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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It is a shame Sevco are not allowed play in Europe because their fans who tuped from the dead club are really missed, :lol:

Your hilarious champions league campaign has wrecked the reputation of your fans and you're being trounced at home and away off weak European teams. Now the groin brigade have been booted in the balls there will be more atmosphere in space than Celtic Park for the rest of the season. Good work.

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How about Sir Walter of Cardigan? :)

"We wish the new Rangers Football Club every good fortune."

If you go back and search the BBC article that quotes taken from, the quote from Malcolm Murray regarding corporate governance makes for hilarious reading, now.

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Remember folks if you are having difficulty with the liquidation of the company and not the club just revert back to this pearl of wisdom :lol: Fucking Chickens ya diddys and plastics fuckin chickens ;)We Are The Poultry


that's comedy genius that is.

I suppose Rangers (versions 1872 &2012) have provided lots of 'nest-eggs' for a whole parade of characters

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Denboy,"the fact that it was out of their hands is irrelevant", (the support that is). If it was out of the supports hands then what could the support have done? A wee clue there, if something is out of someone's hands then generally there is nothing said person could have done.

So come on tell us all, what exactly could the support have done to offset the £130 potential debt that was shown by HMRC two years ago. And please don't harp back to this "we deserve better" nonsense, explain in detail what a football support could have done regarding that debt. WRK has admitted that the support could have done nothing regarding it, give us your opinion on what could have been done.

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Your hilarious champions league campaign has wrecked the reputation of your fans and you're being trounced at home and away off weak European teams. Now the groin brigade have been booted in the balls there will be more atmosphere in space than Celtic Park for the rest of the season. Good work.


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Denboy,"the fact that it was out of their hands is irrelevant", (the support that is). If it was out of the supports hands then what could the support have done? A wee clue there, if something is out of someone's hands then generally there is nothing said person could have done.

So come on tell us all, what exactly could the support have done to offset the £130 potential debt that was shown by HMRC two years ago. And please don't harp back to this "we deserve better" nonsense, explain in detail what a football support could have done regarding that debt. WRK has admitted that the support could have done nothing regarding it, give us your opinion on what could have been done.

Posted this a page or so ago, but seeing as you're here I'll repost...

Do you agree with the many Rangers fans who claim that the liquidation was the result of 1 man and 1 man only(Craig Whyte) and his refusal to pay any tax on an ongoing basis, rather than something brought about by the BTC and any other historic debts?

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Denboy,"the fact that it was out of their hands is irrelevant", (the support that is). If it was out of the supports hands then what could the support have done? A wee clue there, if something is out of someone's hands then generally there is nothing said person could have done.

So come on tell us all, what exactly could the support have done to offset the £130 potential debt that was shown by HMRC two years ago. And please don't harp back to this "we deserve better" nonsense, explain in detail what a football support could have done regarding that debt. WRK has admitted that the support could have done nothing regarding it, give us your opinion on what could have been done.

Not ignoring it mounting up over a ten year period would be the answer there. Glad to help.

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Johnnyc 13, isn't it funny no matter how loud you all shout about new club this, new club that, all official agencies determine that we are the same club from 1872. Now we have ASA coming down on the side of the club re; Scotlands most successful club. This after ASA consulted UEFA on the matter, funny that isn't it. :P

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Johnnyc 13, isn't it funny no matter how loud you all shout about new club this, new club that, all official agencies determine that we are the same club from 1872. Now we have ASA coming down on the side of the club re; Scotlands most successful club. This after ASA consulted UEFA on the matter, funny that isn't it. :P

:lol: What is funny is that if you win a European qualifying trophy this season or next, UEFA won't let you compete in their competitions! Why is that?

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Yes Denboy, I do agree that the liquidation of the PLC was because of the fraudulent dealings of Whyte. As it stood at the time, the EBT case was never confirmed either way so therefore it should never have entered calculations as far as administration purposes was concerned. The verdict of the FFT confirms that, albeit under appeal. At the time of administration the club had a bank debt of £18 million which was being operated year on year in an acceptable way. If Whyte had not been underhand by withholding the P.A.Y.E & N.I. then the liquidation of the company would not have happened, although I accept that if the FTT verdict had went against the PLC then without a doubt liquidation would have happened, but it didn't. Although Murray is far from innocent in all of this.

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