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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I,ve experienced an under payment of income tax whilst employed,HMRC unable to alter my tax code to recoup it they chased/ harassed me for the under payment.Options were to pay it all at once with 4 weeks to pay or arrange to pay monthly over a period of 1,2 or max 3 years

How did this underpayment come about? If you were solely PAYE and had no other income such as savings interest, WTC, pension, Rental Income etc. then the onus is on the Employer to make it up to HMRC (and they can recover it from you). If you have other sources of income then the onus is solely on you to ensure that your total tax liability is met.

If HMRC wish they can apply for a PAYE Direction that will transfer the liability to the tax payer in specific circumstances. These are detailed here

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The big shark has just taken a big bite out of fake Rangers, but they are too slow and stupid to even notice. :lol:


To me that's a problem.

MA investing millions will not not let sevco die, he'll keep them running (for now) because he's not an idiot.

I'd rather see DK in complete control.

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Give me strength.

Why would anybody want to discuss anything with a Blue Verminite?

On here, no debate needed.

Fact is...

Your sectarian Football Club cheated and died.

You are now supporting a brand new sectarian Football Club.

Hopefully they will die soon

You and your fellow fans are Britain's Shame.

Nae Surrender


That would appear to cover all the salient points.
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To me that's a problem.

MA investing millions will not not let sevco die, he'll keep them running (for now) because he's not an idiot.

I'd rather see DK in complete control.

But but but....didn't dodgy Dave say he was going to plough in tens of millions to the twitching corpse?
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I've never understood the zombies sticking up for people not paying tax. Who gives a flying eff about the legalities or otherwise of it.

People are living off of food banks yet there are morons on here gloating because a bunch of millionaires got more money by dodging paying tax, just so they can get one over other people over a game of football. What kind of absolute mugs are you?

Absolutely spot on.

It amazes me. Some of the fans in question are actually left leaning in their own political views, but are prepared to override their usual scruples because on this occasion, it concerns their favourite football team. It's extraordinarily infantile.

Morally, such a scheme was utterly despicable. There's no need to make trite references to schools, hospitals or armed forces in saying so.

That opinion from a tax expert that Tedi posted (then bizarrely deleted - what was that about?) was utterly devoid of any reference to what was actually right in any moral sense.

As such, the guy might very well be informed in what he's saying, but it does nothing to shift or even address that the initial ruling was essentially unjust.

The revised verdict is right. I'm glad that it's also been deemed correct and I hope it remains so.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Off topic, however, does this shull fella have a mental disability? Because the only things he ever seems to post are rants like the above (in fact the above is probably the longest post I've seen from him) and I never know whether to engage with him or not as everybody else just seems to ignore him.

SHULL is a genius. With a weak bladder
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So, in other news.

Rangers have posted another multi million pound loss on the journey.

The berz will have a wee hissy fit about the King only being in charge for the last 3 months of that financial year, but he's been in charge for a while now.

In this era of (in Kings words) openness, has he come out and said what he's done to turn it round. Have any, even one, of the erroneous contracts been torn up.

Is this 2.5m they need going to see them break even for year end 2016? What loss is predicted for this season?

Has any other club in the history of Scottish football been so badly run?

If the player bill for last season was 6m who else at the club is on such a wage, to take the total wage bill to 12m for 12 months!

Just let that sink in. Rangers wages were 1m a month!

When is the Agm?

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Has Tedi actually deleted lots of previous posts or is this an exaggeration? Because going back and deleting lots of stuff on a football forum in order to prevent people quoting you really is tragic stuff. And from the man who is always saying he doesn't take this place too seriously...

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The big shark has just taken a big bite out of fake Rangers, but they are too slow and stupid to even notice. :lol:


If we wait a wee while, the line will be they wanted Ashley in control all along, instead of DCK who was obviously a wrong 'un.

How many more edits will Winston Smith have to do at MiniTruth?

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How did this underpayment come about? If you were solely PAYE and had no other income such as savings interest, WTC, pension, Rental Income etc. then the onus is on the Employer to make it up to HMRC (and they can recover it from you). If you have other sources of income then the onus is solely on you to ensure that your total tax liability is met.

If HMRC wish they can apply for a PAYE Direction that will transfer the liability to the tax payer in specific circumstances. These are detailed here

works pension and was in receipt of a taxable benefit Edited by Rovers_Lad
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More lies from Tedi.

I'm quite happy for you to join me and say things against Celtic... On the correct thread.

Indeed. If things were half as funny down parkhead way as they have been in Govan, most of us would be all over it like a rash. Unfortunately, no matter how poorly they utilise their vastly superior resources, no matter how pathetically they wrap themselves in tricolours and fifty-year old comfort blankets - hell, no matter how often they give game time to Efe Ambrose - they simply haven't the capacity to provide consistent amusement that their former Business Partners have honed over the last few years.

Mibbes a World Record in hilarity. can anyone confirm?

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The quotes from players about title stripping are just laughably irrelevant and part of a gormlessly crude Daily Record agenda.

I don't think title stripping will happen. I think this because the authorities would far rather not have to make such a bold decision.

It is one that should be made though. There's no need to speak of 'financial doping', or even 'cheating', although that's basically what we're dealing with.

The facts are that Rangers deliberately offered false information regarding players' contracts when registering them, in order to conceal a practice that has been deemed illegal. That really should be open and shut.

Now when the initial FTTT ruling was reached, many Rangers fans, including Traynor, called for the title stripping inquiry to be called off. That was daft because title stripping was never about breaking the law of the land; it was about breaking football rules.

By the same token, Wednesday's revised ruling should have little bearing on the issue. As I said at the time though, the initial ruling seemed to mark a turning of the tide back in Rangers' favour - it appeared to take the wind from the sails of the commission and give an out to LNS. (By the way, I've seen it suggested that his title stripping ruling referred to the FTTT verdict - is that true? If so, I suppose there's an argument for Wednesday making a difference, but I remain sure it won't.) I suspect the 2012 verdict did matter in this respect, but it shouldn't really have done.

The point about other players not wanting a medal though, is completely irrelevant and intentionally misleading. My team would have no just claim on the 2008 Cup as Rangers had 'beaten' several sides before meeting us.

The fair thing would be to declare the competitions void during the relevant seasons. That way, it's clear what Rangers did and piles on the disgrace that the club's behaviour deserves.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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So, in other news.

Rangers have posted another multi million pound loss on the journey.

The berz will have a wee hissy fit about the King only being in charge for the last 3 months of that financial year, but he's been in charge for a while now.

In this era of (in Kings words) openness, has he come out and said what he's done to turn it round. Have any, even one, of the erroneous contracts been torn up.

Is this 2.5m they need going to see them break even for year end 2016? What loss is predicted for this season?

Has any other club in the history of Scottish football been so badly run?

If the player bill for last season was 6m who else at the club is on such a wage, to take the total wage bill to 12m for 12 months!

Just let that sink in. Rangers wages were 1m a month!

When is the Agm?

Is that true? Thats quite amazing

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