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Yeah but up until 2007 he hardly made any posts ... so his average (from 2007 is 3,375 per year) ... but I'm guessing even from 2007 onwards .. the bulk of his posts were later ...

You'd have to narrow the search down to less than a year (max return seems to be 8 pages) 2004 (was 1 page) 2005 (was 5 pages) 2006 (5 pages) ... 2007 was 8 pages which appears ro be max return for a search. (possibly a more) ...

No wonder he's deflecting from his horrendous count ... I'd guess the real bulk is from 2010 onwards ... but too lazy to work it out ..

He's in no postion to throw stones ...

Old posts get periodically deleted but stay on the post count, you fucking thicko.

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While I agree that Ashley may well get a sustainable business out of this lot, that bloody great stadium is going to be what hobbles them. The money they can make - even in the top flight - might cover running costs, but it won't leave a lot to build a completely new playing operation, which is what is realistically needed to compete with the likes of Aberdeen and Dundee United. Hearts have started down that road, impelled initially by diversity, so there's three clubs in far better situations than this lot before you even mention the one team they give a fúck about.

Which leads me to the bit I've bolded - do you honestly believe these triumphalist trogs will accept their club being a "challenger"? We've seen what happens when the results don't go their way, and I don't think they'll change any time soon.

Oh don't think for one minute that I didn't use that word without thought WRK ;)

Depending on Ashley's long term game plan (and our esteemed governing associations preparedness to cobble together some Barras-like copy of what used to pass as "One of the most atmospheric derbies in football") there will undoubtedly be that period of transition to be endured like it or not.

Obscene expenditure days are over - this is Ashleys dosh - not the taxpayers.

That's the beauty of the current situation. A new dawn of fiscal control is coming - and not before fucking time. :lol:

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I was talking to a 'businessman' from Greenock the other day, and the subject of The Rangers and The Bus Boys came up.

Apparently, the Easdale business strategy (has been in McGill's buses) goes along the lines of:

1. Buy a small interest in a good-going company

2. Once your feet are under the table drive it down through the floor

3. Offer to take out the other shareholders at a knock-down price

4. Build the business back up and get lots of dosh

The Bus Boys would have paid 90p, 74p, 40-odd and 20p for what shares they currently hold (and have proxies over)

Let Ashley run things, secure assets, and the supporters don't show up

Run The Rangers down and this will get the share price even down further, to say 5p

Hoover up shares from the, by now disaffected shareholders, which may include the Gummy Bears and the Lying King

Hoover up a majority of the shares for a knock-down price

In concert with Mad Mike, get The Rangers back on track

Sell the control of the Club to the fans for squillions, while still keeping Mike's hands on the assets

Lease Ayebrokes to the Club

Job done.

What do any of youse think of this?

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You wouldn't think Ashley is at all interested in Rangers under performing. Only Ibrox being full, fans buy merchandise and Rangers playing in Europe makes business sense.

But then again he can't own the club.

Would anyone be surprised if Charles Green was still involved?

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Tedi, on 15 Jan 2015 - 11:26, said:

I will never set foot inside Ibrox stadium if this goes ahead, it will be the end for me.

Don't see why. Sounds like there is going to be a real chance of a team in blue playing at Ibrox, financially sound with the strong possibility of having some success in the not too distant future. What more can you ask?

I don't like the sound of it, so it must be a good thing for the Rangers.

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It's not even as if he cannot get most of the money back .... it's secured against assets. King can deal or no deal ... Ashley gives not a fig. The fact that he hardly utters a word to the press means noone but those he trusts knows exactly what he is up to or why.

Ashley is some class act. There he is now sitting with all the keys to Ibrox and Murray Park as well as the merchandise. At the same time he has lifted the drawbridge to any attempted infiltrators, only letting it down when he decides.

Best of all he has done it in a steady professional way without feeding the media as is the usual Rangers way. Getting the control of the key parts of the overall business into his personal hands. Meanwhile creating an ever increasing influence on what is happening in the boardroom.

Meanwhile the boys who would be Kings or the King who would be King go round and round, getting nosier, ducking and diving which is the usual Rangers way. Achieving nothing. Where to now guys? And the bleating fans like that Graham guy, the fat clown Dingwall, the sons of struth, the followers of william, John Brown, the fat Big Hoose guy can just go and crawl back under their stones. (Sorry Tedi, nearly forgot you :( , but you are now on a one man boycott anyway :o .)

I do really like the link (posted earlier) to the article saying Ashley is looking at getting Rangers into the EPL. Now that would be fun. And a money making machine compared with what Rangers could achieve just operating within Scotland. Even if Rangers had to start in the English Championship (or lower) it would still be financially better then where they are at present. And surely the Rangers fans would lap it up. They after all see themselves as English with Scottish accents and have talked for years about being too big for Scottish football.

Would take the SFA/SPFL out of the game in one fell swoop. The EPL wont be worried about Ashley's double ownership. And if Swansea, Cardiff, Derry City, Berwick Rangers can play in leagues in foreign countries then the precedence has been set.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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I was talking to a 'businessman' from Greenock the other day, and the subject of The Rangers and The Bus Boys came up.

Apparently, the Easdale business strategy (has been in McGill's buses) goes along the lines of:

1. Buy a small interest in a good-going company

2. Once your feet are under the table drive it down through the floor

3. Offer to take out the other shareholders at a knock-down price

4. Build the business back up and get lots of dosh

The Bus Boys would have paid 90p, 74p, 40-odd and 20p for what shares they currently hold (and have proxies over)

Let Ashley run things, secure assets, and the supporters don't show up

Run The Rangers down and this will get the share price even down further, to say 5p

Hoover up shares from the, by now disaffected shareholders, which may include the Gummy Bears and the Lying King

Hoover up a majority of the shares for a knock-down price

In concert with Mad Mike, get The Rangers back on track

Sell the control of the Club to the fans for squillions, while still keeping Mike's hands on the assets

Lease Ayebrokes to the Club

Job done.

What do any of youse think of this?

You forgot 5....

If all else fails... Burn it to the ground

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I sometimes wonder what happens when your wee brain tries to process simple English. I've made more or less the same point as MT, which I would summarise thus: just because one side of an argument is a puddle of pish, doesn't make the other side any better. Some of us see this as a summation of the whole celtic/the rangers relationship. Neither side adds a great deal to the world - just two sets of ignorant, paranoid halfwits with similar issues expressed in a different argot.

I can see why you waited so long to reply, that has absolutely nothing to do with my post but you thought that you would bluff your way through....

My link was valid and you contradicted yourself when you were brown nosing monkey.

Edited by bennett
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he only owns 1club..

hes trying to own a company here. the company owns this other club.

(am i finally getting this right?)

:lol: Don't start!

This sounds logical from a commonsense point of view but I'm sure it wouldn't work. Can't explain why though. :blink:

Or would he own the Club by default through the company? If so then perhaps he could promise to immediately divest the intangible 'club' from the company but keep all the tangible 'stuff'

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Uncle mike laying down a marker today with his intention to offer more loans for securities, question is what is in it for him?

All this rigmarole just to sell sports gear to rangers fans seems very odd. Rumour has it that he is used to getting his own way and if that's true then the SFA blocking him won't have gone down well.

I see our fans are holding another protest, that'll work...

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Even if The English FA would let Rangers into the Championship it would break all sorts of rules with UEFA and open up the door for the likes of AC Milan playing in Spain.

They might be able to start at the 10th tier though. I'd be happy with that.

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Tedi, on 15 Jan 2015 - 11:26, said:

Don't see why. Sounds like there is going to be a real chance of a team in blue playing at Ibrox, financially sound with the strong possibility of having some success in the not too distant future. What more can you ask?

I don't like the sound of it, so it must be a good thing for the Rangers.

A no,,but his pure Rangurs men urnny in charge,,its pure no fair , a want convicted lying criminal King in charge before am back.
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The sad fact for Rangers fans is that ever since Minty tried to flog his dying horse off about 7 years ago , not one "Real Rangers man" has put his money where his mouth is,,,and the leeches have sucked it dry ever since.

I never knew that, cheers Nostradamus.

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he left us in 2005, MA didn't buy his majority shareholding in the Mags until. 2007, pretty sure that Boumsong had already left for Juve by then. Still can't believe they paid £8m for him though.

The £8 million transfer fee raised eyebrows,[3] as the player, being out of contract, had joined Rangers for free just months before, at which point Newcastle showed no interest in signing him. This transfer is one of those about which the Stevens inquiry report in June 2007 expressed concerns:

"There remains inconsistencies in evidence provided by Graeme Souness – a former manager of the club – and Freddy Shepherd – apparently acting in an undefined role but not as a club official – as to their respective roles in transfer negotiations."

"The inquiry is still awaiting clarification from agent Willie McKay"

McKay was one of the agents investigated by the Quest team, led by Lord Stevens, which looked into allegations of "bungs" and fraud in transfers

That Willie Mackay is a good friend of Souness, ally to Walter Smith when manager at Everton and Rangers, and confidant of Gravy Boat Ally (remember in the dying stages of Rangers 1, Ally was wanting to buy 35 year old Cousin. Cousin's agent? Correct!) Also worked closely with Harry (I can't count beyond 2) Redknapp.

Remind me again, when did Souness get his EBT at Rangers setup? It was long after he departed Ibrox.

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