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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The Plastics are playing yet they are still on SSB ranting about Dave King. Yep...They are not worried. Not worried at all.

2 Sleeps to go and we get our club back.


What have they won, though? A pig in a poke?

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The Ibrox trophy room must be bulging at the seams with Comedy awards.....

Of course it is bulging at the seams. Rangers the most successful football club in the World.

We Are The People.

One more sleep.

Get It Right Fucking Up Ye's

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He has shown intent.

This statement makes it clear that he had set up a call between new and old, which certainly seems to point that he has a nomad, he cannot make an official announcement until he is in a position to do so.

,Based on that decision WH Ireland agreed to remain in place to effect a proper handover to the incoming Nomad. I coordinated a call between both parties for this afternoon to effect the initial introduction.'

You really need to believe in this fella, don't you, Tedi?

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He has shown intent.

This statement makes it clear that he had set up a call between new and old, which certainly seems to point that he has a nomad, he cannot make an official announcement until he is in a position to do so.

,Based on that decision WH Ireland agreed to remain in place to effect a proper handover to the incoming Nomad. I coordinated a call between both parties for this afternoon to effect the initial introduction.'

Kings statements are worth nothing, he's a known liar.

If he had a NOMAD in place then King would have their name out there, whether he's supposed to ot not, as it lends weight to his claims. I also think WH Ireland would have done a proper handover - they clearly want nothing to do with King hence the early exit.

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WH Ireland have very publicly said they can't work with King because he's a crook.

This means whatever company takes over the role is saying very publicly that they do work with crooks.

Bit of a red flag for HMRC I would have thought and not something their existing clients would be too happy about.

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This is ust you opinion, which I have bookmarked...we will see.

As Wisbit rightly say's, it isn't just my opinion. Still it doesn't matter much - it's not me counting the sleeps till he arrives

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Kings statements are worth nothing, he's a known liar.

Everything about the current pantomime makes sense, if we remember this fact.

Without it, none of it makes sense.

There is nothing to stop King providing proof of funding, or of a ready and willing incoming NOMAD, if he has them. In fact, proof of these would be the biggest inroad he could make into convincing any undecided institutional investors, and he knew both were required as of the end of this week from around a month ago. Easy to put such doubts to bed, if you're not, yet again, demonstrating that nothing you say can be believed without independent supporting documentation.

But still "information" from his many statements is repeated in the SMSM and the Internet as though it may be true.

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I get you now. I'd googled the Griffiths spelling you used as opposed to Griffith.

Apparently WB Yeats was part of protests over Tara as well, as if there wasn't enough weirdo loonies on site already

Careful here. This is verging on a Tarrierfest. ;)

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3rd week of March.....


PAYE due day

And....what is most likely to send dem bearz over the edge. A solar eclipse :)

This has been a lovely attempt by King for power, but the same as all his predecessors, he wants other people to put in the cash.

Happy daze :)



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Think uth and we'll thcweam and thcweam and thcweam until we're thick.

And they did.

They were already thick. Monumentally so. That's the reason they supported The Rangers in the first place.

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