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:lol: how full of themselves can they be. Sevco First quote

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"Worldwide massive team"

Where have all the tops gone ??? if they were 2nd biggest sellers in the whole wide world how come all the refugees you see on telly are NEVER wearing a Sevco strip. Barcelona, AC Milan, Juve, Arsenal, Liverpool but never Sevco. I wonder where all these millions of Sevco tops go. I suspect given the tendency to make a rather large amount of them in sizes XXXL and upwards they may be more in demand for makeshift refugee camps rather than personal wear.

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so SD are upset that someone has leaked details of the contract (which is business sensitive information) that a rival can use when said contract is up for renewal.

think a certain company is about to get a bum feeling

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Yes Fat Mike silencing the board on releasing details of his onerous contracts is going to definitely make us buy more shirts.

He's just making sure you stick to the agreement sevco had signed

PS. Sevco have been told to pay for the "shocking" legal costs of £20,000 to Sports Direct



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Judge tells counsel for Sports Direct says she is "flabbergasted" by the legal costs claimed.

Wonder what her hourly rate is?

eta I'm getting sick of popcorn. Still, one more performance tomorrow then I can give up.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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How much does SD make in profit from 50k shirt sales?

How much does The Company make in 50k shirt sales?

Based on a ball park figure of £50 a top generating £2.5 a year.

The margin is likely to be around 60%. I wouldnt be surprised, though, if Ashley negotiates lower costs, therefore, higher margins than that.

So, 60% of £2.5m is £1.5m. A 51/49 split would give Rangers £765000 and SD £735000.

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I think if the margins were in anyway that decent then SD would have no issues in these being public knowledge, our previous commercial deals have been pretty transparent.

Thelionbrand ‏@thelionbrand 3 mins ago

SD don't want anyone to know it's LESS THAN £3.50 that goes to the club from a £50 top.

SDs business model is based on getting stock at the lowest cost. 60% is a pretty common retail margin in clothing, Id be amazed if SD operate at much, if any, less. At the current revenue split you'd have to go down to around 20% margin for Rangers to get less than £3.50 per top. At that kind of margin you would be losing money.

All of this is assuming, of course, that the revenue split between SD and Rangers is based on the profit made on each top.

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I do not think it is and after today's ruling I guess it may be sometime before we will know.

No, you're right, it probably isnt. The split is the shareholding, isnt it? That means Rangers cut will come after SD have taken all their other costs off as well; store rent, staff wages, transport etc

If we take the £3.50 as being correct, that would be 25% of the profit after SDs costs. I make that a gross profit of £14 per shirt, or 40% margin. If the share split went back to 51/49, Rangers would get just over £7 per shirt.

To be fair, that isnt particularly bad considering they do absolutely nothing for the money

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In case any Orcs require the verdict translated from court room english to their own Govan-garble.......

Roon Yous..........PMSL,

£20,000 costs (minimum as that the amount to be paid on account prior to assessment), to get told to shut up,

and that doesn't even include the bill from their own lawyers, expect the begging bowl out like a church collection at the GM tomorrow.

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