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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What we need to look for is the Cardigan being brushed down and trotted out. That is the sign of a impending rattle of the tin and call to empty the orc purse.

Has he been in the press at all this week? Perhaps giving his support to something? Perhaps on Monday?

Be on guard for more references to enemies, particularly those who tell you not to fork over more money, especially those who say you'd have to be lobotomised to buy into another Smith backed share issue. They're the wosrtest ones, so they are.

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I miss Bendaroch (sic?) at times like these I really do.

I bought a shitload of dabbers. :(

What's left of Scottish football!


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WH Ireland have very publicly said they can't work with King because he's a crook.

This means whatever company takes over the role is saying very publicly that they do work with crooks.

Bit of a red flag for HMRC I would have thought and not something their existing clients would be too happy about.

WH Ireland - one of the top 3 AIM Nomads and respected in the market.

King - Convicted tax cheat and branded a glib and shameless liar ....

Tough call to know which one is honestly telling the truth ..

Has King revealed anything of substance yet ... blueprint, proof of funds or the name of the nomad ,.. nope.

WH Ireland represent many companies with liars and thiefs on their boards. Their job is to ensure that any theft from shareholders is carried out within the rules of AIM. This is where maybe they had an issue with DK.

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WH Ireland represent many companies with liars and thiefs on their boards. Their job is to ensure that any theft from shareholders is carried out within the rules of AIM. This is where maybe they had an issue with DK.

what a world we live in.eh? 'You can only rip people off if you do it legally'

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Is there a league table? Just wondering where the top 3 respected comment came from

Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head about details, Tedi. They'll be saddling up the white charger about now, won't they? And those welcome messages won't write themselves onto the spare bedsheets, now. Come on - lots to do to prepare!

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Of course it is bulging at the seams. Rangers the most successful football club in the World.

We Are The People.

One more sleep.

Get It Right Fucking Up Ye's


a man that is getting no kip at all and the reality of one of the biggest convicted tax criminals in South African history taking charge of his club is beginning to sink home....lol

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Credit to No8, he's the last Visigoth standing on the BRALT. The others have surrendered and walked away.

It really is black knight stuff, at this point.

Maybe it'll still work out OK? Who knows?but it's definitely more than a scratch.

Edited by kildog
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It got to much for him and his head exploded, emitting a small amount of oxygen into the atmosphere.

I think...

I think it speaks volumes that the only sane Rangers fan left on P&B is Knightswood Bear and he doesn't post on the BRALT!

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The people like to quote our judges with reference to newco/oldco but seemingly choose to ignore the South African judge who stated that David Cunningham King's "evidence should not be accepted on any issue unless it is supported by documents and other objective evidence".

Has any journo asked for supporting evidence for anything DK has uttered?

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The people like to quote our judges with reference to newco/oldco but seemingly choose to ignore the South African judge who stated that David Cunningham King's "evidence should not be accepted on any issue unless it is supported by documents and other objective evidence".

Has any journo asked for supporting evidence for anything DK has uttered?

He said he doesn't know what he'll do until he has full control of the club.

Convenient that.

He's a bear though. That's all that matters.....

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I think it speaks volumes that the only sane Rangers fan left on P&B is Knightswood Bear and he doesn't post on the BRALT!

He's just a bloke who happens to support rangers - or the rangers, anyway. The others are rangers supporters - there's an almighty difference.

And in fairness, there are one or two other decent rangers-affiliated posters - who, totally coincidentally, don't hang around the BRALT either...

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