insists he’s no problem with protests that stay within the law but hopes the supporters do continue to separate matters on the pitch from those in the boardroom.

And he is calling for supporters to continue giving their full backing to his players – even though he feels they are being shafted by television scheduling.

This will see them being forced to travel to Forfar on a Monday night in mid-January – having suffered a similar fate at Arbroath last month – and a Saturday night match in Larbert next week.

McCoist isn’t happy at that but yesterday his concern for the travelling support was coupled with his hope the fans keep backing the team despite the off-field turmoil coming to a head as the AGM looms.

He said: “I will never criticise anybody’s right to object, protest or say what they believe in.

“Obviously, if it starts affecting the support of the football team it would disappoint me a little bit because all I ask – and all the supporters have given us – is incredible support for the team.

“I honestly think that would continue no matter what grievances they had with the club or whoever is running
the club.

“I can’t speak for the supporters but I’d think if you asked any of them then their support of the team would always be there.

“They might stage one or two protests to make points and I’m not going to criticise that.

“Far from it. They’re free to protest in any ways, shape or form they like as long as it’s legal.

“But all I’d ask them is to continue to support the team and they have been fantastic up until now.”

McCoist, whose team is trying to win its 20th match in a row this afternoon, believes the level of protest aimed at the club would be even greater if his players weren’t producing the goods on the pitch. He said: “I don’t know where we would be at the moment if the players weren’t being so successful on the park.


Rangers fans make their feeling known outside Murray Park

SNS Group

“But the players are being successful thankfully. That is their job.

“And they need to continue to do that and let the supporters, the board and the directors all do what they have got to do. Then we will see what happens after the AGM. But I’d just ask the fans to keep supporting the team.

“And I would tell them they have been fantastic, which they have been. We are all in agreement about that.

“I would obviously say to them the club and the team need the supporters as much or even more than they ever have.”

McCoist believes the Rangers support is being taken for granted by the television companies who are making them travel all over the country at inconvenient times.

And he knows the cynics will say he hasn’t helped matters either – by postponing two Saturday games during international weeks.

McCoist said: “I totally understand the criticism I’ve received for calling fixtures off due to the international call-ups,

“But I can look myself in the mirror and look the supporters in the eye, because the reason I’ve done that is for the benefit of the team.

And I do understand the criticism that comes with the changing of fixtures and the travelling. In this case I’m 100 per cent with the supporters.

“I do sometimes think our support in particular gets taken for granted. In the last 18 months they have done the Scottish game an incredible service and I’d just like them to be looked after a bit better.

“I don’t think the Forfar decision is fair on our supporters at all. I don’t think for a minute Dick Campbell would want the game on a Monday night either.

“We certainly wouldn’t. Sometimes Old Firm fans – but in this case Rangers supporters – are treated unfairly.

“Arbroath on a Monday night, Forfar on a Monday night, Stenhousemuir on a Saturday night – 5.30 on a Saturday night is not on. It’s certainly not ideal.

“We have thousands and thousands of supporters travelling.”

McCoist has almost a full squad to choose from including Dean Shiels, who will be available despite being sent off for dissent in a Rangers under-20s game against Kilmarnock on Wednesday.

The manager has issued a warning but not a fine to the Northern Ireland midfielder, who is battling back from long-time injury.

He said: “We won’t be fining him but we spoke to him and he knows it’s not the done thing.

“There was definitely an element of frustration there with him coming back from injury.”

Edited by CityDave
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Paul Murray saying "no doubt" Charles Green is still involved with Rangers, and Chuckie has been turning up on shareholders doorsteps :lol:

Then again, he said Craig Whyte bought the club, when we all know he really bought the company :1eye

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Absolutely fucking staggering stuff from McCoist.

Not only does he moan about fixtures being played at inconvenient times having requested the re-scheduling of 3 weekend games this season; but the hapless p***k moans about fans being taken for granted, in the same breath as he requests they support the team rather than find a voice.

We all know he's a duplicitous clown. How long until the Rangers fans he's shafting unite in recognising it too?

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Absolutely fucking staggering stuff from McCoist.

Not only does he moan about fixtures being played at inconvenient times having requested the re-scheduling of 3 weekend games this season; but the hapless p***k moans about fans being taken for granted, in the same breath as he requests they support the team rather than find a voice.

We all know he's a duplicitous clown. How long until the Rangers fans he's shafting unite in recognising it too?

As I've previously pointed out, fat Sal:

  • effectively put the final nail in the coffin of Rangers 1872 by virtue of getting punted straight out of Europe and into financial meltdown
  • has taken the second highest amount of personal loot oot o Ibroke since the formation of the clone Rangers (eclipsed only by Chuckie himself)
  • is pledged to the spivs n gangsters as he's said he'll be voting along with the current Spivco Board with his 1p shares (hardly an impartial voice then to be telling fans what they should and shouldn't think)
  • still talks about strengthening the squad when it's no secret the rangers are in soapy-bubble

Sunk the original incarnation, and is making sterling efforts to do the same for the International!

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As I've previously pointed out, fat Sal:

  • effectively put the final nail in the coffin of Rangers 1872 by virtue of getting punted straight out of Europe and into financial meltdown
  • has taken the second highest amount of personal loot oot o Ibroke since the formation of the clone Rangers (eclipsed only by Chuckie himself)
  • is pledged to the spivs n gangsters as he's said he'll be voting along with the current Spivco Board with his 1p shares (hardly an impartial voice then to be telling fans what they should and shouldn't think)
  • still talks about strengthening the squad when it's no secret the rangers are in soapy-bubble

Sunk the original incarnation, and is making sterling efforts to do the same for the International!

That's a harsh evaluation of his contribution since becoming manager, but it's not inaccurate.

The only point he can really be forgiven for, would be the first one in that it was just down to good old honest managerial incompetence. The fourth one is mere evidence of the recurring hubris we're all used to.

The others however are darker and surely mean that he's forfeited any right to be listened to, let alone revered.

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Looks like the supports groups are going to pull any financial support if the boardroom battles are not resolved after the AGM.

From the Daily Record

Rangers supporters' groups threaten to call time on financial support if boardroom battle continues after agm 7 Dec 2013 07:46

HAVING poured £10milllion into the club the Rangers Supporters Trust, Rangers Assembly and Rangers Supporters Association believe they have the power to force change in the boardroom.


Banners spell out fans' frustration at battle for Ibrox boardroom

SNS Group

RANGERS fans’ groups last night threatened to pull the plug on financial support if the Ibrox boardroom battle continues to rage after the annual general meeting on December 19.

A statement from the three main organisations – the Rangers Supporters Trust, Rangers Assembly and Rangers Supporters Association – came just hours before new chairman David Somers plunged into a new war of words with the four shareholders hoping to be elected onto the board at the agm.

But even before his comments Ibrox supporters’ groups made it clear they’ve had enough.

And having poured £10million into the club through season ticket sales this season, they believe they have the power to force change.

Their statement read: “It is evident significant portions of the support want as a matter of urgency to see a RIFC board working efficiently as a unit to take the club forward effectively commercially and on the pitch.

“Failure to achieve this will potentially result in fans disengaging with the club and the effect this would have on income streams would be disastrous.”

Somers later issued an open letter defending himself against claims he had not proved his ‘independence’ from previous regimes operated by Craig Whyte and Charles Green.

Somers’ intervention – in which he calls Paul Murray, Malcolm Murray, Scott Murdoch and Alex Wilson the ‘Gang of Four’– appears to have blown any chance of them working together should the quartet be elected.

The newly appointed chairman claimed many of Rangers’ problems over the last two years came during periods when the Murrays were directors.

He accused them of ‘wild’ allegations to frighten fans and shareholders.

Somers said: “Brian Stockbridge suffers most from the lies thrown around by the people in the process of reinventing themselves.

“Even the requisitoners must understand finance directors are members of boards and their actions largely dictated by the board. It is not that finance directors make mistakes, rather that boards make mistakes, or worse.

“Without Brian, the club would in my opinion have been de-listed months ago and the club should owe him a debt of gratitude for holding things together.

“Going forward, his new CEO Graham Wallace needs time to evaluate the whole structure within the business and the people within it. This will be true for Brian as for everyone else. I read wild accusations that I may not be independent.

“Let me say categorically, until I joined the board a mere four weeks ago yesterday, I had never heard of Charles Green, Imran Ahmad, Craig Whyte or any other characters in Rangers’ history.

“To my knowledge, I have never met them, nor had business dealings with them. Nor would I recognise them if I passed them on a street.

“I have now read over two years of board minutes and they make very depressing reading in terms of their lack of professionalism and worse. The minutes make it clear in my mind the boards of recent years have been totally unfit to run this club.

“The mystery to me is why people should now be considering that members of these boards, which presided over the problems we face today, should be considered for re-election.

“I encourage shareholders to vote against the four requisitioners. Firstly, because some were members or chairman of boards which failed this club in the past. Secondly, we need a board selected from the best available people.

“Not just from fanatics who put their own personal interest ahead of the greater good of the club.”

But Rangers Supporters Association, Assembly and Trust last night jointly accused Somers of being out of touch.

In response to his comments they issued a statement that said: “The comments from the chairman are deeply troubling and we call for an urgent meeting so he can acquaint himself with the reality of the feelings of the support.”

Somers’ comments came on the day the four requisitioners made a statement to shareholders ahead of the agm.

It read: “We have been relentless in our pursuit of change, as have the fans with whom we are completely aligned.

“There are not many businesses who can choose to ignore their customers. This is what the past and current board have done and are still doing. All shareholders should be worried about the impact this may have on season ticket sales and other commercial revenues.

“We would ask shareholders to support further board changes.”

Is it possible to buy a ticket for this AGM? Should be better than Morecambe and Wise.

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I almost had to stop the car, driving to the match today, I was laughing so hard.

When asked what percentage of shares the “requisitioners” held, Murray replied 2%!

They actually want control, only owning two percent, (that's between four of them).


Edited by kiddy
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Is it safe to assume that if the current board get removed then The Clone Rangers will be skint ?. The severance pay for the current board should they get voted out must come to around 7 figures at least or is there something I'm missing and the board just get asked to leave politely ?.

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Paul Murray saying "no doubt" Charles Green is still involved with Rangers, and Chuckie has been turning up on shareholders doorsteps :lol:

Then again, he said Craig Whyte bought the club, when we all know he really bought the company :1eye

I preferred the claim the new Rangers chairman couldn't remember how he was appointed :lol:

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Where's oor Tedi?........

Rangers manager Ally McCoist has disclosed that the club has not yet allowed him to reduce his £825,000 annual salary, in spite of the fact that, as far back as September, he voluntarily offered to accept a 50 per cent pay cut, writes Ewing Grahame.

McCoist has made it clear to the Ibrox hierarchy that he is willing to agree to that cut – with the proviso that his wages will return to normal should Rangers continue their progress to the top tier – but the current board has so far refused to accept his offer.

At a time when cost-cutting measures are required, the 51-year-old has been left puzzled by the directors’ failure to welcome such a major saving and is hoping that the reason is simply a logistical problem arising from the resignation of former chief executive Craig Mathers and 
his subsequent replacement by Graham Wallace. When asked whether his terms had been reduced, McCoist replied: “Not yet. We have met on two or three occasions.

“My advisor met the previous chief exec and we more or less agreed terms but, as yet, nothing has happened. I’m very hopeful that’s just down to the changeover because nothing has changed on my part. We feel it’s the right thing to do, we want to do it and wewill do it – hopefully, sooner rather than later.

“I would hope that the [original] agreement we had, we could just continue with but it [the chief executive role] has been changed over.

“I appreciate that might move the goalposts a wee bit – but, hopefully, not too much that it would prevent it happening.”

Rangers’ financial director, Brian Stockbridge, has arranged a meeting with McCoist this week, at which the wage cut is expected to be addressed.


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Mental. What is the difficulty with ''Keep all the terms of contract the same but just reduce the salary by 50%.''? How fkg hard can it be? Advisors? meetings? terms? agreement?

Just tippex out all the bits that say £825,000 & replace with £412,500. :)

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Where's oor Tedi?........

Rangers manager Ally McCoist has disclosed that the club has not yet allowed him to reduce his £825,000 annual salary, in spite of the fact that, as far back as September, he voluntarily offered to accept a 50 per cent pay cut, writes Ewing Grahame.McCoist has made it clear to the Ibrox hierarchy that he is willing to agree to that cut – with the proviso that his wages will return to normal should Rangers continue their progress to the top tier – but the current board has so far refused to accept his offer.At a time when cost-cutting measures are required, the 51-year-old has been left puzzled by the directors’ failure to welcome such a major saving and is hoping that the reason is simply a logistical problem arising from the resignation of former chief executive Craig Mathers and 
his subsequent replacement by Graham Wallace. When asked whether his terms had been reduced, McCoist replied: “Not yet. We have met on two or three occasions.“My advisor met the previous chief exec and we more or less agreed terms but, as yet, nothing has happened. I’m very hopeful that’s just down to the changeover because nothing has changed on my part. We feel it’s the right thing to do, we want to do it and wewill do it – hopefully, sooner rather than later.“I would hope that the [original] agreement we had, we could just continue with but it [the chief executive role] has been changed over.“I appreciate that might move the goalposts a wee bit – but, hopefully, not too much that it would prevent it happening.”Rangers’ financial director, Brian Stockbridge, has arranged a meeting with McCoist this week, at which the wage cut is expected to be addressed.


Well, at least he's trying to reduce his salary. Ten out of ten for effort.

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A lot of "don't you wish Rangers were back in the top flight" on the radio today. I'd have to say Yes, I do wish Rangers were in the top flight, because it'd be a guaranteed 12 points and +16 goal difference.

However, the general tone of the conversations was weird. It was almost like the pundits didn't know that Rangers went bust and had to reapply to the bottom division. It sounded more like they thought it was some kind of punishment, or something.

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Where's oor Tedi?........


Rangers manager Ally McCoist has disclosed that the club has not yet allowed him to reduce his £825,000 annual salary, in spite of the fact that, as far back as September, he voluntarily offered to accept a 50 per cent pay cut, writes Ewing Grahame.

McCoist has made it clear to the Ibrox hierarchy that he is willing to agree to that cut – with the proviso that his wages will return to normal should Rangers continue their progress to the top tier – but the current board has so far refused to accept his offer.

At a time when cost-cutting measures are required, the 51-year-old has been left puzzled by the directors’ failure to welcome such a major saving and is hoping that the reason is simply a logistical problem arising from the resignation of former chief executive Craig Mathers and 
his subsequent replacement by Graham Wallace. When asked whether his terms had been reduced, McCoist replied: “Not yet. We have met on two or three occasions.

“My advisor met the previous chief exec and we more or less agreed terms but, as yet, nothing has happened. I’m very hopeful that’s just down to the changeover because nothing has changed on my part. We feel it’s the right thing to do, we want to do it and wewill do it – hopefully, sooner rather than later.

“I would hope that the [original] agreement we had, we could just continue with but it [the chief executive role] has been changed over.

“I appreciate that might move the goalposts a wee bit – but, hopefully, not too much that it would prevent it happening.”

Rangers’ financial director, Brian Stockbridge, has arranged a meeting with McCoist this week, at which the wage cut is expected to be addressed.




Well played the corpulent one.

You have to admire his chutzpah, if nothing else. How the f**k does he get away with it.

Bit of a sair een for the tedster.

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Mental. What is the difficulty with ''Keep all the terms of contract the same but just reduce the salary by 50%.''? How fkg hard can it be? Advisors? meetings? terms? agreement?


Just tippex out all the bits that say £825,000 & replace with £412,500. :)

"more or less"

"two or three meetings"


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