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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's the elephant in the room ...but only in Scotland,everyone knows it's there but it's not to be discussed. There's a psychoanalytical thing about "Denial of denail" that also leads to DARVO (Deny the abuse, then Attack the victim for attempting to make them accountable for their offense, thereby Reversing Victim and Offender). Watch it all for free in response to this Time article. Hours of fun.

e.g. how long before Time article gets changed to Tim article?

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if green has been talking to dumb and dumber for 5 weeks then why string the american and the bloo nights along.

something is very odd. i know thats nothing new with everything thats going on.

some1 just pull the plug now. my head hurts so much from all this pish

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(Oh, and I'm a Spurs fan with a soft spot for Reading when they're in the Championship. Been lurking here because it's better reading than RM on this entire topic, oddly enough. I fucking hate any club that tries to buy trophies, the tax dodge part of it just makes it even more annoying. Also have a dislike of the OF on the entire "We'll move to the EPL" thing, like f**k they ever will. Automatic assumption that they're bigger than our 'Diddy Clubs' in the Championship.)

Welcome aboard! Yep, that's the old firm way, cheat lie and assume you're more worthy than "diddy" clubs the world over. Out of curiosity, why have you put Thistle as your team?


How can Haudit and Daudit offer two year contracts to players?

This is outrageous, but also quite amusing. I don't think Green understands what he's got himself in to at all... yet.

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How can Haudit and Daudit offer two year contracts to players?

Surely if they're in administration then they can't manage their contract registrations. It should be similar to Dundee a few seasons back where they'd get a player in on trial rather than sign a player as they couldn't handle the registrations. f**k sake, they couldn't even get a lad back they'd loaned out as it involved the registrations.

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e.g. how long before Time article gets changed to Tim article?

Time: something Rangers don't have. Arf.

On a more serious note, I reckon the editors of said magazine are really bricking themselves at the prospect of a Rangers Media-led boycott... dry.gif

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Which makes sense for creditors who are unlikely to have to deal with many debtors going into administration. You get some money back, and you aren't too likely to run into another one of your customers doing the same thing. The problem for Rangers is that this isn't a description of HMRC's position. They're in a very unique position, because they have to deal with pretty much every company which goes into administration, so they have to look at the impact any CVA will have in terms of other companies/clubs future actions.

In England they're hamstrung by the Football Creditors Rule (which they're challenging through the courts), but as far as I understand it that doesn't apply in Scotland. As a lot of people have said, if they allow Rangers to come out via a pennies in the pound CVA, it's going to send a message to other clubs that they could try this too. On the other hand, if they refuse to allow Rangers any leeway it will send a very, very, very strong message to clubs across the country. "You do not f**k with the taxman, and your public status will not save you if we catch you." The return that comes from that action should carry a lot of weight in any decision HMRC makes, and in my mind would heavily outweigh any monetary return of pennies in the pound on the tax bill. You look at the quotes already coming out from Greene and McCoist about spending six or seven million pounds each on three players, can't see that going down well with HMRC either.


HMRC will take a hit on Rangers, because when they go, EVERY professional sports club in the UK will no longer withhold PAYE and VAT monies from the Exchequer, they'll end up recovering the money through that. The soon to be removed 'Football Creditors Rule' and EBT ruling will get footballs finances back in order sharpish.

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How can Haudit and Daudit offer two year contracts to players?

Something isn't quite right with this "administration". I just wish I knew what it was. How can they be offering 2 year contracts to players and why were the players so willing to take pay cuts - don't tell me it was for the good of the club. Perhaps they are getting paid in to offshore accounts ;-)

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It's the elephant in the room ...but only in Scotland,everyone knows it's there but it's not to be discussed. There's a psychoanalytical thing about "Denial of denail" that also leads to DARVO (Deny the abuse, then Attack the victim for attempting to make them accountable for their offense, thereby Reversing Victim and Offender). Watch it all for free in response to this Time article. Hours of fun.

e.g. how long before Time article gets changed to Tim article?

That article and DAVRO applies equally to Celtic and their supporters.

Anyone who dares to criticise Celtic for exploiting sectarianism is immediately branded a bigot.

Celtic in general and Neil Lennon in particular, classic attacker / victim reversal.

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Heard on sportsound on sunday that money from wallace was not due till June or July

That means Green won't try his CVA until that £800K is in with the creditors too then surely?

Given what has already been said about Rangers not having enough maoney to see them through the close season I just cant understand why nobody just puts this repeatedly run over dog out of its misery.

But to go completely against my last point, the longer they wait the less time for Newco bigots 2012 to be in any league in August.

They have around 12 weeks to get a team off the ground and up and running, tick tock.

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I'll be honest, I hope some bigwig executive reads this thread. When this is all said and done, the rights to this entire thread could be sold off and turned into a Hollywood blockbuster. At the very least an epic rock opera on a Broadway stage. I love this thread.

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That article and DAVRO applies equally to Celtic and their supporters.

Anyone who dares to criticise Celtic for exploiting sectarianism is immediately branded a bigot.

Celtic in general and Neil Lennon in particular, classic attacker / victim reversal.

I read that piesce of the article as being about the OF, not one or the other. That's the elephant in the room. They think they're different but it's the same disease.

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Time magazine brands Rangers fans "vile and violent"

"Although Rangers' administrators say that three other bidders have come forward, it's quite possible the team could be liquidated. And it's more than possible that this is a great thing for the game. Rangers and Glasgow Celtic have dominated the Scottish Professional League forever- they were both European powers once- but their bitter, sectarian-based rivalry has helped to undermine them. Their vile and violent fans-Protestants in the case of Rangers; Catholics for Celtic-are everything that's wrong with football. If Rangers were to fold, some of the religious hatred could be drained and perhaps new rivalries might develop in the SPL."

I enjoyed this reponse to the piece on the Time Magazine site - a Rangers fan taking Saporito to task for inaccuracies in the article.

A few clarifications as your article is misguided, untruthful, ill-researched and inflammatory in places:

1) The club is called The Rangers Football Club, not Glasgow Rangers Football Club.

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It's the elephant in the room ...but only in Scotland,everyone knows it's there but it's not to be discussed. There's a psychoanalytical thing about "Denial of denail" that also leads to DARVO (Deny the abuse, then Attack the victim for attempting to make them accountable for their offense, thereby Reversing Victim and Offender). Watch it all for free in response to this Time article. Hours of fun.

To see ourselves as others see us?

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if green has been talking to dumb and dumber for 5 weeks then why string the american and the bloo nights along.

something is very odd. i know thats nothing new with everything thats going on.

some1 just pull the plug now. my head hurts so much from all this pish

This is what puzzled me the most during his "speech" yesterday. Green said that when people asked him why it is that we haven't heard about your interest until now, he replied saying that instead of prancing around in front of the TV camera's, the previously named parties should have been spending their time going through the paperwork.... or words to that effect.

However, when it comes to Bill Miller, he was nowhere to be seen. It was D&P that were firing his name out left, right and centre, not Miller himself. So why were they going on and on and on about Blue Knights, Bill Ng and Bill Miller so much while this other "group" were supposedly having a good look in the background..... dodgy as fuuk.

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Time magazine brands Rangers fans "vile and violent"

"Although Rangers' administrators say that three other bidders have come forward, it's quite possible the team could be liquidated. And it's more than possible that this is a great thing for the game. Rangers and Glasgow Celtic have dominated the Scottish Professional League forever- they were both European powers once- but their bitter, sectarian-based rivalry has helped to undermine them. Their vile and violent fans-Protestants in the case of Rangers; Catholics for Celtic-are everything that's wrong with football. If Rangers were to fold, some of the religious hatred could be drained and perhaps new rivalries might develop in the SPL."


He's spot on with every single word he used.

But to balance things up lets look at how rankers fans reacted to this piece.

1. The title says it all. "Fans fury." So they get angry when someone with no axe to grind and is completely impartial speaks his mind. ie just confirming what he wrote.

2. Surely Mark Dingwall can respond intelligently......

“I think the writer is deranged and wildly out of touch. We are not a sectarian club.”


Mark, you really are a waste of oxygen. dry.gif

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Will Green and his cabal of money men be scrutinised by the SFA to deem whether they are 'fit and proper' to run/own a football club in Scotland?

Of course they will, but Green is such an experienced and clever businessman he won't release the names of the 20 members of his cabal. Perhaps Mister A, Mister B etc will be enough for the fit and proper test. Just like they do in fraud and money laundering trials. That will reduce confusion in the longer term.

By the way as Green goes by the name of Charles, does that mean he answers to the name Chic when in Scotland? :o

How will we tell which is which?

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