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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Still way too much gnashing of gums from our resident Berrz here regarding Ashleys' little coup and I frankly don't understand it. Well I do if it means that the Ashley detractors are still clinging to the idea that the club needs/desires/deserves a massive cash input to avoid being anything other than a good Championship or mediocre Premiership side during the next few seasons.

Is that it berrz? Dominance or bust ?? No getting to the end of "The Journey" in a state of, relative, financial stability with as few loans and debt as possible ?

Is your psyche so hamstrung to the idea that support size automatically means success because you spend more than other sides ?

Collectively you look like so many loosers you see every day attached to fruit machines, who, having spent all your cash already, are now busy chucking in fifty quid you borrowed off a mate to try and win the £100 jackpot and failing. Off to the next mate for another wee tap and back to the one thing designed to glean the money off you. Rinse and repeat until a wee jackpot lands and you're off telling your mates how you pumped the puggy, despite being down overall.

If the prize is worth '£X' amount, there is f**k all point in spending '£XXX' trying to land it.

When you do this with a football club......

Well, you know the rest......

Don't you ? :huh:

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Would the Newcastle reserves/under 19's be good enough to win the Championship Play offs? If they get rid of 7 or 8 players they will need replaced by someone...

I was thinking along the same lines - NUFC are bound to have surplus squad players who would walk straight into a good SPFL Premiership starting XI. Ashley could try and copy the Watford/Udinese/Granada model, but do it in a way that keeps UEFA, the SFA and English FA onside. With Ashley's name not appearing to have anything 'official' to do with RIFC, this would be much easier to achieve.*

(*- does anyone else think he got this idea from season two of Phoenix Nights, i.e. the club's burned down and Potter can't get a licence, so he gets Jerry 'The Saint' St Clair to be his fall guy. Just a thought...

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I was thinking along the same lines - NUFC are bound to have surplus squad players who would walk straight into a good SPFL Premiership starting XI. Ashley could try and copy the Watford/Udinese/Granada model, but do it in a way that keeps UEFA, the SFA and English FA onside. With Ashley's name not appearing to have anything 'official' to do with RIFC, this would be much easier to achieve.*

(*- does anyone else think he got this idea from season two of Phoenix Nights, i.e. the club's burned down and Potter can't get a licence, so he gets Jerry 'The Saint' St Clair to be his fall guy. Just a thought...

I had a similar thought. If he is trying to punt Newcastle, one way of getting top dollar is to increase what you get if you buy Newcastle. If you also have a feeder team in a reasonable standard league who may challenge for European football, it makes it more attractive. The guys who came up to St Mirren a season or 2 back all done OK, one of them was a regular for the Newcastle first team last season.

As for Phoenix Nights, I think you are spot on. David Murray in the Potter role and Craig Whyte being the fall guy though...

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why do the mods keep shutting down other threads for the reason it will be a bralt mk2, any rangers related topic runs the risk of becoming a "bralt mk2" even some of the match threads. however some topics need their own thread as they get lost in amongst the huge variety of topics getting discussed at the one time in here. you might as well just have the bralt thread alone if that is the case?

It's only Rangers threads and it easier to lock them than it is to deal with those who deliberately flood anything Rangers related.

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Ashley provided an emergency £2m loan to Rangers over the weekend, a condition of which gives him the power to install two directors on the club's board.

That potentially contravenes the Scottish FA's rules on a single individual having "any power whatsoever to influence the management or administration of another club".

Ha, well Ashley has already driven a coach and horses through that 'rule'. The SFA writing to Ashley is just Campbell Ogilvie going through the motions. The blazers are completely emasculated and anyhoo, if Campbell reckons that Ashley's involvement could be the saving of SevcoRangers Groomer's Dream FC 2012, then he will do feck all to stand in his way.

Sevco - what a total fecking embarrassment. Entitled fans being fecked up the shitter again and again and again and still they want more.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Ashley provided an emergency £2m loan to Rangers over the weekend, a condition of which gives him the power to install two directors on the club's board.

That potentially contravenes the Scottish FA's rules on a single individual having "any power whatsoever to influence the management or administration of another club".

Ha, well Ashley has already driven a coach and horses through that 'rule'. The SFA writing to Ashley is just Campbell Ogilvie going through the motions. The blazers are completely emasculated and anyhoo, if Campbell reckons that Ashley's involvement could be the saving of SevcoRangers Groomer's Dream FC 2012, then he will do feck all to stand in his way.

Sevco - what a total fecking embarrassment. Entitled fans being fecked up the shitter again and again and again and still they want more.

beginning to think the Rangers support like a bit s&m the amount of times they've been bent over and shafted.
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It amazes the number of people that cannot think outside the box when presented with a problem ...

If you wish to conduct a thread within a thread and read only those posts ... all contributors include #mikeashleydebate and simply conduct a search for posts with that criteria ...

Nothing is ever a problem if you use your minds.

there enough posts on here about ally mcoist , laughing at rangers if people wish to etc so why have threads set up for those specific topics then but not for others such as Ashley? a genuin question on where rangers fans feel they can go from here? there is a thread in the rangers celtic section called is dave king the way ahead? surely that could just as easily have been shut and the posts made in this thread and for people just to search through.

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no8 started a thread where he asked rangers supporters a sensible question = not allowed

but if a p or d starts a half witted lets wind-up the rangers thread that would have been locked by the mods if it was aimed at any other club = allowed

no wonder there are so few bears on this forum.

a vital part of a topic or discussion is to read both sides opinions and give both sides equal consideration in getting their thoughts across otherwise the conversation become biased one way and large parts of what would be an important contribution to the subject is never read/heard and is lost.

Usual paranoid pish from bear. There was a thread about Ashley started by an Accies fan and it was locked. Still, keep your tin hat on!

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no8 started a thread where he asked rangers supporters a sensible question = not allowed

but if a p or d starts a half witted lets wind-up the rangers thread that would have been locked by the mods if it was aimed at any other club = allowed

no wonder there are so few bears on this forum.

a vital part of a topic or discussion is to read both sides opinions and give both sides equal consideration in getting their thoughts across otherwise the conversation become biased one way and large parts of what would be an important contribution to the subject is never read/heard and is lost.

It's also terrible when so many of them put their team down as "Other" as though admitting that their team died and the present lot really aren't the real thing. At least No8, Bennett, TK, Tedi and FB post their flags to the mast and deal with all the flak they get rather than trying to hide behind a cloak of invisibilty à la Harry Potter.

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Chuckles on 5/3/13 said....

Green also revealed that the club intends to pursue the opportunity to sell naming rights for Ibrox, and that Sports Direct had been approved with proposals to be put to supporters imminently.

We had a meeting a few weeks ago with the supporters and invited Sports Direct, explained Green. We had a presentation from Derek Llambias, the chief executive of Newcastle, who spoke to about 400 Rangers supporters and talked about how that worked for him at Newcastle.

What we said at that meeting is that wed narrowed it down to two interested parties, but one of those was not prepared to commit until he knew what league we were going to be in. We dont even know what the league is going to be called, let alone what division were going to be playing in.

We will go ahead with Sports Direct and what were doing at the moment is getting some visuals together. Well get those up on the website so that the fans can see what the proposals are for the stadium.

Why did no one tell them?

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Union of Fans statement......

"The Rangers support and the club itself has once again been betrayed by those tasked with overseeing the health and success of our great football club. The decision by the non-executive directors of the Plc board, Mr Somers, Mr James Easdale and Mr Norman Crighton, to effectively hand control of the club to Mike Ashley in return for a £2m, short term loan, is an absolute disgrace. They have acted in a cowardly way and have been bullied by Mike Ashley and Sandy Easdale into giving them precisely what they want with no regard for the club.

The club was at a crossroads. The board had to decide whether to take us down the route of a long term, £16m, sustainable investment and the start of a process where fans could once again trust those tasked with nursing Rangers back to health. Instead they have handed Mike Ashley control of the boardroom for a pittance which will now have to be repaid out of the pockets of the dwindling number of Rangers fans who still choose to support this regime financially. They have neglected their duty to shareholders, fans and the club itself. Their cowardly act now means we are likely to see Mr Ashley gain long term control of the club’s remaining commercial income without having to actually invest a penny.

The board has, through a policy of inaction and cooperation with Sandy Easdale's shareholder group, allowed a situation to develop where corporate vultures are grabbing what assets they can. There is no long term plan. There is no investment. We simply limp from one short term fix to another, each time giving away more of the family silver, despite a clear alternative being available.

Sandy Easdale's pronouncement that the Plc board "did their duty and their due diligence accordingly" and have done "what's in the best interests of the fans, the club and the shareholders" is the type of laughable nonsense we have come to expect from him. Mr Easdale certainly got what he wanted which was the retention of his seat in the director’s box and his club tie. The club and the fans have been sold down the river and this is another kick in the teeth for both them and the reputable shareholders still involved at Rangers. Mr Easdale, rather than disingenuous statements, should explain to fans why he actively blocked a £16m investment that could have taken the club forward.

It is now a matter of individual conscience for fans if they wish to continue to fund the corporate pillaging of our football club. They should be under no illusions however that every time they purchase a single item in either Sports Direct or our club shops, they are paying for the privilege of allowing Mike Ashley to strengthen his grip on our commercial operations in a move which could hamstring the club for a generation. Also for the remainder of this season, every match ticket they buy will be used to pay Mr Ashley back the money he has lent for control of our club. Effectively they will be paying him for the privilege of his power grab."

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“@charlesp_sky: SSN has learnt Sports Division Head of Brands Barry Leach was with Derek Llambias at Ibrox today for talks with @RangersFC board members...”

Hopefully he sees the turnout tonight and decides to turn the place into a giant warehouse!

Good motorway links etc

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I almost feel sorry for the bears, almost and then I remember all the shite and pish they have done and said since the club got liquidated. :lol:

It will be sooooo fucking funny for them to see their new club almost reach the top tier only to get fucked over by Hibs for the promotion spot and then the club goes tits up from a high height like the last incarnation. :)

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From Kerrydale Street

lestuk 28 Oct 2014, 09:40 PM
Wee Ed KTF 28 Oct 2014, 07:49 PM
BBC Radio Scotland - Barry Leach, head of brand at Sports Direct, with Derek Llambias at the Mike Ashley Amphitheatre for tonight's advertisement, er game

Is this the same Mr Barry John Leach who seems to have been about for a couple of years now as a director of "Rangers Retail Ltd"

He was a director before even Charles and Brian
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