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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Back in the classic days of old school Championship Manager, I 'managed' East Fife, amassed a squad of journeymen pros who had once played at much higher levels, accumulating astronomical debts in the process, to ensure a swift rise through the leagues.

Which is essentially what Rangers did.

Old school CM isn't as funny as the Cloned Rangers accent to failure is it ? :)

If the current operating loss is to be believed then 12 X £1.5 million equates to an operating loss for this season alone to be actually £18 million rather than the £16 million the interim accounts and known loan amounts. And yet we still haven't factored in any bonuses due to the players should they get promoted or not. Although the club did receive money through the Commonwealth Games and the wee share issue to the tune of £4.2 million, that has been pissed away by the club covering the previous monthly operating losses before the soft loans started.

The BoD are apparently on a rumoured 100% bonus for promotion all of them including those on gardening leave & suspended or other. The players bonuses ???, well that's a wild guess and wouldn't be surprised if they were financially motivated to get promotion by a huge wedge of money.

If King thinks that £20 million of other peoples money will plug the financial black hole that is the Ibrox coffers then he will have to rethink again. That £20 million will barely cover the losses for this season alone if they get promoted with just about every fucking snout in the trough snorting up as much money in bonuses they can take from promotion.

Then what about next seasons losses in the Premiership ?, blank cheque perhaps ?

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From BBCScotland


But King said a £5m loan from shareholder Mike Ashley was unlikely to be paid back soon, adding that he hopes to renegotiate the relationship with Ashley's Sports Direct.

The Newcastle United owner's company controls Rangers' retail operation and the businessman this month demanded the club hold a general meeting to pay back the loan given to the club in January.

"I regard that resolution to be a non-event," said King.

"It is a lot of nonsense. The shareholders cannot tell the board how to behave. The board would be under no obligation to take their advice."

A group of shareholders led by King took control of Rangers at an extraordinary general meeting in March.

Just one of the many things in that article that tickled me.

My jaw hit the floor when I read that on the BBC website. The hubris of the man is almost unreal. He's obviously trying to diminish the appearance of Fat Mike's influence at Ibrox but the fact remains that he controls the most lucrative income stream at the place for the next ten years, he has options on most of their infrastructure and he has well and truly got the shits with King et al. To pay him off for $5m would be cheap compared to just chucking $20m at the club, even if he did have that dough at his disposal.

'The shareholders cannot tell the board how to behave'? Why then did he call his own EGM?! How thick does he reckon people (outside the The Rangers fans) are?

More fun ahead, no doubt!

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My jaw hit the floor when I read that on the BBC website. The hubris of the man is almost unreal. He's obviously trying to diminish the appearance of Fat Mike's influence at Ibrox but the fact remains that he controls the most lucrative income stream at the place for the next ten years, he has options on most of their infrastructure and he has well and truly got the shits with King et al. To pay him off for $5m would be cheap compared to just chucking $20m at the club, even if he did have that dough at his disposal.

He doesn't.

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Steady PA. You know better than to take a club's T/O, divide it by the number of players and then divide it by 52 to arrive at a weekly wage.

Leave shite like this to the more extreme morons, please.

Turnover? How thick are you? I quoted the 2014 wage bill.

You pair of lying, thick bigots!

If that's also your turnover then you guys are fucked.

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Come on Tedi. Give us the correct figures and you'll win this one. Go on, this is a tap-in for you. I've given you an open goal to shoot at. Even a thick bigot can't miss this one!!

The figures, please!

I'll give you some help. Read this - http://www.therangersstandard.co.uk/index.php/articles/current-affairs/332-rangers-2014-accounts-analysed

Edited by chimneyman
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Perhaps if you were bright enough to read then you could have extracted them yourself, obviously not.

'1st team squad wages stated to be £6.5m'

At this point their were 26 players in the first team squad, 250k per player £4808 per week

You were wrong.

You finally got round to reading last year's accounts? Good for you, Tedi. That's how informed the typical bigot is. 6 months behind the curve.

So you don't question the other £8 million?

And also you don't question another bigot when he states your turnover as almost half of the actual figure?

Tell me this, why would the typical bigot be so institutionally ingrained as to lie about turnover?

Thats a rhetorical question, by the way. I hope the irony is not lost on you.

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Because anyone not glory hunting obviously can't be of the same intellectual calibre as the sevco loyal.

I think that goes without saying, tbh.

Where The_KinCarCrash et al go wrong is getting the whole thing arse about face.


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It's pretty embarrassing King is asking McCoist to take a pay cut publicity

He was quoted yesterday as saying that their finances are the envy of most of the football world. Their thrift in matters like this is clearly a positive.

FWIW, they are probably right to ask Ally to walk away, but he is just as right to tell them to bolt.

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Well played Sally, f**k them you deserve every penny.. :thumsup2:lol:

After being accepted as a director and with his chairmanship due to be rubber-stamped at a board meeting today, King stressed work on fixing a “broken” Gers will now pick up speed.

King will oversee £30million of investment in the club and has vowed to plough in at least half from his own pocket.

King started the ball rolling this week with a £1.5m loan as working capital until a clear funding strategy is in place.

But the club are also looking to bring new investors to the table and tidy up expensive contracts they have inherited.

Derek Llambias and Barry Leach – Mike Ashley’s puppets on the old Ibrox board – have now had their work contracts terminated, although Rangers refused to confirm if they had been given a cash sweetener to leave.

One outstanding issue from the days of the previous board is the contract for former boss McCoist, who was placed on gardening leave for a year back in December.

Many fans believe he should walk way without taking the cash as a gesture towards the club he served for so long.

King has asked the question, but has so far failed to strike a deal with the club’s leading goalscorer.

He said: “The fact is Ally is entitled to his money. The question is, can one ask him to accommodate the club?

“He doesn’t have an obligation, he doesn’t owe anything to the club. It’s a question of whether the club can convince him that, under the new regime, so to speak, he should give some satisfaction.

“But Ally is quite within his rights to be doing what he is doing.

“Maybe there is an opportunity for us to say, ‘Ally, we are here, we are staying, would you assist us in some way going forward?’

“But we must understand he would be doing us a favour.”

On the issue of McCoist doing Gers a turn after years of service on big money, King added: “I really don’t see it that way.

“The club owes Ally as much as he owes them in terms of the satisfaction he’s given fans over the years.”

King expects another general meeting in the next few months after Ashley called for one while also demanding the return of a £5m loan.

But he doesn’t believe any shareholder can compel the board to pay and won’t unless it is in the club’s best interests.

King is also not worried about a threat from former football board chairman Sandy Easdale to sue after the club was delisted from the Stock Exchange.

He said: “I’ve a little file of the number of times Sandy has threatened litigation against me. I really don’t take it seriously.”

The word club is used 9 times in that wee article, not one mention of the company :o Trying so hard :lol:

"King will oversee £30 million of investment..." ;)

"King started the ball rolling this week with a £1.5m loan as working capital..." :blink:

"...the club are also looking to bring new investors to the table.." :thumsup2:thumsup2(Thats YOU Berrz)

"...The question is, can one ask him to accommodate the club? :lol:

“He doesn’t have an obligation, he doesn’t owe anything to the club. It’s a question of whether the club can convince him that, under the new regime, so to speak, he should give some satisfaction. :lol:

Get used to Kings' obfuscation when he opens his gub berrz, Mr Glib and Shameless will promise much and deliver so little by comparison.

Where have we all heard this before I wonder ?

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Working capital ????????????????????

See when every month you need to borrow £1.5M in "working capital"

Why not just pump in £4.5M in March and come June you could use the ST cash as "working capital"?

Why must we go through this joke at the end of every month?

Also I notice it's described by the media every month as "working capital" where as if this was a smaller club say Dundee Utd, they'd write that Mr X had to write a cheque to pay players and keep the club alive.

Do the media think we don't know why they need regular loans every month?

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