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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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i see many Rangers fans celebrating. This might come back to sting you big time. Can you imagine the meeting of the panel that decided on the transfer embargo

"what options are available?"

" expulsion, ban them from the cup and a fine"

"well, we cant expel them can we....what would that do to the game"

"erm...well what if we do something severe enough to look like we are in control"

"something that fits the crime...like a transfer embargo for a season"

"yes...they have been buying players they cant aford, so that makes sense...stop them buying them for a year"

"it hardly makes a difference anyway....none of the clubs have any money to spend, even with the squad they are left with, they would probably finish high up the division. They havent got any money anyway, and in administration they cant buy players....it think this works....Rangers fans will like this....it isnt expulsion after all"

now..cut to today....what would you do if you were the SFA? Expulsion has to be looked at as an option. FIFA/UEFA will be upset with this decision. They need to show strength of character now to show who is in charge. Especially with more to come out relating to Souness dealings, Murray and the tax investigation and the EBT's.

What if Rangers took the Transfer embargo...what was the worst that would happen. Invest available money into the most promising kids. A few original squad members to make up the backbone of the team for a season. Probably finish second. The following season sign a few players, have a batch of the best youngsters in the squad to A) Sell on or B) offer renewed contracts.

Next season should have been a season of them keeping their heads down and focussing on staying alive.

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while rangers havent exactly been a shining light, it isnt the clubs fault that the SFA rulebook, which was re-written only a year ago, is still a fucking shambles

Bit like saying Hitler was a little racist.

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Anyone care to make a bet on which team Lord Glennine supports?

Its that kind of shite that makes me embarrassed to be Scottish.........truly a backward, parochial & bigoted Country mad.gif

ETA: why not ask him which school he went to ?!

Edited by sjc
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Ah FIFA - Blatter.

He's great at dealing with corruption. ;)

It could be remitted to the FIFA External Scrutiny panel (or whatever the heck it's called) that Blatter created... the one with Henry Kissinger, Placido Dominguez :lol:, Johan Cruyff, and Louis Freeh on it!!

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I am sure Lord Carloway will not make too much of a fuss. He was hand picked by people at the SFA and it backfired on them.

Wrong,he didn't hand out the punishment he just found them guilty and the judge today agreed .

We appealed the punishment ya fucking space cadet...If you hadn't noticed the Judge today agreed the punishment was unjust :1eye

Wrong moron, lord Calloway found rangers giulty ,the punishment was the handed out by the 3 man panel , the judge today hasn't overturned the original guily verdict (so to speak) only that the SFA panel where outwidth there powers to hand down a 12 month ban.

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Which your club signed up for and didn't have any problems with.

the problem is that the transfer embargo wasnt in the rules, but because the SFA panel said that expulsion was too harsh they thought up the embargo punishment

it seems thats why the case went rangers way, if rangers were expelled as per the punishments available to the SFA in the rules, the courts would likely have kicked out Rangers appeal, its the fact that the embargo wasnt a punishment available to the SFA

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While rangers are having a jolly at booting the sfas baws and encouraging FIFA and UEFA to come and have a go, what happens when it comes to them appearing at the front doors of hampden looking for their golden membership ticket as a newco. Think there will be a few continental bouncers on the doors telling them to GTF.

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i see many Rangers fans celebrating. This might come back to sting you big time. Can you imagine the meeting of the panel that decided on the transfer embargo

"what options are available?"

" expulsion, ban them from the cup and a fine"

"well, we cant expel them can we....what would that do to the game"

"erm...well what if we do something severe enough to look like we are in control"

"something that fits the crime...like a transfer embargo for a season"

"yes...they have been buying players they cant aford, so that makes sense...stop them buying them for a year"

"it hardly makes a difference anyway....none of the clubs have any money to spend, even with the squad they are left with, they would probably finish high up the division. They havent got any money anyway, and in administration they cant buy players....it think this works....Rangers fans will like this....it isnt expulsion after all"

now..cut to today....what would you do if you were the SFA? Expulsion has to be looked at as an option. FIFA/UEFA will NOT CARE ABOUT this decision. They need to show strength of character now to show who is in charge. Especially with more to come out relating to Souness dealings, Murray and the tax investigation and the EBT's.

What if Rangers took the Transfer embargo...what was the worst that would happen. Invest available money into the most promising kids. A few original squad members to make up the backbone of the team for a season. Probably finish second. The following season sign a few players, have a batch of the best youngsters in the squad to A) Sell on or B) offer renewed contracts.

Next season should have been a season of them keeping their heads down and focussing on staying alive.

fixed. (just like this whole affair)

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Scottish football has become a disgrace and an embarrassment to the world game. Clubs are engaging in multiple debt write offs by entering administration at will and refusing to accept even mild sanctions for their behaviour = and this is before you begin to even think about fans' long term problems with sectarianism.

Throw in an incompetent governing body incapable of even applying it's own rules and you couldn't hold a grudge if they banned us from world football for a few years.

You want to look at the Spanish league...

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FIFA/UEFA will because it sets a dangerous European precedent for clubs to run roughshod over Article 64.

You could have a major club having a Champions League match to court to have the result annulled because there was an offside goal given to some minor club that cost them progression to the next stages and ultimately revenue.

That's the reason why they have the ban on going to civil courts and insist on the COS as being the final arbeiters of disputes, to stop clubs in corrupt countries using civil courts where they have leverage over the judiciary.

FIFA/UEFA cannot act against an individual club, only against an Association. They may try to instruct the SFA to punish Rangers for going to the courts. But, for the SFA, that is another legal minefield. Then, the only thing left for FIFA/UEFA is to try to exclude Scottish football from international competitions.

My guess is that FIFA/UEFA will do nothing. Every time they have tried to go up against EU law they have lost and with serious consequences (e.g. Bosman). The SFA will get a bollocking for having screwed this one up by imposing sanctions that were not provided for in their rule book and FIFA/UEFA will quietly hope that the problem goes away on its own.

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Hopefully this will fresh in the minds of the SPL Chairmen tomorrow, when they meet to discuss the proposed sanctions.

They must realise that Rangers are dragging the name of all of Scottish football through the mud.

They have a chance to stand up and the bully and deal with this mess.

I know what I want them to do, but even after today I fear what they will do tomorrow.

It won't achieve anything. The SPL chairmen will be more than willing to bend over and take it up the arse from Rangers so long as they get their money. They're shitting themselves in that they, and their predecessors, have bought into the SPL bubble and that they're faced with losing one half of the attraction. Downsizing might actually mean they have to work to draw in crowds. The SPL chairmen have no interest in any fans whatsoever, or what shame Rangers bring upon Scottish football. They just want money. Its their sole motivation.

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This could get messy for the SFA, remember FC Sion? FIFA demanded the Swiss FA take action for bringing it up in a civil court or face suspension. FIFA hate it when clubs involve the civil courts.

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Three observations on this:

[1] people are saying "well if you can't embargo, then expel them"; but that's hampered by the original judicial panel having said expulsion was too severe a punishment for the offence... I'd suggest it's difficult for them to say "no sorry we were kidding", as it'd leave them open to accusations (and re-appeals) that they were expelling them to cover-up their incompetence or hit them for going to court

[2] if as is being suggested, the embargo punishment was not allowed for under SFA's own rules, that's a major boo-boo considering they were rewritten by lawyers only 1yr ago

[3] if as is being suggested the rules didn't sufficiently establish the right of appeal to CAS, then Rangers can't really be done for going to court... where were they supposed to go?

Quite an embarrassing outcome, potentially.

I take your points Hibbee, but I do see options with a basis for rational argument that leaves Rangers completely open to far greater punishment and/or the embargo remaining in place, be interested to know your thoughts on this too.....

The first is as per my last post, the SFA simply refuse to acknowledge the COS findings and any jurisdiction in this matter, stating their articles of association expressly forbid any member club taking them to court etc etc, and referring the matter to UEFA and FIFA to deal with this. If the SFA are told to deal with it in-house, then they already know what they have to do in order to avoid sanctions against Scottish football as a whole citing Sion as a precedent and all member clubs in Scotland will come out in support of the SFA on this one so no one club gets saddled with the blame, it becomes a collective decision that involves every senior club including the national team. The road has been mapped out for them and its almost impossible to see how the SFA can shirk a decision if on one hand they have the COS saying review the original decisions using the sanctions available and on the other a clear indicator of how UEFA and FIFA will view the situation if it is swept under the carpet. A cup ban would be viewed as weak by UEAF and FIFA as it represents only 6 games maximum in terms of the Scottish Cup teams entering in Round 3.

The second is it follows that if they have to deal with this in house they can use the following argument to increase any punishment to expulsion or suspension. Two SFA panels have said the original decision is correct in their eyes, so reviewing punishment based on the sanctions available includes reviewing the entire decision making process, including whether expulsion really is too severe a punishment. You can't be asked to look at something wholesale and only change the little bits, so as far as I see it, the whole thing is up for review - including any statements about certain sanctions being too severe. In whose opinion? Who would validate it? The COS, UEFA, FIFA? That's the key factor in all of this.

Looking forward to the fireworks and an SFA statement by this evening, they will have considered both outcomes from today and will have been prepared to move quickly otherwise they lose even more face. Starting to really enjoy this again at the moment, could be that a lot of organisations are going to get a bit of comeuppance shortly tongue.gif

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5.1 All members shall:


© recognise and submit to the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport as specified in the relevant provisions of the FIFA Statutes and the UEFA Statutes;<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">


so if i understand this correctly, then rankers didn't need the sfa's permission to got to the CAS ??unsure.gif

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It won't achieve anything. The SPL chairmen will be more than willing to bend over and take it up the arse from Rangers so long as they get their money. They're shitting themselves in that they, and their predecessors, have bought into the SPL bubble and that they're faced with losing one half of the attraction. Downsizing might actually mean they have to work to draw in crowds. The SPL chairmen have no interest in any fans whatsoever, or what shame Rangers bring upon Scottish football. They just want money. Its their sole motivation.

I'm sure they'd have something to say about ALL Scottish clubs being barred from European competitions......not to mention the National team.

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