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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do you think the SFA will go away with their tales between their legs with this? NO CHANCE. Any backdown from the SFA on this will be seen as a sign of weakeness and sends out signals to ALL clubs that if you have a greavance with the SFA, just byepass them and go to the COS. The SFA willnot and cannot sit back on this matter. If they do, it's the end of civil order in Scottish Football.

Not necessarily. There's a pretty unusual set of circumstances here - namely, the fact that the SFA's independent panel (in the court's opinion) was acting outwith its allowed jurisdiction, AND the rules appear to deny the opportunity for anyone being punished by the SFA to seek redress outside of SFA owing to the clause wording. There won't be many scenarios where the 2 coincide. Infact the rules might now be amended, too.

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you dont care that your club has done a lot wrong

you dont care that you have inflicted great harm on the scottish game, you revel in it.

you enjoy success even though you know its built on cheating

would you agree with these three points?

You don't care your club Glorifies Murderers.

You don't care that you club covered up serious child abuse.

You don't care that your support spits on the graves of British Soldiers on an annual basis and you club do nothing.

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Read them as you will...mock them...

I fully expect (you all) to.

All I've said is the truth.

I'm not surprised you all react so to what I've said for many the truth is not what you want to hear.

Sometimes you can only mock it.

I won't apologise for that.

To reaffirm:

Rangers aren't in trouble with FIFA....the SFA are.

Rangers will not get a suspension or explusion lol.

A CVA will be agreed.

No SPL sanctions will even be required to be voted on, far less implemented.

Rangers fans will boycott some clubs.

1 maybe 2 SPL clubs (not Rangers) will go into admin next year.

This will all happen. I'm not mystic Meg. Just reasonably intelligent and informed.

As such....all your moaning for sanctions and punishment will have achieved is killing the next club.

Which could be yours.

Food for thought eh?

Good Night People.

Terrific. Can you make sure your vile bigot pals don't contaminate Victoria Park next year with your hateful pish? Cheers lad.

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You don't care your club Glorifies Murderers.

You don't care that you club covered up serious child abuse.

You don't care that your support spits on the graves of British Soldiers on an annual basis and you club do nothing.

Even by old firm fan standards that's some pretty over the top deflection.

Maybe if OF fans stopped brushing off any criticism with "but they're worse" and had a look at themself they'd have a chance of moving into the 20th century, or maybe even the 21st.

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Read them as you will...mock them...

I fully expect (you all) to. (insightful)

All I've said is the truth. (without admitting your own teams lies and cheating)

I'm not surprised you all react so to what I've said for many the truth is not what you want to hear. (yes it is, starting with the truth about dual contracts)

Sometimes you can only mock it. (starting to....)

I won't apologise for that. (why start now, haven't apologised for anything else so far)

To reaffirm:

Rangers aren't in trouble with FIFA....the SFA are. (The SFA may well be IF they don't deal with Rangers, the two are intrinsically linked)

Rangers will not get a suspension or explusion lol. (fantasy)

A CVA will be agreed. (delusion)

No SPL sanctions will even be required to be voted on, far less implemented. (denial)

Rangers fans will boycott some clubs. (blessing)

1 maybe 2 SPL clubs (not Rangers) will go into admin next year. (unlikely)

This will all happen. I'm not mystic Meg. Just reasonably intelligent and informed. (doubtful)

As such....all your moaning for sanctions and punishment will have achieved is killing the next club. (deserved if they do what you've done)

Which could be yours. (possible)

Food for thought eh? (worth it if you go first)

Good Night People. (better tomorrow)

Fixed it again

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It's actually fantastic news for Rangers today, in one fell swoop they signed Gattuso, destroyed the SFA, killed Scottish football dead, and paved the way for the club to join the English Premier League. And all this while clearing their debts and retaining the club's storied history.


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It's actually fantastic news for Rangers today, in one fell swoop they signed Gattuso, destroyed the SFA, killed Scottish football dead, and paved the way for the club to join the English Premier League. And all this while clearing their debts and retaining the club's storied history.



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It's actually fantastic news for Rangers today, in one fell swoop they signed Gattuso, destroyed the SFA, killed Scottish football dead, and paved the way for the club to join the English Premier League. And all this while clearing their debts and retaining the club's storied history.


All that was missing was a BOOM!

later this week I guess..

Tick, Tock..

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You don't care your club Glorifies Murderers.

You don't care that you club covered up serious child abuse.

You don't care that your support spits on the graves of British Soldiers on an annual basis and you club do nothing.

Ya just couldna help yourself there couldn't ya.

Ya was OKish but annoying and ya lost the plot totally there.

Celtic fan here yes but I'm not one of the above you mention ya bigot.

You took that too far and gonnae no dae that !

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Time for the fans to focus their ire on Auntie for the obvious mhedia bhias


That's almost the same as toeing Billy Dodds right in the baws.

No golf holidays for him next year if the campaign bites!

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If you hadn't been hiding for the last couple of hundred pages you would know that all of the fans of other teams have been crunching the numbers on how Rangers impacts their clubs finances.

Most of them have concluded that the argument that Rangers are such an economic boon to the game tht they need to be kpt in at all costs is bollocks. With the current split the TV money is not enough to be critical to Celtic at the top and not enough to outweigh the possibility of better things when the tiny shares get allocated at the bottom.

In particular, if Rangers somehow stays in the SPL nobody is quaking in their boots at the thought of your away support not showing up in righteous wrath. There are good arguments that attendance at Old Firm in attendence home games is artificially depressed by the combination of unpleasant behavior and frequent TV showings.

Nothing your lot can say or do will hurt fans of the other clubs. What may hurt them if you stay is apathy and disgust at being part of a rigged game, but naught to do with the fearsome hordes of ever loyal, who struggled to keep pace with a Rugby League club when asked to put money in their pocket for the fighting fund.

BTW the hope of you (or, to be fair, us) leaving for any other league died in Manchester, but this train wreck will make sure nobody in Europe ever thinks about Rangers without laughing. You'll die or survive, but either way it will be in Scotland.

Pleased to see that the thread is getting the point across that some Diddy Clubs are set up to survive. Others will struggle more if we are to believe previous utterances of some chairmen.

Biggest damage will get caused by the SFA/SPL backing down completely.

Edited by chico
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Ya just couldna help yourself there couldn't ya.

Ya was OKish but annoying and ya lost the plot totally there.

Celtic fan here yes but I'm not one of the above you mention ya bigot.

I was laughing at the Billy McNeill thread on Follow Follow...You'll remember auld Billy 'it was an open secret' McNeill...Well a few of the posters mentioned celtic fans would call you a bigot if you bring these things up. I was laughing as i thought it was such a ridiculous claim but there you go and prove their point dafty.

Absolutely nothing bigoted there dafty. In fact a few celtic posters have mentioned Torbett was a Protestant. Just for the record what part of the post is not true?

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It's actually fantastic news for Rangers today, in one fell swoop they signed Gattuso, destroyed the SFA, killed Scottish football dead, and paved the way for the club to join the English Premier League. And all this while clearing their debts and retaining the club's storied history.


And all this to come about on the 12th of July :D

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I was laughing at the Billy McNeill thread on Follow Follow...You'll remember auld Billy 'it was an open secret' McNeill...Well a few of the posters mentioned celtic fans would call you a bigot if you bring these things up. I was laughing as i thought it was such a ridiculous claim but there you go and prove their point dafty.

Absolutely nothing bigoted there dafty. In fact a few celtic posters have mentioned Torbett was a Protestant. Just for the record what part of the post is not true?

So what's your point TROLL ?.

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1338339150[/url]' post='6286076']

? that there is an element of undesirables in both camps spouting pish just to get a response that's jack shit to do with football !.

Are you one of these people ?.

Not worth engaging No.8 when he is in this mode. He'd much rather use the standard points to deflect discussion than actually talk about the topic of this thread.

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You know you are in trouble when even Bill Leckie lays into you ......


There was a time when the SFA got stick for dragging their feet when it came to big decisions. Remember when wee Berti Vogts was making us a laughing stock and somehow it took them nine months after a 4-0 humping in Cardiff to bin him?

It was this kind of shilly-shallying that finally brought about an end to the old-school committee system and saw Regan airlifted in to modernise the whole shooting match.

His vow was that from that day on, they WOULD make the decisions that had to be made. And he’s been as good as his word.

Only trouble is, it seems they’re now making decisions SO fast they don’t think them through long enough to make them stick. They took on the referees, forced them into a strike and are now losing good men hand over fist. They took on Celtic over Lennon and the late McBride nutmegged them with a beach-ball in a phone box.

The Parkhead lawyer left them without a name, declaring that their bid to ban Lennon for eight games was a non-starter because “anyone who can read could see what the rules were”.

He told the Hampden mandarins to “grow up and start acting responsibly” and labelled them “institutionally dysfunctional”.

His words rings as true today as they did last April.

Because now they’ve taken on Rangers. And it’s cringe-makingly obvious that they didn’t brief the independent panel appointed to investigate the Whyte fiasco on what sanctions they could impose.

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Oddbins offered HMRC 21 pence in the pound. The maximum rangers are offering is what 9p.

They will reject the CVA. I dont even see what ticketus would gain from accepting this. I dont even

know or understand why it took so long for D&P to come up with this CVA document unless

it was trying to get something binding with green on when they would release funds.

What I cant understand is the majority of rangers fans seem to think the CVA will

be accepted mental.

"Creditors at yesterday’s meeting to consider the CVA option, which Oddbins and its advisers, Deloitte, suggested could return 21 pence in the pound over 46 months, were bemused by HMRC’s intransigence."

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