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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Keep giving them money then they'll keep on taking it --- simples.

They should have been starved of cash last season.

Whilst I agree with what you are saying. If backed into a corner, then the outcome is more likely to be acrimonious.

The Spivs have separated the 'football club' aka the subsidiary from the 'non-trading' parent company already. If they move the assets, then they can sell the subsidiary knowing that whoever buys it, has little or no option other than to pay a rental for the stadium.

It's a dangerous game, is all I'm saying.



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Your google-fu is weak old man.


ETA this is only about 12million at current exchange rate but definitely considerably more than "losing it all". It's almost like he thinks rangers fans are clueless idiots that will believe any old rubbish as long as he uses the right sound-bites. How on earth could he have got that impression do you think?

Your initial figure was correct though, as at the time he received his kickback the exchange rate would've been a lot worse.

King upholding his hard earned reputation as the glib and shameless liar we've all come to know.

Unbelievable that most Bears still see this shyster as the saviour. :lol:

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I find Kings statement bewildering and offensive. It's all well and good him talking about transparency, the need for investment, fan representation and a sustainable business model to prevent Celtic winning 10 in a row. But the reality of the situation is we have just pumped them. Twice. Home and away, back to back, in the league and in the cup, in rain and shine, midweek and at the weekend. The real question is how can the newbuns compete with the Famous.

In all seriousness, big question. Buy the current board castles in France with your season ticket money, or withhold it and kill your club. Again. Conundrum for ye, let me know how it makes you feel eh

Edit to make this make a bit more sense :)

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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King is playing a clever hand, in my opinion. On one side you have the current CEO talking about financial prudence and 120 day reviews of the finances and publicly, having, to admit to "borrowing" money mid-season. On the other side, you have a guy with pots of cash talking about fan ownership and a return to the good old days.

I know which one the Rangers fans should bet on, but I also know which, the majority, will actually back

The orcs will fluff the balls of anyone who promises to spunk millions into the squad to stop ra Sellick attaining 10 in a row and the next season equalling their old incarnations top tier title horde. It isn't about Rangers anymore to them but more like "we must stop the mhanky mob equalling or beating our records".

Their obsession towards stopping another club being more successful than their previous incarnation is most definitely their Achilles heel and will eventually bring them down and kill any Rangers clubs chances of survival. They just can't see past supporting a squad on the park pumping everyone in sight and the though of a mediocre squad competing within their budget is just too much too bear and not worth supporting after over 20 years of financial domination over their opposition.

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Which would seem to be Dave King's intention - I imagine that a club in administration would be cheaper to buy into than one that's just barely ticking over.

Funny that he's not saying this directly. If anything, it sounds like he wants to con Rangers fans into bankrupting the club again, so that he can save a few million. Assuming he has any intention of buying in, that is.

King is a business man first and acquiring a club in crisis and in administration with a very low share price is just begging for an aggressive takeover by some other entity, the question is will the assets be syphoned off through some dodgy financial method meaning the club will be nothing other than pieces of paper that say this is a club ? well according to the SFA nowadays that a club to them is handing out pieces of scrap paper belonging to another dead club to a brand new club but somehow it is still the same member club apparently to them ! :huh::lol:

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Stopped reading King Dave's rallying war cry at:

If we cut our costs to suit our present income we will remain a small club and Celtic will shoot through 10 in a row - and beyond - while we slug it out for the minor places. That is not the Rangers that I grew up with and not the Rangers that we should be passing down to our children and grandchildren.


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Shameful is right.

Greenslade - of the Sun, the Star and Mirror, Maxwell shilling taker and noted IRA supporter - has some neck on him when daring to comment on others journalistic standards.

I actually burst out laughing when I read that.

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Shameful is right.

Greenslade - of the Sun, the Star and Mirror, Maxwell shilling taker and noted IRA supporter - has some neck on him when daring to comment on others journalistic standards.

I actually burst out laughing when I read that.

what is it with you obsessing with the IRA.
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There is no reason why we shouldn't be able to compete with celtic, a celtic who are already themselves downsizing without breaking the bank.

^ ^ ^

And there we have it folks !, the clueless idiot really believes his new club should be by his deluded thought process to be able to compete with a club in profit playing Euro footy every season while his club is in turmoil and broke financially and is the laughing stock of Scottish football. :lol:

Benny this ideology you have is what is going to kill off this incarnation of Rangers, your club is neither solvent and the board and investors care fcuk all about your club but more along the lines of how much cash the likes of you will part with on the thin promise of competing with a club with far far more resources than your club will ever have.

You and your buddies should be thinking and believing that even with players just about able to be promoted each season losing games here and there is acceptable and the support will still follow in great numbers, but they won't because you just proved in your post what you really believe !, if the squad can't or won't be able to compete with Celtic in the cups then why fucking bother after 25 years of being able to and winning feck all in the top tier each season is a deffo no go for your mob.

Celtic may be downsizing to accommodate their budget but your club isn't is it ?, and there again lies the problem with you and your buddies and your new club, to compete with Celtic whilst in financial soapy in a lower league than Celtic and with little chance of playing Celtic in a cup but your club must spend like they are in the top tier and actually competing with Celtic in the cups.

Can you see a pattern emerging here Benny ?, it isn't about supporting Rangers for you and your mob it is about stopping Celtic being more successful than your dead club and they will spend spend spend because if they don't your mob won't dig deep to just have a football club to support.

It's all about stopping Celtic with the Clone Rangers. :lol:

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Shameful is right.

Greenslade - of the Sun, the Star and Mirror, Maxwell shilling taker and noted IRA supporter - has some neck on him when daring to comment on others journalistic standards.

I actually burst out laughing when I read that.

Wikipedia - indispensable to the flailing Orc.

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Shameful is right.

Greenslade - of the Sun, the Star and Mirror, Maxwell shilling taker and noted IRA supporter - has some neck on him when daring to comment on others journalistic standards.

I actually burst out laughing when I read that.


And notice it is a big hoose too :)

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