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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well they obviously hadn't 'gone' when he joined he was still fit and scored a fair few goals, as the season progressed however he became less and less mobile, yet McCoist persisted with him, he then missed the start of this season due to...........yep, you guessed it 'a knee injury' from which he has never really recovered from.

Bennett was spot on.

Just so I'm reading this correctly, your correcting someone who'd watched a player play top flight football for 6 years. Who then joined your team in the horse n cart division of Scottish football. And your justification is, he scored some goals in said division.

Who to believe? It's a tough one!

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From the the Washington Post...


But to many outside the West, the furor smacks of hypocrisy and a resentment about the wider globalization of the game.

First, as Africa scholars (and soccer experts) Elliott Ross and Sean Jacobs observe, corruption in soccer is hardly the preserve of Blatter's acolytes and henchmen in the developing world:

There are precious few clean hands in football. Anyone who follows European or American soccer can readily recite a lengthy list of shyster administrators and rogue officials that have plagued the game at all levels — from the Calciopoli matchfixing scandal in Italy, to Glasgow Rangers’ bankruptcy (and the tax convictions of its new chairman), to Aaron Davidson, head of the North American Soccer League, who was indicted for bribery on Wednesday.

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I’d been quite enjoying the recent trend for live, pre-election ‘debates’ between politicians and wondered what would happen if there was a televised P&B debate on the overall Rangers situation with a team of ‘real’ Rangers fans and the alternate viewpoint of ‘P&D’ supporters?

No offence intended to anyone but hopefully a tongue in cheek bit of humour based on my reading of this thread for years.

Suggested teams assuming the main folks plus a ‘celeb’ ?

Pro Rangers – Tedi, Bennett , No8 , The_Kincardine and Donald Findlay

The ‘P&D’ lads- WRK, MT, HBQC (copyright Bennett) , Dhenbhoy (in absentia/back?) and oor Phil

Questions that would have to be asked?

Would No8 bring the rest in his taxi (a Ford Ranger obviously) with registration RFC 1872 ?

Would we have to Skype DB in from Goa as he relaxed, indolently, on a beach with a cool drink much to our jealousy?

Would ‘our’ Bennett turn up like ‘the’ Bennett from ‘Commando’ ? (the basis for his username if I mind?)

Would the words “deid, obsession, anything with a superfluous ‘h’ , McMadeupname, war chest” etc etc be banned from the discussion?

Would the above mean the debate was pointless? (a bit like Clyde for the first six games of most seasons…)

Would the teams move their seats further away from the other team in that Jeremy Kyle show way to indicate you really don’t want to be near the person/people?

Would MT turn up in a combine harvester to be ironic bearing in mind some of the comments I’ve seen on his locale? Nightmare to park though and difficult at the drive-through…

Would HB sneak out and replace No8’s reg with SE12 VCO ?

Would he also turn up dressed as a lawyer? (Car reg LAW 1967 obviously)

Would the ‘411 Club’ appear as studio guests?

Who’d be the ‘moderator’ ? ‘Mr X’ with a physical hammer?

Would Sports Direct sponsor the debate and any future debates for at least seven years?

Would Shull turn up with incontinence pants….?

Would folk sit next to him due to the smell?

Would the advert break contain adverts from Wonga, Magners/Guinness , First4Lawyers etc?

Who’d have the first ‘seethe’ or ‘meltdown’ ?

Would The_Kincardine come across as a kind of male Suzi Dent from Countdown’s Dictionary Corner?

Would AWRA turn up but be evicted after five minutes then try to sneak back in again?

If WRK (ahem, tucking his celtic strip under the Killie one) turned up slightly late, would Bennett sneer “ welcome back <from Parkhead..> WRK, so glad you could make it…” (only relevant if you’ve seen the latter stages of ‘Commando’)

Would ‘thepundit’ run a book on who would win the debate? Any predictions…?

If the debate went badly, would Tedi wipe out the ‘P&D’ lads with five ‘ninja stars’ ?

Would HB destroy Donald in a legal debate? Without smilies??

Any more???

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